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@all Good Afternoon!!!
@OnlyPritesh fir se dlete kar dia
maine nhi padha
@Aadil nothing
@OnlyPritesh haa
@OnlyPritesh mai wahi soch rahi thi kiska msg hai
@virendra how are you doing?
@brush51 good....what about you
@virendra, ho gaya issue solve tera latitude aur longitude ka?
@virendra i am fine, thank you.
@RRB aaeee
someone here know how to sort a a section differently then other sections? i am populating my tableview with nsfetchedresultscontroller
@IphoneDeveloper hi
@RRB hi
@IphoneDeveloper @RRB @Risma programm not installed on the iPhone, unknown error Code 0xE8000001?
@brush51 so what kind of project you are working on..
@virendra business project. i am getting an xml from server and have to handle that input. always with webserver communication. i am working within the last steps, next days i will try to submit it. and you?
@brush51 ok great......i am working on multiple language support citizen assistance app....my aap is also in final stage some .......... final touch up going on...
@Tornado nops
@virendra is it your first app?
@brush51 no....this is my second application
@brush51 first was some calculation appp
@DimplePanchal hi
@DimplePanchal 0xE8003FFE Error?
@virendra what was your first app? something similar with multilanguage
@DimplePanchal any idea?
@virendra ah ok. can i see it in app store?
@iDroid for what?
@brush51 that is not yet in app store.....struggling with apple developer certificate.....
@DimplePanchal Error 0xE8003FFE while installing IPA file on device
@virendra 99 dollars :)
@iDroid sorry no idea
@virendra until monday afternoon, there was problems to getting certificates from apple.
@brush51 yah......applied 40 days back ........ still waiting for certificates
@virendra reaallllly? so long? there is something wrong i think. very bad to wait 40 days.
@brush51 ok....now i think very soon get the certificate
@brush51 yah
@virendra i hope so
@brush51 yah...... how many you have in app store
@virendra LOL. nothing in app store.
@brush51 okkk
@virendra but i hope and pray that i have one in appstore until end of this month.
@virendra dude, do you know how to sort in a section X differently then in other sections?
@brush51 yah......me too ........
@brush51 no...i don't know ....... but i want to know
@virendra ok
@Terminator: aaeen
@Terminator hiiii........where u been for such long time
@Terminator hii
@virendra I was in peace.
@PiyushPatel Hello
@Terminator ok......great ......
@Terminator hello moti ji... good afternoon
@Terminator lol
@Prem Hello
@Terminator hello
posted on March 14, 2012 by hnic

this is a quick tutorial showing you how to link to SMS in your [...]

