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anybody s there?
How to share a post to friend's wall using FBWebdialog? Please give your suggestions or samples?
Q: Post to friends wall using FBWebdialogs

RamdyHow to share a post to friend's wall using FBWebdialog? Please give your suggestions or samples. Thanks in advance.

Q: iOS: Post on wall of Selected FB Friends

user1280350Scenario: I would want to share the post to the wall of only selected friends. Prerequisites followed: Out of the entire list of FB Friends, select only the necessary friends and create an Array Steps Tried: Trial 1: Use FBWebDialogs and call method + (void)presentFeedDialogModallyWithSession...

good morning @NitinGohel bhai
hi bhai
how do u do
kaha kho gaya aj kal dikhay nahi dete aap
very busy on work?
yes i'm busy nowdays
gud mrng @Reformer :)
@Leena very good morning

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil'
Anyone can tell fic this error..
don't insert an object having nil reference
I am not getting where i am doing that ....
all types of collection datatypes in Objective-C can not accept or add nil object
Yeah this problem is fixed ..
but i am able to add only one object :(
Was just about to say
Please tell me why its happening ..
@alexgotsis : i am unable to add more than one object ..
You still cant add nil objects
you have to change the first one still
??@alexgotsis ? Means
Sorry was not at my desk ...
I am not adding nil objects , and i want to add object .. but i am only seeing the one object which i am adding at last..
can we upload multiple images at one time with a message on facebook???
i have array of path of images how can i retrieve that in uicollectionvir
posted on February 25, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools I’ve mentioned a few resources for working with the iOS Game Center including this tutorial on implementing multiplayer and this tutorial on working with leaderboards

6 hours later…
Hello @Reformer
I solved my problem
have anybody tried.....[captureSes.captureSession setSessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480]; for video recording quality
any ios developer here?
2 hours later…
@Ranjit congrats
@Rivan what's wrong with 640X480 resolution?
@iBhavesh yes i'm here
Hello @Reformer, thanks, I am one more doubt
@Reformer, can I ?
yes tell i'll solve till i know
I have array of nsobject objects and that nsobject has nsstring objects
one of the object is date string which format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss
I want to filter array between two dates
How can i get that?
Please any one explain to me
what you have tried so far Mr. Prasad?
I take two objects for date string
I want to find predicate object using those strings
ang get array using filterUsingPredicate:
This is my idea
I am using BezeirPath for drawing, then in tocuhesMoved , I convert BezeirPath into Cgpath, then I draw onto CgLayer, Everything works fine, Now when user selects erase , I apply the color to BezeirPath as background color and while drawing into CgLayer, I set blenMode to kcgBlendModeClear..This also works fine, now when I undo, I iterated through the paths , and draw onto CgLayer again, Now this time what i BlendMode to normal, if I see my image drawn saved on a file, I see white strokes.
yes i'm interested to see that predicate code Mr. Prasad
@Reformer: i don't know how to get predcate
ok show me your tried code so far, prasad
@Ranjit why you applying again background color on undo path???
I am taking color from the path, which I save, on each touches end @Reformer
mainArray is objects of nsobjects

[mainArray filterUsingPredicate:predicateObj];
your complete image become white?
@Reformer, no, only the erase which I did with using background color, bcoz, my drawingView background is white
NSDateFormatter *cmpDateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[cmpDateFormatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:S"];
NSString *currentDateStr = [cmpDateFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]];
[mainArray filterUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(MainObject *evaluatedObject, NSDictionary *bindings) {
return [evaluatedObject.m_cObjTime hasPrefix:currentDateStr];
By using this, i got only elements with prefix datestr
@Reformer, I am leaving now, catch you tomorrow, lets discuss 2maro
@Reformer: Is it ok?
your dates in NSDate format yeah NSString format in that array?
I have converted nsdates into nsstring
you don't need to convert NSDate in to NSString
actually predicate works charm on based on NSDate rather than NSString
predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"date < %@ AND date > %@", maxDate, minDate];
pass your direct NSDates object on above line
Q: Core Data- predicate with dates

Z SI'm stumped trying to write a predicate for "Recently Completed" tasks, i.e. show the task if it was completed within the last 7 days. I think I need to do something like this: "if NOW < dateCompleted + 7 days". The dateCompleted is an attribute on the table, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed t...

Q: Core data fetch request with predicate. Need right NSPredicate

Oleg SobolevI got entity with two NSDate properties. They are here: startTime, endTime and two restrictions, they are here too: NSDate *begin, NSDate *end But the problem is endTime can be nil I need to fetch all entities which: (entity.startTime >= begin) AND (entity.endTyme == nil) if (endType == nil)...

Q: Core Data Predicate Date Comparison

user2228755Im trying to fetch all the objects in an entity matching a user selectedDate (it's an NSDate). The Core Data code is fine but my predicate keeps returning 0 results, the dates are the same in the database as the user is selecting. How should the selectedDate be compared with a date from an entit...

posted on February 25, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Previously I mentioned a nice library that makes it easier to work with different file storage services - Dropbox,

No, the objects are coming from server and each object has nsstring objects
@PrasadG convert your NSString into NSDate while storing your server data into collection
evaluatedObject.m_cObjTime is nsstring object, it is not nsdate object
I am stuck here
I can't change into nsdate of evaluatedObject.m_cObjTime
Those are comming from server
yes your expression expected your time into NSDate perhaps you pass nsstring instead
6 mins ago, by Reformer
@PrasadG convert your NSString into NSDate while storing your server data into collection
I can't do like that
^^ i think above sentence is make more sense right?
I have a question regarding chrome cast
hi harry
hey hey
no man .. i'm not worked on cromecast yet
ohkay .does anyone knows background support for chrome-cast in iOS
It is a simple thing when I get my application in background the api closes the socket
Post your query on Stackoverflow main FQA site until you didn't got reply from here :)
when I put it back in foreground the api open up a new socket
and resumes the playback
so what exactly you want ??
I want the playback to be alive while in background like airplay
I posted this question here stackoverflow.com/questions/22011821/…
ok.I don't have idea about chrome cast but you can increase time line of object in background
check out how to deal with beginBackgroundTaskWithName:expirationHandler: method
the channel and media are created on the background thread and are alive when the application is in background
but it is the api for some reason that disconnects the socket
the only problem here I see is I cannot find a way to stop this disconnection of socket (api do not expose such methods)
thanks for your time
5 hours later…
posted on February 25, 2014 by Marcus Zarra

I very rarely speak out against another blog post. I find the resulting argument back and forth draining. However, there are exceptions and one occurred over the weekend. Brent Simmons has been blogging about his conversion of Vesper to a Core Data application. A recent post of his titled Core Data and Deleting Objects set […] The post Deleting Objects in Core Data appeared first on Cocoa

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