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Q: Xcode 5 - .ipa not installing for project with static library Adhoc Distribution

TechFanaticI have build an app with static library. I am trying for Ad Hoc distribution. .ipa file installs fine on iphone 5 with IOS 7 , but same .ipa file gives error installing on same IOS version on iphone 4s and ipad. Error message is as follows: Unable to Download App AppName could not be installed a...

hi @Reformer gud mrng :)
@Leena hi good morning you too
@Leena @Reformer Can you help me on my issue??? Which is posted above
no idea about it friend.
@Reformer Ok thanks
Q: Fetching data from Facebook multiple times in iOS

AslamI am new to iPhone programming using below code i am login in Facebook and fetching data from Facebook like email id,username after that emailid i am sending to server.But my problem is if already login in Facebook means automatically its calling - (void)loginViewFetchedUserInfo:(FBLoginView *...

i want to get the user Followers and Following names. i have used FHSTwiiter Engine APi to login with Twiiter that is done but i want to get the followers name and following names how can i get this.. can you help me...
sorry friend i haven't work on social network latest freamwork
and twitter version 1.1
@Reformer can you please see this link github.com/fhsjaagshs/FHSTwitterEngine/blob/master/…
// followers/ids
- (id)getFollowersIDs;

// followers/list
- (id)listFollowersForUser:(NSString *)user isID:(BOOL)isID withCursor:(NSString *)cursor;
see this methods
has anyone used NSURLCredential before?
how to compile and run another applescript using applescript
@MaxHasADHD sorry max i have get chance to work on it. :(
my question is just about if its saved to keychain, how do i get the credential back without userrname/password again:P
I guess you cant get back
i will just going to validate when you go for auth
Q: iOS: How to store username/password within an app?

KovuI have a login-screen in my iOS app. The username and password will be saved in the NSUserDefaults and be loaded into the login-screen again when you anter the app again (of course, NSUserDefaults are permenant). Now, the user have the possibilty to disable the username/password-savement. So th...

well Im implementing cloud app into my app, so Im using nsurlcredential for authenticating, but once I'm authenticated i can save myself the username/password into the keychain, but nsurlcredential has a way of doing so also.
but i don't see anywhere how to get the credential back?:P so its kinda bad
@AashishJoshi i think you wasting your time asking such question.... please ask it on Stackoverflow FAQ website
NSString *password = [keychainItem objectForKey:kSecValueData];
NSString *username = [keychainItem objectForKey:kSecAttrAccount];
@Reformer i have tried this NSLog(@"%@",[[FHSTwitterEngine sharedEngine]listFollowersForUser:[[FHSTwitterEngine sharedEngine]authenticatedID] isID:YES withCursor:[[FHSTwitterEngine sharedEngine]authenticatedID]]); but not get the Followers and following names.
@Reformer ok
max see this lines for use to retrive your credientials
[keychainItem setObject:@"password you are saving" forKey:kSecValueData];
[keychainItem setObject:@"username you are saving" forKey:kSecAttrAccount];\
this is for store
Q: How to use Keychain in ios programming

Pradeep RajkumarI'm using the Keychain wrapper class provided by Apple. In my application I want to store and retrieve the username and password of the logged in user. When the app is launched again, it should check for the login credentials in the keychain and let the user into the app(automatic login). Tried s...

i know, i know all about the keychain but if i use the persistence on the credential it doesn't have a way of getting it back, it just takes in the username/pass and the persistence
I know how to use the keychain reformer
the question is, this can be saved to keychain NSURLCredential *cred = [NSURLCredential credentialWithUser:_username password:_password persistence:NSURLCredentialPersistenceNone]; automatically by changing the persistence, now do you see any way of getting the credential back? nope
so it does look like ill have to save and retrieve the username/pass myself which i was going to do, unless the credential could do it easier
hmmm no i haven't tried so far this kind of thing. So i haven't much words on it
@Reformer can you check my nslog this will not get the followers and follwing...
Hello evry one
i need a small information to proceed my example in mapview
@Namo dude i think as long as guess using your link given lines provide you just followers ID's ... you need to call again web service for getting back usernames based on those ID's ....
@CodeWorrior yeah go ahead
Thanks @Reformer
ya but how may i do this...
Here is my doubt , Im using mapview and displaying 10 pins,which shows the latitude and long while we tap on the pins
now im working on the additional buttons in that map view
like PLAY , Stop ,Pause
which will show one by one pin lat and long in order
@Namo check twitter API 1.1 version
how to proceed doing that play ,pause & stop
@Reformer i already check that but not get any idea to get the followers and following names..
@CodeWorrior looking some tricky functionality
ya buddy,working to solve this..hardly
can u help me out
i think you need to call some methods manually
good morning room
posted on December 19, 2013 by admin

