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@jaydee3 The popup only shows if location services aren't enabled. It gives you a chance to gracefully fail.
Q: Best way to define private methods for a class in Objective-C

Yurii SoldakI just started programming Objective-C and, having a background in Java, wonder how people writing Objective-C programs deal with private methods. I understand there may be several conventions and habits and think about this question as an aggregator of the best techniques people use dealing wit...

@azamsharp There is no such thing as private methods in Objective-C
@azamsharp compiler warnings and no code completetion..
@abizern i dont unterstand?
i know what the documentaion says
and i'm trying to get that popup
but i dont get it more than once.
@jaydee3 What is your test project trying to do? And how is it doing it?
@Abizern hey mate
@Canelo Hello.
@Abizern Do you know if it is possible/problem-free develop using multiple AppleIDs on the same computer?
@Canelo What do you mean by multiple IDs? I've got multiple developer and distribution certificates without any problem if that's what you mean.
OK. My test project just inits one CLLocationManager instance. Than it calles startLocationUpdates. Thats it.
@jaydee3 How many times do you think the alert should be showing?
i want it to appear on every fresh app start
in the maps app eg. the popup appears every time i press the locate-me button
other apps also show it on every app start. e.g. aroundme
@jaydee3 Really? - it doesn't with me.
@Abizern I meant Development/Distribution certificates from different AppleID's
@Canelo As I said - I've got multiple certs from multiple ids. It hasn't caused me problems. You just need to choose the correct one in your build settings.
@Abizern Oh nice. Thanks <:o]
@abizern what is different in your case?
if you press the locate-me button?
and location services are disabled
then the popup appears.
@Canelo is that a clown?
@jaydee3 I don't know. I open maps and press the locate button - it asks me to turn on location services and I do. After that it carries on as normal.
@Computer hahah it is just a happy face
@jaydee3 Again - what do you expect to happen in your case? If location services are enabled why do you want to pester the user to turn them on?
for me, it looks more like a dog
thats the popup i am talking about
its not appearing in my test app
i only want it, if they are disabled
like in the maps app.
@Computer reminds me this thing images.wikia.com/disney/images/b/bd/Lampy.jpg
thats a kick ass movie
i never understood why blanky had soap for a face
I know right
I saw that move plenty of times when I was a kid
That movie in the image? I only watched TinTin and Popeye shows
@Terminator The Brave Little Toaster
@Computer Let me see it in google
@terminator you had a sheltered childhood
@Terminator I used to watch the adventures of tintin aswell
Sometimes I wonder how apple approves applications??? How did that pokemon app pass their requirements if it always crashed?
I used to read it's comic books in school. We used to have Library classes. Pick up any books and read. Students used to fight grabbing their favorite ones. I used to read TinTin.
@Computer they are humans
a human should see that an application doesn't run
i thought it was a computer that did it
no pun intended
@Terminator: aaeen
@anonymous aaeen
@Terminator : wassa? Cream lagaa di?
@anonymous Nahi. I will after 5 minutes.
Kya kar raha hai
Kya hai ye
Ye kya padh raha hai
@Terminator : following and making tutorial
@anonymous Oho now you have come master ji. Teaching students?
@Terminator : lol you got ATKT in C in first sem? Unbelievable..Thats my work worth 200$
Yes I got 32/100. Then in next attempt i got 70. 96 was highest.
@Terminator : God.. 32? how come? Did not you perform well in practical?
ya undaa diyaa tha usme?
There were no practicals.
@Terminator : Jaroor prof se bawaaal kiya hoga tabhi fail kiya
@Terminator : Nice. KT thi fir bhi job mil gayi ...Lucky
I didn't know anything about computer that time. When i saw that subject, i thought such a stupid thing to study
@Terminator : YOu did not operate computer before College?
Yes we did. In school and in College i opted for Computer Science instead of Biology.
But it was same scenario.
@Terminator : you studies bio also in 11 12?
