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I have done this but the app crashes on trying to login after logout LoginViewController* logout = [[[LoginViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"LoginViewController" bundle:nil] autorelease];
[self.view addSubview:logout.view];
@Terminator : Aaeen.. Help
@anonymous Kya help chahiye
@Terminator My app is for web design purpose. The flow of the app is first from appDelegate I am allocating the MainViewController, from MainViewController to PreviewController in which I have iCarousel to display the images of the window and to create a new window or page, I am allocating the MainViewController. After creation of 20 or more window or pages - My app is getting crash in device but not in simulator.
@Terminator : screen dekhi?
@Terminator : scrollview hai scroll karta hu to crash ho jata hai
@anonymous Crash Log?
@anonymous Console crash log?
@Terminator : No crash Log just bad access
@Terminator : When scrolling gets over at extreme right and when I start scrolling left it gets crash.
@anonymous, Aap scrollViewDelegate (methods) dikhayiye.
@Lion :
projectScroll.delegate = self;
@interface RootViewController : UIViewController<NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate,UITableViewDataSource,UITabl‌​eViewDelegate,UIScrollViewDelegate>
@Lion : delegete is set
break point rakh kar check kiya? @anonymous
@IphoneDeveloper hi
@Lion That is a general question. I will give general answer. Allocate when you need it and release when you are done with stuff's you allocated or own. Do lazy memory allocation. Make use of memory warning methods your view controller receives when there is low memory. Release stuff's over there. For more information on memory warnings - refer to didReceiveMemoryWarning and viewDidUnload methods of view controller.
@PiyushPatel hi
@Terminator hi
@Terminator need ur Help
@Lion @Terminator ^
@Terminator @IphoneDeveloper unExpected Behaviour of Navigatoin Controller
@IphoneDeveloper hello how to create uipickerview with multiple column ?
lol @anonymous your variable name from ray wenderlich tutorial---- failedbankinfo
@NiteshMeshram have you searched on google ?
@Aadil where.
@IphoneDeveloper good:)
Hey there
@IphoneDeveloper yar iam pushing the view controller and when pop that view going back to the root view controoler instead of previous view
@ARC : Yes I had to follow it forcibly
@Aadil what is the error on console?
@anonymous that day I have given you a link have you seen that link??
@ARC : My company wants me to implement Core data anyhow..
@IphoneDeveloper there is no Error
lol anyhow:)
@Aadil then ?
@ARC : I learned that concept.. So many links were suggested that day. Dunno which one you sent.. :-|
@IphoneDeveloper this is the Stack of Controllers in Navigation controller "<NavigationViewController: 0x612b8a0>",
"<StateSelectionViewController: 0x6137d40>",
"<WeighStationViewController: 0x563d050>",
"<NavigationViewController: 0x5660e20>",
"<WieghStationMapView: 0x567ed80>"
so second last controller is Navigation
bt there should be WeighStationViewController at second Last Position
@anonymous I also lost have to search
@ARC @Terminator : This is where application crashes.. Thats weired.
@anonymous EXC_BAD_ACCESS
NSZombie Enabled, Stacktrace
if you are using (gdb) its bt
(lldb) thread backtrace
@anonymous LOL Your application always crashes showing incorrect position :P
@Terminator : Do not laugh. Suggest some solution
@anonymous follow that and find out the exact line
but i am not gettting about the UIPickerTable?
@Terminator can u help me in block variables?
@anonymous u have created custom window?
@ARC Yes, i can try
@Terminator check this one pastebin.com/1LRFkYCp
@ARC: Nothing hapopens
@ARC Yes i saw
@DimplePanchal : Custom window?
@Terminator I am confused about concept.I am playing with this code .I found that block is called late.
@ARC The block or the block variable?
@anonymous same thing??Does not stop any line in code??
@ARC : Naah
@Terminator both I am failed to make concept.
@ARC The block will be called after some time because it is the completion block of the geo coder.
@Terminator hmm..about __block?
that is nature of EXC_BAD_ACCESS :-)
You have specified a block of code to the geocoder to execute when it is done reverse geocoding lat and long you specified.
@anonymous you can try with zombie enable
Since it takes time to reverse geocode, the block is called after some time.
__block variable are as name suggests block variable. You can use it to make use in the block code, edit it, update it, etc
@Terminator so it's thread?
hello @all
@ARC No it's not thread.
Hi @Terminator
I've a basic question in xcode4.2 ; I wanted to design few views with interface builder , so i created xib files and assigned a UIView sub class to them. (Did i miss something?) .. My Root view controller has a view and it has one button. which action method has the implementation PageOne *pageone = [[PageOne alloc]initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
[self.view addSubview:pageone]; for loading pageOne. am i right or i missed something
@Terminator then it's running obviously not in main thread.
@ARC The geo coder may not run in main thread. It's up to the API. But the blocks are called on main thread.
@ARC : Zombie, Leaks , Analyse does not show anything
@Terminator ok I have to read more about blocks. it's looking complicated .
@Terminator: ^
@anonymous have u debugged with breakpoints????
@Brn2Learn Sounds Okay. What is the issue?
@anonymous ? I can't say anything if i don't know the crash logs.
@anonymous Look at your crash report.
@Terminator : Hmmm
@0x8badf00d : Ok..
@Terminator there ?
@Terminator Last night I have faced a problem "Application tried to present modally an active controller"
i just need to list the categories of CIFilter !! How could i do this ?? i used [CIFilter filterNamesInCategories:[NSArray arrayWithObject:kCICategoryBuiltIn]]; to list all the effects ., but i need to only its category list., can anyone help me??
this is crash log when I am presenting a view controller modally
@Terminator View not loading in to the root view controller. but action method executed while touching the button
HIi any one please help ..... my simulator et hidden at bottom . How can i change the position of simulator.
posted on March 06, 2012 by marie