@brush51 Hi
@Leena, hi good afternoon
hi @RRB gud afternun
@Terminator i got this type of error. when i try to insert data to sqlite
Errordb: ÉÆ’]√UâÂ]ÈOVˇˇUâÂÉÏË
@DimplePanchal hi
@Leena, ho gaya khana?
@Terminator did you have any idea abut that.
@moorthy That is error given by compiler?
i dnt take lunch @RRB
ye kon si language he
@Terminator i am sorry for yesterday. i have give you wrong information. deletion of all records on ipad 1 takes 500ms. parsing of xml takes veeeery long. there is another error, maybe allocation mistake.
@BlackPearl hello
Can you help me to solve a problem with CABasicAnimation?
@BlackPearl what is that?
@Leena, kal maine tuzhe hi facebook request send kiya tha na?
@brush51 Half a second is fine, i guess.
mujhe yad nahi hai @RRB mujhe request aati hai main directly accpt kar leti hun
@Terminator how can i solve that
@brush51 How big is the xml? Does it have a lot of tags to parse?
@Leena, ok... ur name is Leena Takani right?
its Tekani @RRB
@DimplePanchal I have a view with a scrollview containing another view. When clicking a button on this view another view will add as subview with animation. But the CABasicAnimation flips 2 times.
@Terminator i called that method like this
if ([elementName isEqualToString:contetnts]) {
self.xcontetnts =[[NSString alloc] initWithString: currentString];
[interplayDB writePlaylist];
// NSLog(@"self.xcontetnts %@",xcontetnts);
@Terminator about 50.000 lines, approximately 4mb
hummmm so kal tune hi mera request accept liya hai
@Terminator but last week it doesnt take so long with same xml
@brush51 50k lines? Was the xml same last week too?
@moorthy Sorry - I dunno.
@DimplePanchal Subview of Scrollview is scaled using transform property, when I removes that code, animation works perfectly. What may the error? layerOpacityAnimation_ =
[[CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"opacity"] retain];
layerOpacityAnimation_.duration = kAnimationTranslationDuration + 0.2;
layerOpacityAnimation_.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.7f];
layerOpacityAnimation_.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0f];
[view.layer addAnimation:layerOpacityAnimation_
@Terminator its ok
[view.layer addAnimation:layerTranslationAnimation_ forKey:@"animateLayer"];
@Leena sagar ko pahnchan ti ho?
@DimplePanchal hi
@BlackPearl that is to fade in ?
surname @PiyushPatel
@Terminator yes
sagar gujarati
@DimplePanchal No. It is to animate the movement of view in y direction.
@BlackPearl then u opacity is used?
yes @PiyushPatel i know him
wo mere classmate tha @Leena
@DimplePanchal Sorry. You are correct.
ok @PiyushPatel
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1.5f];
[UIView setAnimationDelegate:self];
vwCover.transform =
self.view.frame.size.height + (vwCover.frame.size.height/2) // move the whole view offscreen
[UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector :@selector(animationDidStop:finished :context:)];
vwCover.alpha = 0; // also fade to transparent
[UIView commitAnimations];
@DimplePanchal Ok.
thank you
@terminator see my instruments picture.
@DimplePanchal @BlackPearl Just FYI, switch to blockbase code
@Reefaq for animation?
@DimplePanchal yes instead of [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; use [UIView animateWithDuration:<#(NSTimeInterval)#> animations:<#^(void)animations#>]
@Reefaq can we set properties as we are using in simple animation?
@DimplePanchal like view.layer.transform .. yes
@brush51 I see. Did you try to check those leaks and remove them?
@DimplePanchal here it is developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/… .. search for "Animating Views with Blocks"
@Terminator i dont know how to find them, insturments dont tell me exactly which is leaking. normally in the right place(stack trace) is a black user icon where insturments point the leaking object, but there is no one.
@brush51 First select leaks in the instruments section. In the screenshot, allocation seems to have been selected.
At top left you can see Instruments having Allocations and Leaks under it.
@Reefaq thanks :) I ll look at it when I get time :)
@Terminator hello
@DimplePanchal :)
@IphoneDeveloper Hi
@Terminator can you help me?
@IphoneDeveloper @Terminator holooo
@Abhishek hi
@terminator it doesnt point exactly to the leaked object.
@brush51 In the extended detail section, if you can see something that is selectable and takes you to the relevant code...
@brush51 go for Call Tree and check for Show Obj-c only
@Bala its disabled
@IphoneDeveloper katti
@Abhishek ab kya hua
@hello all
@IphoneDeveloper joking yar
@Abhishek oh
@brush51 there you can select Call tree
@IphoneDeveloper are mac linker error kya hoti he and kese solve karna padti he ese
@Abhishek nahi pata
@brush51 try that and hide System libraries too
@Bala aah ok, now it is enabled. i have two objects there. if i hide system librarys, there is nothing to see.
that will show you the exact leaks of your code
@IphoneDeveloper @brush51
@Rehan yes?
@brush i want hide tab bar in animate way
@hi all
@Rehan i would use an animation with changed the position of that element
@brush51 not hide animate ?
any one with SaaS architecture idea
@Rehan ah ok sorry, for hiding use uiviewanimation too
@brush51 I dont know exactly ., then try without hiding system Libraries ,. check what you can do alternately for that code without leak
@Bala @terminator is that ok, if i use instruments, instruments is counting up the timer and my app is hanging on loadingscreen with animated activityview?
@brush51 The app does hang if you run it with instruments.
@Terminator yes
@Terminator thats a normal case?
@brush51 Yes it is Okay. It shows you a lot of things and does several other tasks, that's why.
@Terminator ok, good to know, i have always thought that i have more issues
@Terminator mam kya kar rahi ho aap
@brush51 developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2010/?id=311 this might be helpful
@Abhishek Kaam
@Bala @terminator i think there is big issue with that. i am fetching entity while parsing xml, if i delete that fetch the app works very very fast
@Terminator humko bhi do kuch kaam karne ko
@Bala thank you i will have a look at that.
@brush51 While you parse the xml and insert in core data, at the same time you fetch from core data?
you should not do any allocations in DidlaunchApplication in appdelegaete.m file until it is necessary @brush51
@Terminator yes ^_^, i will correct that, thats very stupid to do it that way. you see what happens if it is not enough time to develop an app
@Terminator kuchh to dedo
@Abhishek Not possible.
@Terminator ohk
@terminator @Bala ok, now app login is very fast (before it takes up to 4 minutes, now less then a minute), thank you. another question: my progressview is not coming to 100% but in console it logs that the progressvalue is 1.00000.
@Terminator hi can u tell me nstimer works in background
@brush51 value of progress is 1.0? How much gap it leaves?
@ios No, Dunno
@Terminator sometimes it looks like it leaves 25%, sometimes 45-50% and sometimes 70-80%. very different
@brush51 The calculation must be wrong.
@Terminator pastebin doesnt work today?
@brush51 It is working for me.
@Terminator for new pastes, it doesnt work. login also not work. i am getting the picture with the cat on a laptop