I didn't take biology because it has lots of big weird names. And friends said Computer Science is very easy to score marks without studying anything. We just gotta study 10 programs, total around 15 pages for 100 marks. And for same 100 marks, Biology students had to study 500 pages book
I was so smart. I decided to take Computer Science
@Terminator : Achcha
@Terminator : in How many subejct you got ATKT ?
learning computer science is about comprehension; learning biology is (unfortunately) substantially about memorization
@Terminator NSString *tempstr=[[NSString alloc] initWithData:chunk encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
@anonymous Only that one. After that i learned a trick to pass exams without studying much
returning nil
Feynman was appalled by how much time biology students waste memorizing things
@Terminator : Kaisi tricks? Chits? :-D
@ARC chunk is nil ?
I heard girls are really smart at that also less susceptible to get caught
hi @Terminator (babani)
@Terminator no
@Terminator in nslog it is showing
hi @0x8badf00d @Abizern req. ur help to play some .mp3 audio stream :)
u there ?
@Terminator it is nsmutabledata
@AJPatel Hello
@JanardanYri memorisation and comprehension.
Just like the law.
@ARC probably issue with the encoding
@AJPatel Yes - but I'm not the only person here.
@JanardanYri Which is why my education path avoided those subjects. I have a Physics degree. Some memorisation - but much more comprehension.
@Abizern aao... ??
@Abizern: You are graduate in physics and you are coding iPhone and php.. You know 5 languages.. Wow.. I would love to meet you some day.
I know nothing about PHP.
And communicating in 5 languages isn't the same as knowing them well.
@Abizern you no CS graduate?
@Canelo No.
@Abizern wow impressive
@Abizern: I read one of your starred comments saying i am php developer.. Ouch it was sarcasm
@Canelo Why? I'm a programmer - not a computer scientist.
My project manager of previous company is also Commerce Graduate
@anonymous Yes. Someone asked me if I knew Objective-C. In here. When my SO profile is just two clicks away. So I said "No, I'm a PHP developer". He went away.
@Canelo I keep trying to do Google Code Jam - I haven't got past the first round yet.
Let's give it a try this time.
@Abizern What are the questions like?
If they are multiple choice answers, i have some chance
@Terminator See for yourself code.google.com/codejam/contests.html Registration opens next month, qualification round is a month after that
Those are computer science questions,
It's gone quiet. Everyone is reading.
@anonymous Not really. Macs are excellent Windows machines.
just love this one..
Real or fake, i don't care :P
Well built, no driver problems, Quality components…
I am going crazy
I need help
with Interface Builder
and MainWindow
@jshin47 You aren't using Storyboards, then?
@Abizern : Yup..
Nope, I'm targeting 4.1
@jshin47 What's the problem with it?
Somehow I did not notice before today that my AppDelegate window and tabBarController props are null
Q: MainWindow IBOutlet properties for window, tabBarController log as (null) even though outlets are connected

jshin47In my AppDelegate.h I have @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIWindow *window and @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITabBarController *tabBarController. In the implementation I @synthesize *window = _window, *tabBarController = _tabBarController;. In my target settings, my MainWindow...

The app was working fine until I needed to access AppDelegate window from another class
@anonymous But that would happen with a Mac if some muppet played with the Window's settings.
I always get superstitious with the MainWindow file stuff
@jshin47 IBOutlets are weak properties - they are created and managed by the nib file.
So it should have been declared as @property (nonatomic, weak)?
@Abizern @Terminator : ok..bye..Gotta go... see you tomorrow.. I have got Odesk project in my office so I won't be active here during office hours
@anonymous Bye
@jshin47 assign
I'm using ARC and it doesn't like it
@anonymous Bye.
@Abizern: would it make any issue if we use strong?
@anonymous see ya.
@jshin47 __unsafe_unretained
@anonymous Poor form.
Compiler says it doesn't match the inherited property which is a retained UIWindow
@jshin47 Ignore all that - the template puts it in there for you.
So leave the retain. The templates change in later versions,
I am also going for sleep. I might not go to office tomorrow :/
good night all. bye
@Terminator ull be back
Compiler says no, will not compile as weak property
@jshin47 Odd - but I can't see what's wrong with that immediately. The question to ask is why you need to get the AppDelegate's window from another class.