This past Friday Apple posted a dozen new job listings indicating an interest for iCloud-related engineers. Last month Apple CEO Tim Cook stated that “iCloud will dictate the company’s strategy for the next decade or more.” The Cupertino, Calif., company tipped its hand on Friday with a batch of job openings prioritizing iCloud. Apple indicated that it [...]

@0x8badf00d :gist.github.com/1986138 thats crash log
@0x8badf00d : I really do not understand much about crash log..
@anonymous There is nothing much that one can understand from this crash log :-)
@anonymous any idea about my above question ?
@anonymous @Terminator @DimplePanchal @dark is there any method for boolean like iskindofclass(Bool);
BOOL is not Class. Its a primitive datatype.
@aakilladhani what you want to do ?
@anonymous Can you enable NSZombie and run your application in debug mode again ?
@0x8badf00d : Ok..
@0x8badf00d : lol. Its not crashing when zombie enabled..
@0x8badf00d : previously it did
@0x8badf00d @dark i want that given object is bool or not?
@Brn2Learn If your button is black or it's text color is same as background color, then we may not see anything. Give some background color to the button.
[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"departDate >= %@", [NSDate date]]
This should skip the objects with past date. right?
@aakilladhani didn't get
I am using it for retrieving core data objects
@dark when i pop a view controller the app freeze why ? do u know why ?
@BobjC On Main thread ?
@BobjC hello
@0x8badf00d yes
@brush51 hi
@Terminator Root view have the image bakground, button is visible though....My problem is PageOne View not loading into the main view context
be back in an hour...
@BobjC there may be a case there is some object that memory has released
@BobjC @Terminator i want to fetch all properties from coreData Entity, save in array, parse this array with nsset and save it again to coredata. do you know how can i do that?
@all:i want to parse an xml file which is stored in a string "str"..usually when it is stored locally we use:
may be object is deallocated
NSURL *myURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Appconfig" ofType:@"xml"]];
NSMutableURLRequest *myRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:myURL cachePolicy:1 timeoutInterval:30];
NSURLConnection *con = [[NSURLConnection alloc]initWithRequest:myRequest delegate:self];
self.connection = con;
[con release];
[myURL release];
@BobjC put a break point on dealloc method from where you pop and enable NSZombie
Could someone please help me wtih my NSPredicate prob?
@brush51 no idea about coredata
but if it is stroed in a string how can we parse it??
@Terminator @dark pdf pe work kiah ai ?
@IphoneDeveloper yes
@dark no prob i get the solution
@dark how i can enable zombie xcode 4.2
@IphoneDeveloper narrate means ?
from where
@Terminator hello, i have thought about the problem from yesterday. the best way is to really change the data structure of my entitys. but i have not enough time to do that, have to lot entitys. i have to fix this issue today and think to fetch all data, check it with nsset and save it again to coredata.
@dark means text to speech hona chaiye pdf
@BobjC ok.
@BobjC from produc-->edit scheme
@dark:I want to parse an xml file which is stored in a string ...can u tell me how to do?
@aakilladhani thx
@brush51 you mean sorting.
@iPhonedev use nsxmlparser
@iPhonedev use NSXMLParser for that
ok through sax is it not possible?
@dark means ?
I have to use text to speech engine
@IphoneDeveloper yh ans to iPhonedev ko dya hai :) . tm us pdf ka text read karoo gee or text to speach engine ko wo string send kar do ge ?
@dark areee
maine dekha hi nahi :D
@IphoneDeveloper :D khair hai :)
@dark text to speech engine ko
@IphoneDeveloper see pdfScanner for that
@0x8badf00d : in Zombie app does not crash
ek example ki thee but abi zehan main nay sab @IphoneDeveloper but pdfScanner say ho jta hai
@BobjC wc
Hi @IphoneDeveloper @dark I've a basic question in xcode4.2 ; I wanted to design few views with interface builder , so i created xib files and assigned a UIView sub class to them. (Did i miss something?) .. My Root view controller has a view and it has one button. which action method has the implementation PageOne *pageone = [[PageOne alloc]initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
[self.view addSubview:pageone]; for loading pageOne. am i right or i missed something
@Lion no not sorting. let me explain it. i have objects in coredata with cardId's. some cardId's are twice in coredata. now i want to delete this duplicates.
@Brn2Learn rootView Controller means your appDelegate ?
@brush51 The thing you are doing now shouldn't be done. But since you said you have no time - Using fetch request get all unique card id's. Now for each card id you got, again make fetch request and get everything. This will return you array of entities for the card id. So if the array count is more than one, delete the rest of the entities asking the context to deleteObject:
