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[self setNotification:str1 message:@"message"]; for calling this method where str1 is NSDate and message is simply string
got idea @Rani,
@Harish I almost finished my website
@veer Do you have any idea about iOS Enterprise Program for in-house distribution?
@veer yes
@Veer but i have one doubt can i set multiple alarms using localnotification
@BHendrick very good
@all anyone wanna see??
@Harish wanna see it?
@veer are u saving the alarm in sqlite database.
@sandy how add FBconnect folder in my app
@BHendrick ok let see
@Nishant, no yar, but I think this term is used for app within company, or particular licence number
How To add FBconnect in my app anybody knaow
@BHendrick send the link
stackoverflow.com/questions/6034495/…, @Nishant, see this, might help you
@Rani, yes, save data to database(sqlite) for displaying UITableViewController
@Rani, and you can set many alarms according to days, like monday, tuesday, etc etc
@Veer but according to days how alarms can be set .Please explain
@Abhishek, ya, but what do you want to do with FBConnect, because i worked with retreiving friends names and their images
@BHendrick it's nice
first complete upto here, then we do move on, this section is also remaining in my app @Rani, but I have idea about it
Really, Harish?
@Veer i am only send post
@Veer ok
@Abhishek just simply drag and drop
@Veer you just give me information how to add fbconnect in iphone app
@sandy ya but file import karne par eroor aa rahi he yar
If nothing works you can try this

Make the background colour of the cell as clear color and then put an image of the cell with required size. If you want to display some text on that cell put a label above the image. Don't forget to set the background color of the label also to clear color.
@sandy hi
@Abhishek kya?
@sandy no such file found fbconnct/fbconnct.h
hi all.i have one doubt
i want to submit update of an app.
my client forgot the password for keys
Hi i have macos 10.7 i am trying to download xcode4.1.1 it show installing how much time it will take i am unable to see status please help is there any other way
@Abhishek @sandy hi, i m playing a button click sound on pressing a button, but its taking a quite long time to play that sound, after pressing button it takes 4-5 seconds to play the sound.
@Abhishek kyon si file?
@Veer @vjay
@sandy how can post the data with help http
on to server
@Abhishek, will tell you, just wait 2 mints, let me see my old project
@sandy tum ye batao ki kese karte he yar
@Veer ok
hi, i have one class that calls another one to start downloading data, when its done, it sends info back through delegating. If I call second class 5 times from first class, how will responds act? There will be 5 instances of first class and each takes one response?
@ArchanaChaurasia did you check that on device?
@Veer can you help me
so when i create a new distribution certificate and submit the app,will that be a issue
@Veer setNotification method should be in appdelegate
@Abhishek are yar dekho agar koi file miss kar rahi hai means uska ref usse nahi mil rha hai
any one please help
so pahale usse delete karo
@ArchanaChaurasia Hi...dear Archie :) How are you ??? After a long time......hmmmmm
@HonestSuccess hiii
@HonestSuccess,hiiii i have one doubt

i want to submit update of an app.

my client forgot the password for keys.so when i create a new distribution certificate and submit the app,will that be a issue.
@sandy yes same on device
@Naresh hi.
@HonestSuccess yes dear, well how r u ?
aur add karate samay use copy kaaro app ke under phir usse ref ke sath add karo
@Senorina no any issue.....according to me....
@sandy using image is not allowed :(
@ArchanaChaurasia okey can you show me the code ?
i have mac os 10.7 trying to in tall Xcode 4.1.1 it takes long time is there any other way
@Rani, setNoti would be there, where you are sending values to db and settting you laram
@ArchanaChaurasia fine...thanx.
@veer hello
@Abhishek, /*Facebook Application ID*/
//NSString *client_id = @"158657020862136";
NSString *client_id = @"197022750339855";

//alloc and initalize our FbGraph instance
self.fbGraph = [[FbGraph alloc] initWithFbClientID:client_id];
@ArchanaChaurasia How's your work is going on ????
@sandy yes
@HonestSuccess i m playing a button click sound on pressing a button, but its taking a quite long time to play that sound, after pressing button it takes 4-5 seconds to play the sound.
@HonestSuccess,will apple reject that one
This is way of connecting to fb
and you have to send client_id
and use FBGraphApi @Abhishek
@HonestSuccess project is almost going to comp but have many small issues
@Senorina Don't know much more....you can ask to @sandy
@Harish, hi Harish :-)
@ArchanaChaurasia ok.....try to solve those as early as possible
@sandy,hiiii i have one doubt

i want to submit update of an app.