@0x8badf00d I blame Ray Wenderlich.
@Abizern I have a UIActionSheet that I want to be available everywhere
@0x8badf00d: previously moderators used to lock duplicate questions but I don't see this nowadays..So many previously asked questions being asked everyday
@anonymous Mark them as duplicates - flag them as non-answers - just keep flagging them.
@Abizern I always want it to display from that tabBarController
I dont understand why people duplicate questions. They need to look for an answer before asking.
Is that so wrong? :)
@Abizern why you blame Ray wenderlich ?
@Abizern : ^ I get 10 only
@dark He owns/runs/promotes blog that writes tutorials not programming guides.
@dark She's gone and got his tutorial - copy and pasted it - and then thinks that someone else will make the changes for her.
@anonymous I only get a little more than 50.
@0x8badf00d for IOS 5 they put their books tutorial for beginers that are good
@Abizern hmmm that thing is bad
Most of the "tutorials" aim at giving out code that they want you to copy paste and make it work. No questions asked
@Abizern: Ohh.. So its based on reputation you have..
@dark I've ranted about Ray's tutorials before. I'm not going to start again.
@anonymous And my flagging history.
@Abizern : ok.
@Abizern I have also purchase IOS5 book from raywenderlich blog . @Abizern and @0x8badf00d yes you are right
@Abizern so if I want to have that UIActionSheet available everywhere in the app, and it should always display from mainWindow's tab bar controller, how should I do that without putting it in the AppDelegate or referencing it in the AppDelegate?
no... tutorials for me, show me HOW to do it and how to use the functions in proper context.
@jshin47 You access it through your current view controller
hey all what wrong with this code my player not going to initialize...
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://dl.dropbox.com/u/46681366/01%20Anjaana%20Anjaani%20Ki%20Kahani%20-%20www.Songs.PK.mp3"];
NSError * error = nil;
AVAudioPlayer * avPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url error:&error];
[avPlayer play];
@AJPatel What's the error object telling you?
@Abizern it`s not going in if cause my avPlayer is not going to initialize
@Abizern so you are basically saying, the fact that appdelegate's window is nil is not a problem in and of itself?
@jshin47 Going to the app delegate to get objects is a code smell.
@jshin47 No - I'm saying your application works, your log doesn't - and I don't know why. But the real problem that you want to solve does not involve going to the app delegate. IMO going to the appdelegate to get application objects is a code smell.
@AJPatel That's because you aren't handling your errors properly. Check the return of the players creation - if it's nil log the error object.
@jshin47 view controllers have this property so you don't have to go to the application delegate to get the base window, or the base controller.
means after allocation i check that error @Abizern m not getting your point.
@AJPatel Yes. Basic Cocoa error handling. Check the return is not nil. If it is nil, something went wrong, so you check the error object.
@Abizern I understand your point about accessing the window/controller thru the inherited property, but should I be worried that self.window is null?
@Abizern i am getting log like Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-43 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -43.)"
@jshin47 Well - it clearly isn't null, because you have a window. I suspect something has gone awry with your application delegate and it's looking at something else. But that's a different problem.
@AJPatel That's file not found.
@AJPatel I only know because I saw it recently, I don't have them memorised.
@Abizern but in browser this file plays fine... :(
Check that your URL is not nil before passing it to the allocation method.
You could be messing up the way you create the URL string.
I kinda understand why tapbot_paul was pissy about MkInfoPanel that Mugunth Kumar wrote.
@0x8badf00d I know nothing about it.
@Abizern I figured out the issue. The File's Owner class was ApplicationDelegate rather than UIApplication.
@Abizern nonetheless I have a renewed spirit to not be a lazy arse and do it the right way... is delegation the only way to go then?
@Abizern Now you do.
@jshin47 Not delegation. Encapsulation. Going back and asking for things is not as clean as providing stuff in an heirarchy. e.g. Many people put variables in there application delegate so that they can use them from anywhere in their application. Which instantly marks them out as not putting any thought into their desighn.