@Terminator Bye...Take Care... JSK...Good Night....Sweet Dreams.
@dark the initial view controller
@Prem Bye
@Terminator have guess wht could be mistake here
@Terminator @dark hi
@IphoneDeveloper hi
@Brn2Learn PageOne is subclass of UIView?
@Brn2Learn then it is write if PageOne in inherit from UIViewController then you need [self.view addsubview:pageOne.view]
@Sunny hello
@dark i want to know if i create custom footer view for group tableview so it will affect to only to one section...?
@Terminator there ?
@Terminator Yes
@Brn2Learn Yes
@Terminator can i write self.storySeriesView.delegate = [self retain];
or leak
@dark pageOne is inherited from UIView (subclass of uiview)
@Terminator wat that yes?.....
@BobjC It's incorrect.
@Brn2Learn Your view controller's view is empty? You are trying to add a UIView called PageOne to the view controller's view as a sub view?
@dark because when i scroll the table view the whole footer also scroll with the table... my first section footerview stick properly and it will not moved with the different section scrolled.....is it somethink like that..
@Prem bye
@Terminator ho gaaya story board?
@dark i am little beat confuse in this thing
@BobjC Delegate objects should always be assign or weak. And retaining self is an indication that something is going wrong.
@dark hello r u there
@IphoneDeveloper Not yet. Now i will not do anything.
@Terminator ok
@Terminator ok
@Terminator view controller has its view. [self.view addSubView:pageOne]; here i'm adding pageOne as subview to the view controller view
@Brn2Learn Yes i can see you are trying to add a UIView called PageOne to the view controller's view. So what is the issue? It's not getting displayed?
@Terminator i erote like this because of error "Message send to dealocated object"
Yes .
@Terminator yes. . .
@Brn2Learn If you just add UIView without drawing or displaying anything in it, then it will appear as invisible. Did you try to set the backgroundColor of the PageOne in it's initWithFrame: method. Give it some back ground color and see if it shows up
@Brn2Learn You mean the PageOne view is not seen but it's sub views (button) can be seen and touched?
@Terminator yeah you are correct
@IphoneDeveloper i want to know if i create custom footer view for group tableview so it will affect to only to one section...? because when i scroll the table view the whole footer also scroll with the table... my first section footerview stick properly and it will not moved with the different section scrolled.....is it something like that..
@IphoneDeveloper i am confuse in this issue ...
@dark wo example kya karta hai
@Brn2Learn That is because the background color of the view is probably clearColor.
@Sunny sorry I have no idea
@terminator but the xib has the background image. and that nib is not an empty one.
@IphoneDeveloper ok
@Terminator I just added a new nib ; and in attribute inspector i assigned my pageOne as class to nib's FileOwner . Would that nib bundled with my class or i should proceed some other steps
@Brn2Learn You changed the class of the root view of the view controller from UIView to PageOne in xib file?
@Terminator why should i need to change root views class name; i just wanna add pageOne to my root view .
@Terminator are you clear with my issue?...
full of mess up
@Brn2Learn have u post ur issue in stack??
@ARC Nope. I think this could be the simple nib configuration problem
@Brn2Learn You can do that in several ways. Don't do anything in xib file. Leave it as it was when you created it. Now in viewDidLoad method, programmatically create and add PageOne as subview to the view controller's view.
@Brn2Learn may be but from discussions it's looking mess up:) follow the last msg of @Terminator
@Brn2Learn Second way is - Revert the xib file as it was when you created it. And change the class of the view controller's view to PageOne from UIView. This means that you want the root view of the view controller of type PageOne.
@Terminator how can i check the fetchedobjects for duplicates and remove them?
@Brn2Learn File's owner is nothing but the object that loads the xib file. If it's a view controller you are loading from xib, then the File's owner should be some UIViewController. You said PageOne is subclass of UIView. So how can you specify an UIView to be as it's File's Owner?
@brush51 If we want to fetch only those entities whose card id is 12345, then after creating fetch request, we can create a predicate with format as cardId == %@. So it will fetch only those entities whose card id you specified in the predicate
@Terminator byee
@ARC bye
@IphoneDeveloper Bye
@anonymous Already seen. I am always ahead in reading rumors :P
posted on March 06, 2012 by Umut M.