double progress = (double)[receivedData length] / (double)lengthOfXMLContent;

NSLog(@"------------------------------------------: %i", [receivedData length]);
NSLog(@"------------------------------------------: %d", lengthOfXMLContent);
NSLog(@"------------------------------------------: %f \n\n", progress);
NSLog(@"progressview: %f", loginController.xmlDownloadProgressView.progress);

loginController.xmlDownloadProgressView.progress = progress;
@Terminator hello
@Abhishek sub ko kaam karne do
@ios Is your widget work done?
@Terminator how run a timer/thread in background/
"EmailId":"[email protected]",
@dark Hi
@terminator and thats in console:
2012-03-14 11:20:41.864 PRO[4405:10a03] -[ AppDelegate connection:didReceiveData:]
2012-03-14 11:20:41.881 PRO[4405:10a03] ------------------------------------------: 1086348
2012-03-14 11:20:41.881 PRO[4405:10a03] ------------------------------------------: 1086348
2012-03-14 11:20:41.881 PRO[4405:10a03] -------------------------------------------------------------
2012-03-14 11:20:41.881 PRO[4405:10a03] ------------------------------------------: 1.000000
@ThinkDifferent u never tell how make a widget. can u tell me?
i just need to do a Json like this ., how can i do that
"EmailId":"[email protected]",
NSString *jSonString = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@ios I am also working on same but on both Android and iOS.
i used that way
so u tell how work for that?@ThinkDifferent
@brush51 That looks fine. Is it again updating the progress view after progress value reaches 1.0?
@Terminator @dark can you help me to change an NSObject to Json format like that i have posted above
@Terminator what;s going on ?
@Terminator no. if in console the value is on 1.00000, the progressview itself is on 50% or something else,very different
@Bala use JSON KIT or SBJOSN class and convert your JSON to dictionary it will give you your desire output
I think JSon Kit is for iOS 5 .,@dark
@Bala JSONRepresentation do it with it
@ios I am making scrollable widget in Android then Start with iOS, I'd made some but forget completely.
@Bala You want to create JSON or want foundation object from an existing JSON String?
@ThinkDifferent i have no ide of that so please guide me for that
Both ., i need to convert a NSObject to Json first and then i have to convert that Json to NSObject again @Terminator
@Bala Which JSON parser you are using?
NSArray *keys = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"username",@"password", nil];