my client forgot the password for keys.so when i create a new distribution certificate and submit the app,will that be a issue.
koi mujhe help karega? :(
@HonestSuccess please tell me i am unable to know way was happening
wat was happening
@sandy @HonestSuccess - (void)viewDidLoad {
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"thozi_daClick" ofType:@"mp3"];
theAudio=[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path] error:NULL];
[super viewDidLoad];
-(IBAction) brandButton: (id)sender
[theAudio play];
@Veer ok
@Senorina no issue but bundle identifier will be same for new version
I trying post the data iphone server database
i hope you get my point?
but @veer but not getting success
@ArchanaChaurasia sorry yaar....i had not yet worked with those....
@HonestSuccess hey is webview is not supported scrolling on scrollview ?
I trying post the data iphone server database but not getting success
@HonestSuccess ok
@Veer are phle FBconnect folder kese karte he
@Harish, in what you are not getting success?
@ArchanaChaurasia it supports scrolling....automatically
@Senorina the info mention in meta data should be match with new version t8's important
as per the content
@sandy FBConnect/FBConnectGlobal.h file not found error aa rahi he but file to add ki hui he
yar api download kro, just use import kro, so simple @Abhishek
it show me wronging 'NSData' may not respond to '-dataUsingEncoding:allowLossyConversion:'
/Users/HarishYadav/Desktop/JourneyMapper/Journey/TSettingsController.m:99: warning: (Messages without a matching method signature
/Users/HarishYadav/Desktop/JourneyMapper/Journey/TSettingsController.m:99: warning: will be assumed to return 'id' and accept
/Users/HarishYadav/Desktop/JourneyMapper/Journey/TSettingsController.m:99: warning: '...' as arguments.)
@HonestSuccess ya but in my case....i m uploading a screen shot, w8
@veer it show me wronging 'NSData' may not respond to '-dataUsingEncoding:allowLossyConversion:'
/Users/HarishYadav/Desktop/JourneyMapper/Journey/TSettingsController.m:99: warning: (Messages without a matching method signature
/Users/HarishYadav/Desktop/JourneyMapper/Journey/TSettingsController.m:99: warning: will be assumed to return 'id' and accept
/Users/HarishYadav/Desktop/JourneyMapper/Journey/TSettingsController.m:99: warning: '...' as argu
@Abhishek in do file ko delete karo aur phir se add karo
@Harish, show me the code
@Veer are to FBconnct kese add karo application me phele ye API to bad me add karenege
@sandy have u seen the code ?
@veer -(void)sendRequest


NSDate* date = [NSDate date];
//Create the dateformatter object
NSDateFormatter* formatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
//Set the required date format
[formatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:SS"];
//Get the string date
NSString* str = [formatter stringFromDate:date];

NSData *post = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Token=%@&JourneyID=%@&JourneyName=%@&Locationname=%@&StartDate=%@&Distance=%@&ShareType=%@&LastSyncDate=%@",tokenapi,Journey_ID,Journey_Name,Location_Name,Start_Date,Dist,Share_type,str];
@sandy see this mene isme se dekha he raywenderlich.com/77/…
I heard Iphone will soon be distributed in cheapest price , is is true guys?
@Abhishek okey let me check that
@sandy ok
@HonestSuccess here my web view data is hiding behind bottom toolbar
@ArchanaChaurasia i think it's okey
@Abhishek, ap pehle api add kro, then just call two lines which I gave you, it will let you use fb,
Any one using mac os 10.7 please help me
@PratikshaBhisikar Good afternoon
@Veer hello
hi..anybody know..how to call array written in objective C to html file..?
@PratikshaBhisikar r u der?
@veer are u there?
hahahha ban gaya kya baat hai @Archana
@Aadil hi adil
@Harish, not getting idea dear
@vjay abe isse se nehi hoga, 1 tableview se hi karna hoga
@user735682 abey wo table hi nai hai :p
@ArchanaChaurasia it's take 2-3 sec always
@Govind yes
@sandy hello
@Harish hi
@Aadil Have u studied at CDAC?
@Govind Nopz me frm pakistan
@sandy having problem posting
@Harish kya?
i amtrying to post the data which i am getting from local database to server database @sandy
@sandy it show me wronging that NSData' may not respond to '-dataUsingEncoding:allowLossyConversion:'
@Veer local notification is set.
@Veer thanks yaar
@Harish show me the code whr you found the worning
@sandy -(void)sendRequest


NSDate* date = [NSDate date];
//Create the dateformatter object
NSDateFormatter* formatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
//Set the required date format
[formatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:SS"];
//Get the string date
NSString* str = [formatter stringFromDate:date];

NSData *post = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Token=%@&JourneyID=%@&JourneyName=%@&Locationname=%@&StartDate=%@&Distance=%@&ShareType=%@&LastSyncDate=%@",tokenapi,Journey_ID,Journey_Name,Location_Name,Start_Date,Dist,Share_type,str];
@Veer but could u please tell how r u fetching the alarm values from database and displaying in tableview
@Rani, it is too much easy,
@Rani, yar tm ne table bnae he?
@Rani, make table, save data, then will guide you more, or you need more guidance for making table?
@veer no i have created table and my alarm is getting inserted in table
ok, now simply, tell me code for saving in db
so that I be sure about it @Rani
@sandy hello r u there
@veer should i paste the code over here
@veer this is my code -(void)saveInDatabase
app = (StopSnoozeAppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
[app copyDatabaseIfNeeded];
NSString *filePath =[app getDBPath];
sqlite3 *database;