Advertise here with BSA VectorPack.net, a website featuring premium design resources, is giving away 5 sets of "66 Vector Abstract Backgrounds" to WRD readers. The backgrounds are all very detailed and come in multiple variations + colors. They are actually part of a greater design resource named "Mega Design Bundle" which contains over 900 design elements and available for [

@Terminator Good
@Terminator i dont know the cardId. i should check all rows for duplicates. but really dont know how to find them.
@brush51 Wait, I will give a final try to explain more clearly.
@IphoneDeveloper bye
Assuming there are following entities.
A, A, B, C, D, D.
First fetch unique card id's. So we will get A, B, C and D in array.
Now iterate in this array.

First we will get A: We will fetch all those entities whose card id is A. We will get 2 entities. Since it's more than 1, we know there are duplicates. So we remove all entities except first.
Second we will get B: We will fetch all those entities whose card id is B. We will get 1 entity. Since it's not more than 1, we know there are no duplicates.
@brush51 See above. Let me know if something is incorrect.
@Terminator as our discussion on afternoon about footer view you are absolutely right its whole footer view scroll with different section scroll... my 1st sections footer view exitst fine but for second it will move when i scroll the tableview and it will show on the 1st section.. i am confuse why it will happen... if you know anything plz tell me and if you don't than its ok .. thanks for helping me
My app has a list of schedules. Section 1: Doctor Section 2: Personal Section 3: Expired schedules

I'm currently using sectionNameKeyPath:@"source", which is either doctor or personal, problem is the expired section. This can be determined by an endDate attribute in that same entity.