NSArray *objects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:usernameField.text,passwordField.text, nil];

NSMutableDictionary *bodyDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:objects forKeys:keys];

NSString *bodyString = [bodyDictionary JSONRepresentation];
No., i dint use any JSON parsers @Terminator
@Bala If you are targeting iOS 5.0 and later, you can use NSJSONSerialization or else make use of JSONKit
@ThinkDifferent thank you., Let me try that
Okay ., @Terminator :)
@brush51 If it's assigned value of 1.0 or higher, it should show correct display. I think even after all data is received, that method probably again gets called (immediately) which calculates the new value to something else and hence progress view displays immediately this new value?
@Terminator or maybe another thread blocks that. i will try something with performSelectorInBackground, i will tell you if it works or not.
@OnlyPritesh ok
@Bala my pleasure.
@Bala i don't think so , then use SBJSON then
@dark Thanks ., Just now i saw that
@Bala ok good
@brush51 UI update on non-main thread ?
i cant difference which one is main and which one is not. but with
[self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(loadingProgress:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:progress]];
it works correctly now @terminator
@ThinkDifferent Thank You ., That works very fine .,
@Reefaq can u help me with animation?
@DimplePanchal yes at some height !
@Reefaq I want to animation like in mail app while deleting mails
@Reefaq do u have any idea?
@DimplePanchal that shinking and going in bin ?
@Reefaq yup
is any one knowing the process of uploading the application with inapp purchase
@DimplePanchal nope no idea but will find out and let you know once done !
@Reefaq I have used somewhat similar to that with view based animatoin.. I want to do that in block based..
@Reefaq okay np
i had uploaded the application and its live but in app doesn't seems to work
@DimplePanchal how can i separate position like this to 685,360,1024,480
@moorthy u want array?
@DimplePanchal @Reefaq I have a tableview and populating the values using core data.I have a search bar to seacrh in a table view.But i m doing that i m getting this issue.'Can't use in/contains operator with collection <Contacts: 0x9180ce0> Any idea about this??
@RA no idea about coredata :( Sorry
@DimplePanchal i have a single string like this 685,360,1024,480
@DimplePanchal it's ok.Thank u
@moorthy okay
@DimplePanchal i want to separate like this
@moorthy u can get an array from that
@RA what had you written to fire your search text ?
@DimplePanchal how is will be single string i get it from this xml tag
how can i make that as a array ?
componentsSeparatedByString use this @moorthy
@Reefaq NSPredicate *resultPredicate = [NSPredicate
predicateWithFormat:@"SELF contains[cd] %@",