@0x8badf00d Yep.
thanks for response @Abizern i will saw this tomorrow n catch u at tomorrow night... :) gn bye
He said he had no problem on the code, but the assets.
@Abizern forgive my lack of creativity but you are not suggesting that I create some sort of base class with the ActionSheet functionality and just extend all my controllers from that class right?
how to change my product name I set it in package but never change
@Abizern any idea
@0x8badf00d what is that argument about?
@Computer About MKInfoPanel opensource project written by Mugunth Kumar copying assets of Tweetbot
just a few images?
assets as in icons?
@jshin47 Nothing like that. Just that you don't need to go all the way to your application delegate to get your tab bar controller. The instance is available within the chain.
@Computer images, like alert panels
warning symbol to be specific.
@Abizern ok, will do. thx
and MK claims he didn't copy them: @Carbamide PNGs on iOS are byte swapped. It's not that easy to lift off his assets as how he claims. No one does that iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/2008/10/iphone…
thats why you find open source MIT projects and use those icons and just place credit in your code for the icons...
@Computer any idea
AMH Do you ever google you questions first?
@Abizern @Computer @AMH hello
@0x8badf00d @jshin47 hi
@Computer Assuming the icons are open source.
@Sandeep Hello.
@Abizern stackoverflow.com/questions/9522608/… please brother help me
@Sandeep Just use this category gist.github.com/1643491 on NSData
I can't believe he removed MKInfoPanel just because of an image... he should just remove the image from the project
Call me crazy, but if you wanted to steal assets couldn't you generally just screenshot and crop?
Rather than contend with non-standard png bundling
@Computer Ah - but that would imply that he abused those images in the first place. This way he can claim that he was forced to take down the project because he was implementing an idea. Muddying the waters - a time honoured technique of spin.
and general bundle diving
@Abizern So I often find myself with this problem where it's like my View Controllers are everything, do everything. In Obj-C/Cocoa are there some techniques you usually use to decouple the view from the data being rendered? All of my VC's are like NSArray *arrayOfObjects, table views with rowatindexpath [array objectatindex:indexpath.row], etc.
@Abizern Very good point.
@Abizern whatever logic i am posted in my question which is written on server side so for that reason i am using that logic
so please help me about decryption logic
@JanardanYri You can just uncompress the ipa file and get the original assets
lol i didn't think my google reference would get so many stars
@Abizern I am having a tough time keeping my view controllers sticking to just controlling views, and they are now making ASI requests, and holding Filter objects, etc.
@Sandeep Base64 is Base64. I send that data to Rails servers without any problem.
@Computer Just two, I was expecting more.
@Sandeep Excuse me if I don't want to go through a line by line explanation of someone else's code.
probably because i forgot the @ and said you instead of your ;P
@Canelo Huh. I guess I assumed part of the app store packaging would be designed to make that more difficult.
if you have iExplorer you can get images pretty easily
I realize that was a very very general question
@Computer No, because I felt he never does basic research before asking a question.
@jshin47 It's called a view controller because it's primary role is to manage views. They do get unwieldy because they are the plumbing between the pristine objects that are views and models.
It only encrypts the executable, not the assets?
I suppose that makes performance sense.
thats correct. All the images and videos and stuff are there for you
@jshin47 but you don't have to have everything in a view controller. I used separate controllers for web requests.
@Canelo Yes, but they are compressed png's.
This is the innernetz... you don't need encryption everyone follows privacy and never oversteps the boundaries.
@JanardanYri It encrypts executable. And compresses png's
@Abizern so you delegate the requests from the view controllers to the requestController?
@jshin47 It's perfectly acceptable for a view controller to instantiate another controller to perform some action and return the result, if the result is pertinent to the view being shown.
Not compressed. I should say Optimized.
@jshin47 Yep.
thats correct
and it is best than taking screenshots and cutting the icons
off it
@Abizern somehow I have never thought of that... I always use a class with lots of class methods to build requests, use the VC to handle them, and another parsing class with lots of class methods to parse the response into object
@0x8badf00d It doesn't encrypt them for privacy. It encrypts them so that you can't change anything inside the bundle.