NSFetchedResultsController *aFetchedResultsController = [[NSFetchedResultsController alloc] initWithFetchRequest:fetchRequest managedObjectContext:managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath:@"source" cacheName:@"Root"];
@Terminator just by doing programmatically it's got loaded... Just tell me how to add xib to the view for doing interface design
@Terminator correct start? : pastebin.com/edit.php?i=qr2e5K7K
@Sunny The further section's footer view might not be visible. So as you scroll they come up and the earlier section's footer view will disappear. What is issue in this?
@brush51 It's asking me to login
@Brn2Learn I didn't get you.
@Terminator really? let me xcheck, sorry
@Terminator now? pastebin.com/qr2e5K7K
@brush51 I think @distinctUnionOfObjects.cardId will return you an array of cardId.
Also that logic is incorrect. If there is only card id, it will be unique/distinct. So you will end up even deleting it.
@Terminator as you said first way of adding subview i just done that. But my Question is how to create / add xib file for that view , so that i can design the view using interface builder without doing programmatically. . .
@Brn2Learn I think you mean - adding PageOne in the xib file (not programmatically). Is it?
@Terminator yes
@Brn2Learn You can drag and drop an UIView and put it under the view controller's view. This means it is now a subview of the view controller's view. But it is still an UIView. You want it to be as PageOne. Since PageOne is a subclass of UIView, you can then select the UIView that you dragged and dropped, and change it's class type to PageOne from UIView.
@Terminator i will explain you...
@Terminator but viewcontroller already has a view
@Brn2Learn Yes. But view controller can manage hierarchy of UIView.
@Terminator I tried to drop under UIViewController but xCode highlighting the ViewController Scene , not the view controller object
@Brn2Learn The thing i explained you just now is same as adding PageOne as subview programmatically, which you did sometime ago.
@Brn2Learn I said drag and drop UIView and not UIViewController.
Uh. I am tired. I am directing this to @0x8badf00d. I gotta go home now. See you all after 2 hours. Bye
@Terminator i have 2 sections ok... my 1st section footer view is stick on specified position and when i scroll the table the footer also goes up with section its proper and its works but for second section the footer will exist on end of screen and my 2nd section is will shown when i scroll the 1st section ...ok .... the problem is the 2nd section footer will display before that section will occur... so that not proper way... am i right in this process...... and how can i resolve this problem
@Terminator Cool.
@Terminator Sorry to mess up with your time
@Terminator ITS OK .... meet you again... have a nice day....
@Terminator Sure
if ([pagesArray count] < 40) {
[self.view removeFromSuperview];
MainViewController *mainViewController = [[MainViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MainViewController" bundle:nil]; //autorelease];
appDelegate.window.rootViewController = mainViewController;
[mainViewController release];
Any one see this code and correct me if I have done any thing wrong. if ([pagesArray count] < 40) {
[self.view removeFromSuperview];
MainViewController *mainViewController = [[MainViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MainViewController" bundle:nil]; //autorelease];
appDelegate.window.rootViewController = mainViewController;
[mainViewController release];
posted on March 06, 2012 by tope

Apple is gearing up to launch the iPad 3 tomorrow and it is all but confirmed that the iPad 3′s display is going to be a huge one in terms of resolution. The release of a retina screen will pose a problem that was seen when the iPhone 4 was released. Apps needed to include [...]

@Abizern Hi. I have a little doubt that i couldn't find out. My friend gave me this date printed in console "2012-02-05T00:00:00+00:00" like this. I know the format upto that '+' sign.But 00:00 after '+ sign' is what?
@RA i think the + tells about the GMT or PMT
@brush51 @Abizern If i want to convert that whole string "2012-02-05T00:00:00+00:00" exactly into date again,then how to do that?
NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[df setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a"];
NSDate *myDate = [df dateFromString: myDateAsAStringValue];
@RA have you knowledge about deleting similar rows in coredata?
@brush51 similar rows mean?
@RA i have objects in coredata with duplicate cardId 's and want to delete them
A: Deleting Duplicate Objects in Core Data (iphone)

Barry WarkCore Data does not support deleting "duplicates" because the only notion of object identity is the NSManagedObjectID assigned to each object. Since you can't set this ID manually, you won't be able to use it for uniqueing on insert. You have (at least) two options: Do a fetch on insert, as you ...