self.searchResults = [contactAppDelegate.fetchedContacts filteredArrayUsingPredicate:resultPredicate];
@Reefaq I have seen this from some tutorial.I m new to search bar
How i release UIViewController in iOS 5?
@Bala Welcome.
@RA and your entity is Contacts right ??
@KartikArora ya say
@Reefaq Ya ofcourse
@DimplePanchal is ur lib. made ??
@KartikArora nop y?
@DimplePanchal @KartikArora thank you mates
@moorthy wc..
@DimplePanchal Do you know anyone who know Android?
@moorthy wc.
@DimplePanchal emaj.. P
@ThinkDifferent heere in my company there is a dept for android
@RA then try out specifying attribute name which you need to match .. something like "name contains[cd] %@"
Hi,Good evening everyone.
Good Evening :)
@Reefaq Lemme try that:)
@RA are you following MugunthKumar Blog
dimple hi
@dada hie
@Prasanna Hi.
@Reefaq Which blog i didnt see that
@Reefaq -[Contacts isEqualToString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6d57510'
@Reefaq I m getting this issue now
dimple in this line UIBarButtonItem *addButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"favorites_remove_30.png"] style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:self action:@selector(Edit:)];
[self.navigationItem setLeftBarButtonItem:addButton];
NSError *error;
it is giving error as potential leak in object stored in addbutton
not error when i try to analyse it then is saying like dat
how can i remove dat warning
@dada add line [addButton release];
@dada u are using alloc so u need to release that
@ThinkDifferent How can we save our videos into icloud.
@all how can i sort in a section, differently then in other sections, someone knowledge about that?
i dnt think u need to release it @RRB as i had downloaded one sample code which was ARC based and in that i hunt seen single object released even if it was allocated twice or thrice time
@Reefaq I will try that.Anyway thank you so much for the link yar
@brush51 you can tack diff. array for the particular that section . so sort your array which you want others not/
yeah its working thanks
@Leena, can u give me that sample ode link?>>>
@0x8badf00d hi
@PiyushPatel Hello
@dada welcome
@dada use @ before the name to send notification to the person that u are addressing him..
@Leena, ok, thanks.. :)
@dimple another doubt i had declared int count =0; and in if loop i am reassign it as count=1;
@RRB thts ok :)
@dimple here it is saying dead store
@dada where have u declared?
@RA Just for info. are you following this link ygamretuta.me/2011/08/10/…
@dimple in cell for row index path
@dimple int count = 0;
if(self.editing && indexPath.row != 0 )
count = 1;

if(indexPath.row == ([mFavoritesNamesArray count]) && self.editing){
cell.textLabel.text = @"";
return cell;
@dada where r u using that
@Reefaq Exactly this link i followed
@dada its bcoz u are just assigning value and not using it any where
@KartikArora how can i do sort for that particular section? i am using a sortdescriptor for array.
@dimple yes but when i delete count=1; and try delete rows it is giving error
@brush51 which database u use core data or sql?
@KartikArora coredata
@dada i dont see any significance of count in ur code
@brush51 :( i dnt knw abt core data methods:( sorry.
@dimple ok it will create any problem when i try to submit my app to app store
@dada no not at all
@brush51 do you use NSSet in your core data ??
@dimple ok
@RA cool .. :) in reference to their code that will work for their case coz they have NSString object in their array wherein in your case you have a Entity/Class object in your array so matching SELF with searchtext (which is NSString obj) will not work obviously :) hope its clear now
@dimple thanks for help
@dada wc
@Bala you mean before i save data to coredata?
Yes @brush51
@Reefaq So what i have to do to matching my entity to search and getting a result
@IphoneDeveloper @Terminator hello
just paste your code @RA is good in it !! he will help you @brush51
how to overwrite a txt file that is located in Document Directory!?@DimplePanchal @KartikArora @anonymous @Reefaq
@Bala iam populating my tableview with nsfetchedresultscontroller. @RA want to sort alphabetically in section with title "XYZ"
@Bala no use of nsset
@brush51 Okay :)
@RA something like NSPredicate *resultPredicate = [NSPredicate
predicateWithFormat:@"SELF.name contains[cd] %@",
@RA note: i had changed SELF to SELF.name wherein the name is the attribute of your entity
@Reefaq I checked it ya.Still i m getting that same error [Contacts isEqualToString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x8993a70
@Bala you want to change text and add text in allready exited file?
i want the new text to be added to the existing text in that text File!!@KartikArora
@brush51 NSFetchResultsController will return an array i hope.Better sort that array using NSSortDescriptor with title "XYZ", before populating your table view
@RA can u paste your code in pastebin or gist something
@KartikArora NSString *filePath = [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"ContactsText.txt"];
NSString *content = [contactObject proxyForJson];
[content writeToFile:filePath
@Bala for that you have to copy your text filke in to the document directory and then you can add text
I have followed the below link for saving and retrieving photos in icloud.touch-code-magazine.com/…
But how can i do that for videos?
@Bala ohk so whats the issue in this?
@Bala sorry no idea :)
can any one suggest me
Is there an app for stack overflow?

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