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01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 18:00

ohhh Sleeping mode :)
@Terminator there??
@dark from the example i've shown earlier isn't there any way to completely remove tab bar on logout??
@TechnocraT I have done this thing in one app what i can do is that in appDelgate I have added login view as in a navigationController
@TechnocraT after user gets login i'll create tabBar programitically and add controller in a navigation controller then add these controllers in an array and assign that array to tabBar
@TechnocraT on logout i'll just write self.NavigationViewController.parentViewController popToViewController:[controller objectAtIndex:0]; some thing like that
and it works fine
@dark well that way i 'll have to completely redo the application. i just want to remove the tabbar created completely on clicking the button and redirect to login hence follow the cycle..
@TechnocraT but i think that is the easiest way to implement that ,i didn't exactly understand your code that you paste here is why you are realease tab bar and other controllers
Hi. Im having a problem with UIScrollView and its subviews in iOS5.

I want the subview to be another view controller. But it is not displaying. The scrollview is blank. Any ideas?
@Rupert do u want a view as the subview of Scroll view?
Yes thats correct. I have set up the code but when running the scrollview appears to be empty
@Rupert did u add ur view as subview [scrollview addsubview:yourView]; ???
Yep. All the subviews, created the scrollview height/width and set the delegate for the View (the one to be shown inside the UIScrollview) but got nothing
@dark how to transforme view like "p" to "b"
@Rupert can u show ur code?
@ishhhh I have a question which may shed some more light.
hey guys
@Rupert u have made the scroll view throuw code or in story board?
@ishhhh The scrollview is on QuestionnaireViewController. The view i want to display into this scrollview is ScrollViewController
@BobjC rotate that label to 270 degree
@Rupert ohh. i dont know much about storyboard. i always create scroillview using code and then add the view subview of scrollview.
hi how to display popupview from button click pleae
@AMH u mean alert view
@ishhhh Would it be better to create the scrollView in the code?
I want the contents of my scrollview to be an array of viewcontrollers. Is this all possible?
is the position static then setting through code is better
Any one knew cocoa applications
@dark i dont want to rotate
@Terminator how to transforme view like "p" to "b"
hey guys anybody worked on twitter?
posted on March 08, 2012 by Umut M.

Advertise here with BSA Icon Fonts (or pictograms) are available for a very long time but the ones that are specifically designed for web apps are appearing lately. They are so flexible and fun to use considering each icon can be resized, colored, rotated and styled very easily. No need to hack them in our image editing apps but [...]

@BobjC CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(270));
@dark i dont want to rotate
@dark i want to rotate it by x axis
@BobjC hmm let me think
@Abhi yes
@Lion can you see this
@Abhi Raj has given you the answer.
@Lion Link is not opening for me :(
@Lion ok mate let me try now
Any one know about the cocoa applications
@Lion ask @Abizern he may help you in this regard
Hi Goodevening everyone
can anyone help me with icloud data saving and retrieving
i mean any useful links regarding icloud data saving and retrieving..
hi everybody! does somebody know how to realize unlock sliding button?
arey cocoa ke liye koi live chat room hai kya.
posted on March 08, 2012 by marie

For those readers who are often faced with the issue of having to configure a large number of iOS devices, this is going to be great news! Apple today released a new free Mac App called Configurator which simply speaking allows you to administer many iOS devices at a time like in a school or business  setting, or if [...]

@user1131410 Forget Wenderlich - read a real explanation developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/General/…
@MonishKumar Hello
@Abizern: I am having a scrollview to which I am making a content view as subview.I set the background image for content view.My prb is when the contentsize of the contentview increase and when I scroll up the background image repeats again.Can u give me an idea how to resolve it?
sorry - dunno.
Hmm Okay
@IphoneDeveloper: can u help me?
@abizern hello, how are you?
hello @dark
@brush51 hello
@dark How are You ??
@Bala am fantastic you tell ?
Bahuth achchaa
good tell what's going on?
CIFilter ., core Images ..,
do CIVignette dont have doc yet ??
@Abizern where can i get doc for CIVignette ?? @dark @Terminator @IphoneDeveloper
@Bala don't know :)
@dark Okay :)
@all ok its time to leave office now see you all tomorrow
@dark bye
@AJPatel hello, have you knowledge with coreData?
@brush51 nope i use sqlite opn. :(
i have to start but have no time for it... :(
@AJPatel i want also start with things but no time.
@AJPatel where are you from?
@brush51 m from india n you ?
@AJPatel i am turkish, working in germany
hello t5 :)
hows your holi ??
I didn't play. I did yesterday in office.
hmm nice, this year after long time i play n i njoy lot with friends :)
@brush51 terminator knows core data...
have to go, bye @åll
@brush51 Bye
@AJPatel i know, she helped me, but i have an ugly problem with my project and cant solve it.
bye @brush51
I am doing iPhone development for the first time. I am trying to import an existing project, and build it but its failing. I followed this post
but still the build is failing
Q: MGTwitterEngine for Iphone SDK errors

TheGamblerI'm trying to get MGTwitterEngine to work for the iPhone SDK. I've followed the read me below and now I keep getting the following errors: TCDownload.h: No such file or directory yajl_parse.h: No such file or directory Now, I've done a search on my system and don't have either one of them. So ...

yajl/yajl_common.h file not found
include it
add it to your project
I did, wait let me confirm
Am I doing it correctly?
Hello everybody!
How do I check if a NSDictionary is nil?
if (!dict) { ... }
@VansFannel Yes. Alternatively if (dict == nil) {// dict is nil} or if(nil == dict){// dict is nil}
if (dict == nil)?
@Terminator Thanks!
Got it. I was adding it to the wrong place. Thanks anyways
01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 18:00

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