@brush51 check out that answer if it helps you
@RA no its helping me not. i want to delete objects with same property string. for example i am creating a new object in coredata and the property cardId is ABC. but in coreData there is already an cardId with ABC. this new cardId ABC should be deleted. thats what i mean.
@brush51 Thats what that answer means.Before you insert new data to core data ,you have to fetch and check then if its same then new data have to ignored to stored into core data
@RA i am trying the second one, but no idea about it. dont know how to do that.
@brush51 me too.no idea about that
@RA thanks.
string to nsdate worked?
@brush51 @Abizern may help you with this
@brush51 no its not worked
@RA what is the problem?
NSString *dateStr = @"2012-02-05T00:00:00+00:00";

// Convert string to date object
NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormat setDateFormat:@"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'"];
NSDate *date = [dateFormat dateFromString:dateStr]; @brush51
NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[df setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a"];
NSDate *myDate = [df dateFromString: myDateAsAStringValue];
I tried your code too..Its still shows null value @brush51
@RA try this: [df setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-ddhh:mm:ss"]; and log dateStr, dateformat and date in console
@brush51 No yar.Dont worry.You are out of my way.I will take care about that
@RA i see you have T after the day. that cause the problem. i think you have to handle it otherwise. search for apple doc: nsdateformatter
@Abizern you there?
Hi @brush51 and @RA
Hi @Blade
hi @Brn2Learn
@blade i need some assist on my current task
@Brn2Learn and what might that be? :)
How to design more number of UIViews (not programmatically) by using Interface builder in xcode 4.2
@Brn2Learn Sorry, I think I don't understand correctly.
You want to build UIViews in the IB? Just drag & drop them then? :)
@Brn2Learn hi
@brush51 Can i tell you clearly
hi @brush51
@Brn2Learn you want a couple of uiviews, done with IB ?
@blade I just created a Single View Application in Xcode 4,2 , There we get a default Initial View controller and view for that controller. How can i create more UIView in this context. As You @brush51 said i certainly dragged and dropped the view from library to ViewControllerScene but Xcode story board shows only one view for editing in a view controller. I don't want to create more number of view controller, since all my pages would have the common controls.
@Brn2Learn so you only want more *.xib files?
Or more uiviews in one *xib? (Whatever that would accomplish)
@blade one UIView in One .xib .
@Brn2Learn I really think I misunderstand you, but nontheless: Just drag the uiview into your view in the ib?
@Blade i need some time to try ; i ll come back after the try
@Brn2Learn Okay, I hope I understood you correctly though
@Blade and one more thing
@Blade Thanks for assisting me....
@Brn2Learn Well no problem, I hope I was helpful, like I said, I'm not that sure yet what you are trying to do^^
@all Someone here who could maybe take a look at my problem at hand?
Any one there ..
I m stuck in this issue ...
GenerateDSYMFile /Users/adil/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/StoreReview-bskdkeqearahmjeygzmhsgnjoamv/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/FRANREVIEW.app.dSYM /Users/adil/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/StoreReview-bskdkeqearahmjeygzmhsgnjoamv/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/FRANREVIEW.app/FRANREVIEW
cd "/Users/adil/Desktop/FranReview March05"
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
/Developer/usr/bin/dsymutil /Users/adil/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/StoreReview-bskdkeqearahmjeygzmhsgn
@TaimurAjmal delete the app in simulator/iphone/ipad, clean your build and try it again.
@TaimurAjmal or have a look at this: stackoverflow.com/a/2582324/558150
@terminator i must disturb you again. i cant insert new data to coredata. no errors and nothing happens:

NSManagedObjectContext *context = [self managedObjectContext];
NSManagedObject *setsCardsInbox = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"EntitySetsCardsInbox" inManagedObjectContext:context];
[setsCardsInbox setValue:@"TEST" forKey:@"cardTitle"];
[setsCardsInbox setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2] forKey:@"cardId"];
[setsCardsInbox setValue:@"TESTTEXT" forKey:@"cardText"];

if (![context save:&error]) {
@brush51 How do you know it doesn't inserts? And what happened of the unique entity issue?
i did it several times even before i post the log ... but it didnt work :(
@Terminator actually i am working on it. i have checked the sqlite file with mesaSQLite.
Tired again ... but in vain
@TaimurAjmal check the link above
@Terminator i am fetching all data, checking with nsset and after that i want to save all values to entity again. but saving doesnt work.
@brush51 ohh. Can you after insertion code write fetching code and display them and see if it's there? It's probably same but i think if there's no error it should be inserting.
@Terminator i really cant understand it. now it saves. i could cry.
@Terminator 45 minutes of searching the issue, and now it works. NOTHING changed.
Just again, because its driving me crazy since yesterday, maybe someone has just a hinch what it could be stackoverflow.com/questions/9566663/…

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