@jshin47 I'm tempted to say "newbie error" :D
I uncompress the IPA files when I want to know how certain things work.
like animations and stuff
@Abizern Apple doesn't encrypt the Bundle though, just the executable.
since I work for a media agency :P
@jshin47 The current project I'm working on deals with a Rest service. I have a separate controller for each of those rest endpoints.
@0x8badf00d Exactly.
@Canelo :-O thats illegal
@canelo just kidding
@Abizern a controller per endpoint? You must end up with a lot of controllers
@0x8badf00d im not modifying a bit of it
@Canelo Do whatever you want to with the assets, as long as you don't sell or distribute them.
@Abizern do the controllers also handle the parsing of the json into objects?
@Canelo I always mess with ipa files to codesign with a different distribution certificate.
@jshin47 Yes - but I have a superclass that deals with most of the work, the subclasses just deal with the specific endpoint and the objects that are going up and down. Makes it a lot easier to build my requests, and debug them, and use them in different parts of the application.
@0x8badf00d What I meant is that if Im curious how they achieved something really nice, I look for the assets and I get an idea of that
hi everyone.
@ThinkDifferent hello
and since I work in a design agency, there is no need to steal assets. <:o]
hope you all fine mr too;)
@jshin47 Yes. I use JSONKit. So I just create an instance of an endpoint controller, set the objects that need to go up, and set a block for it to perform with the returned object. Then I just fire it off.
I have mine tailor-made :P
what assets?
@Canelo Are you on twitter ?
@Canelo Code is easy - design is hard.
canelo what are you talking about?
@Abizern By design I refer to Photoshop, Illustrator, Maya, etc
@0x8badf00d yup, im on twitta
@Canelo That's what I meant in this context too.
@Abizern so you do not implement the callbacks in your View controller?
d10studio.com.mx website is very cool. Wish I can make such website one day.
hi abizern and 0x8badf00d
@ThinkDifferent Hello.
tell me site of free and unique icobs
@0x8badf00d website is very old :P
@0x8badf00d we have no time to update it. But we do update our demo reel :]
@jshin47 No - that's in my custom URL connection class. it accepts blocks as parameters and runs those on completion, or errors. So I just pass a block, and I don't even need to set the creating view controller as a delegate.
or tell me how and from where I can buy icons?
@Abizern I do 3D modeling in Maya, and I find it easier than coding :P
@Canelo Cool.
i tried with unity3d.
@Canelo Where I find coding easy - but stare at my graphics programs wondering how to get it to draw a damn-blasted gradient.
how do you all make designs and color theming?
I find designing very difficult. Takes lot of patience.
me too :P
but I want to learn as what seen is sold.
@Abizern I see, that sounds nice and clean... compared to always having to implement callbacks on every VC
@jshin47 It is. Many objects means you can encapsulate functionality. Which means your code is easier to understand, easy to debug, and easy to reuse in other places.
@jshin47 Also simpler if you are making requests to different URL services, you don't have to filter them in your VC callbacks.
@Abizern is what you do similar to the tutorial for ASI on section "Using Blocks" allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest/How-to-use
@jshin47 Yep. It's a common pattern.
@0x8badf00d how u found me?
lunch time :]
Dinner time. See you later.
@Abizern enjoy your dinner! Thanks for help
@Canelo Searched your company name -> followers -> your name
Hey All, I'm thinking of making the jump into IPhone app development. Have any recommendations on what hardware I should start off with?
Does anyone know why setting a UIControl's frame doesn't change the touches Received area?
3 hours later…
is stackoverflow.com a blank white page for everyone?
it works
i get a 404
i get it aswell
you must be cached on the homepage
No i mean
I get a Page not found
a SO customized one
not the common white 404 error
i got a custom 404 - Not Found
posted on March 01, 2012 by John

With the use of external displays becoming increasingly- mainly thanks to Airplay mirroring some apps have added the option to display touches on the external display. This is particularly useful if you have an app that could be used during presentations – or if you just want to demo your own app before a crowd [...]

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