NSTimeInterval timeStamp = [[NSDate date]timeIntervalSince1970];
NSNumber *timeStampObj = [NSNumber numberWithInt:timeStamp];

AlarmID =(int)timeStampObj;

NSDate *date = [NSDate date];
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc]init]autorelease];
@Harish NSData *postData = [post dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding allowLossyConversion:YES]; ye sahi nahi hai
@sandy than how can i do this
@Rani, rani why do you calling copyDatabaseIfNeed?
NSData *post = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Token=%@&JourneyID=%@&JourneyName=%@&Locationname=%@&StartDat‌​e=%@&Distance=%@&ShareType=%@&LastSyncDate=%@",tokenapi,Journey_ID,Journey_Name,L‌​ocation_Name,Start_Date,Dist,Share_type,str]; isko hi change karo
like as
@Rani, just call it once, in didLaunchApp
@veer ok
@sandy ididn't get you?
@Harish [postBody appendData:[shoutName dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
NSMutableData *postBody = [NSMutableData data];
[postBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Token=%@&JourneyID=%@&JourneyName=%@&Locationname=%@&StartDat‌​e=%@&Distance=%@&ShareType=%@&LastSyncDate=%@",tokenapi,Journey_ID,Journey_Name,L‌​ocation_Name,Start_Date,Dist,Share_type,str] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
@sandy can you explain me how can i do/
@sandy ok thanks
@ArchanaChaurasia :-) welcome
@Harish got it?
@sandy w8 i am trying
@veer but in the code that you have given if i set the alarm for 3.15 pm it shows the notification with snooze and stop button directly when i click on the save button
@Harish if you want to post data then you have to use as like that
@Rani, check the format of your time, if it is invalid NSDate then it will fire at the same time when do you set it
@sandy hi
@sandy from whom i replace this NSMutableData *postBody = [NSMutableData data];
[postBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Token=%@&JourneyID=%@&JourneyName=%@&Locationname=%@&StartDat‌ e=%@&Distance=%@&ShareType=%@&LastSyncDate=%@",tokenapi,Journey_ID,Journey_Name,L‌ ocation_Name,Start_Date,Dist,Share_type,str] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]
NSData *post = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Token=%@&JourneyID=%@&JourneyName=%@&Locationname=%@&StartDate=%@&Distance=%@&ShareType=%@&LastSyncDate=%@",tokenapi,Journey_ID,Journey_Name,Location_Name,Start_Date,Dist,Share_type,str];
NSData *postData = [post dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding allowLossyConversion:YES]; @Harish instead of this
you jsut use the single 1
NSMutableData *postBody = [NSMutableData data];
[postBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Token=%@&JourneyID=%@&JourneyName=%@&Locationname=%@&StartDat‌ e=%@&Distance=%@&ShareType=%@&LastSyncDate=%@",tokenapi,Journey_ID,Journey_Name,L‌ ocation_Name,Start_Date,Dist,Share_type,str] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]
@avinash yes
@Aadil Have yu worked with json parsing??
@Govid refer to veer
@Veer Hello veer I need your help please...
it's with json parser...
@Govind, yes dear, what do you want
@sandy it is not working now it get crash and show reason: '-[NSConcreteMutableData dataUsingEncoding:allowLossyConversion:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xdd024e0'
@Govind, what exactly with JSON parser?
@Veer In my application I am using json parsing....and working fine with all characters except "[quotes ] and ' [quotation] .. When these charecters added in server I am getting Error....
Does anyone have any idea about iOS Enterprise Program for in-house distribution?
@Harish tumko data ksi formate me post karana hai
@sandy hello are u there
@IphoneDeveloper hi
@sandy it is not working now it get crash and show reason: '-[NSConcreteMutableData dataUsingEncoding:allowLossyConversion:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xdd024e0'
@sandy ye push notificcationm wali app ko first time run karti hu to.. wo msg kyo nahi aataa .. do u want to enable noti. for this
JSONValue failed. Error is: Unrecognised leading character @Govind
Is this is error you getting
@vjay u thr ?
@IphoneDeveloper: Do u know how to get table of contents of pdf?
:13i want to know about the url
and what type of data you post
@IphoneDeveloper hehehehehe
@sandy kyo pagal?
@Harish yes
@veer i have repeat interval page. how to pass this repeat interval to notificationhttps://i.sstatic.net/kVRji.png
@sandy how can i do that
@Harish i have to a cross check by url
then i can say any thing
@Veer Here is error trace
@PratikshaBhisikar hello @sandy No
Error Domain=org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code=3 "Expected ':' separating key and value" UserInfo=0x9920b60 {NSLocalizedDescription=Expected ':' separating key and value},
@sandy send me your link
@ArchanaChaurasia haan bolo D kya hua>
@sandy,is it possible to create a new distribution certificate withour revoking
@Veer i have done the coding for selection of cells on this page.but hoe to pass the interval to notification So that when monday is selected alarm should be set for monday

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