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How to get caller mobile number in iPhone please help me
any one free here
yes i'm here but paid not free :P
i store 5 string object in nsmutable array if any string has no value then it is not storing next value
got it..?
When you add object as a nil in an array then array data structure understand that object is your last object. And it end it mutability. That why it not allowing you add more object afterward
if you want to set nil object in any collection on objective-C then use NSNull value
[NSNull null]
how can i solved because data comes through webservice
equate web service value with NSNull
can u give me one line code hint
if([[webInfo objectAtIndex:indexValue] isKindOfClass:[NSNull null]]){
[yourCollectionObject addObject:[NSNull null]];
ok,thanks for help...
Hi @Reformer
I am adding a localization in my app and it is working fine but now i want to change the app name also how can i do it?
i am using a cfbundelname but its not working
Don't have idea about localization.
please anyone can help me
Hey devs, I need some help regarding custom player in iphone. Can anyone please help me?
ask direct your query
Hello @dark
I am playing youtube, soundcloud through uiwebview.
when i am clicking on play button it is playing through quicktimeplayer
is there any way to play it through avplayer @Reformer
no i'm not yet did work on such kind of stuff.
Can you tell me a things regarding UIView. I have a UIView at the top and underneed it there is a UITableview. My requirement is, On click of a row it will remove the view and space its taken of uiview from the viewController. And uitableview will come on the top of the screen.
just change the frames on tableview didselect delegate method
Can you show me some code please?
another way create KVO/KVC design for this functionality. Observe property of row selection/highlighted and changes yours frame in KVO context methods
naa!! its a totally beginner thing i guess ... hard to found code snippet on it.
Ok Thanks. Sorry for bothering you too much.
No no. I'm not bother .. i give you information until i know.
Best of luck.
posted on January 09, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C I’ve mentioned a number of open source iOS apps, and here’s an interesting open source app called Doppio from Christian Roman. Doppio utilizes the open source

hai all
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] respondsToSelector:@selector(setOrientation:)])
objc_msgSend([UIDevice currentDevice], @selector(setOrientation:), UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait );
that code work in viewdidload
but if i rotate it shouldn't
but it is rotating
please help me
how to add an international keyboard to an settings page in iOS sdk ?
@Reformer: there?
    objc_msgSend([UIDevice currentDevice], @selector(setOrientation:), UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft);
any idea how to set this after viewdidload and if user rotates,it should not rotate
Rotation methods already given by apple
use those methods
I have used all rotation methods
no one is working
@Ranjit hello
@dark, have you worked with Cglayers, my drawing is getting blurrred
2 hours later…
@Ranjit no didn't work on them much
@dark, ok
@Ranjit @dark @SaadChaudhry can anyone help me for NSKeyArchiever ?
@Mayur no idea

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