This describes how to block a call that is not in your contacts on iOS 7. We create how to videos on just about any topic. If you’ve created a how to video a… After installing a wordpress plugin membership my traffic has trebled.

posted on December 19, 2013 by admin

Not a user of a google wordpress plugin? You should?

k,do u have any adviceble methods @Reformer
how to slove this
wait i'm referring some doc regarding on it
actually i have lots work to do today.... so i give here late reply
k thank you buddy @Reformer
plz ping me if u get any solution regarding this @Reformer

Sets the selection state of the annotation view.
- (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected animated:(BOOL)animated


Contains the value YES if the view should display itself as selected.

Set to YES if the change in selection state is animated.
**You should not call this method directly. An MKMapView object calls this method in response to user interactions with the annotation**
i'm sure you need to create some custom overlay rather than pinannotation
ho k..
i will work on this @Reformer ,i will let you knw if i have any doubts.
@Reformer Hi, i got the solution for xml data issue. But now am facing problem with parsing data from tags like <icon xmlns="" href="http://......> and <title "xmlns"">
thanks for ur help buddy @Reformer
@RajugoudBingi show me that xml before
@CodeWorrior sure anytime for map overlay issues
@Reformer ok, i will give pastebin link
posted on December 19, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C Earlier this year I mentioned a handy wrapper for easier use of the free OpenWeatherMap API. Here’s a beautiful example app called Sol for displaying weather from C

@RajugoudBingi where is the problem?
@Reformer how to add uibutton to google maps ... i added button dynamically it is not showing on the maps view
@Reformer not getting the link text into array.
@rakesh add your UIButton as a overlay
i thinks some links are attributes of elements @RajugoudBingi
i think you wrongly prasing xml
how to parse for links which are in tag format <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://xyz.net/xy/abc/pqr/ba40a311-a43b-4e2d-bcb0-4a29165c6a03/xyz.xml"/>
do you have knowledge on XML?
do you xml atrribute?
i am getting values with tags <title>xyz</title> but not <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://xyz.net/xy/abc/pqr/ba40a311-a43b-4e2d-bcb0-4a29165c6a03/xyz.xml"/>
How to overlay a button ..can you pls tell me
@RajugoudBingi wow apple give explain how to do this developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/cocoa/conceptual/…
@rakesh my friend it very common task ... i recommend ask this question to google... it will give you lots of help on it better than me
thank you @reformer
ill do it
@Reformer in my question, <title> is a child tag and <link ""> is an attribute
how it parse it given in my given link if you using NSXMLParser for parsing xml
@Reformer,but iam using tbxml parsing friend
i generally use TBXML libarary of parsing xml
hey, @Reformer - a simple question/ What can you propose to organize my files in XCode? It seems they are unsorted in file list panel - so it's hard for me to find needed file every time with my eyes - that's annoying :p
see TBXML also given getAttributevalue methods
i guess if you read all head files of TBXML classes you will easly got it how to fetch attribute data
I'm thinking about subfolders
@AlmaDo yes create subfolders
its really better idea to organize classes under one common hood of folder
ok friend
you can organize UI folder to keep UI related classes then Utility folder contain utility types of classes and model classes
well, the only thing is - after creating subfolders I'll need to refactor all my current classes (cause import will fail, obviously) - and I was unable to find some automatic refactor tool like in PHPStorm, for example
well, i'm not aware about other languages and tools so far .. so i have no idea :P
for now many classes are looking as:
#import "XISAnnouncementListViewController.h"
#import "XISAnnouncementItem.h"
#import "XISHandlerJSON.h"
#import "XISTransmissionHTTP.h"
#import "XISSettingsHolder.h"
#import "XISGlobalConstants.h"
#import "XISLocalesHolder.h"
e t.c.
so - lots of imports. It will be hard to do that :(
I think something is wrong here
its better to organize your logic using different classes
so - I'm doing it. look at those "different classes" all needed to be imported
xcode give you static error if you failed to consume any classes
hm. I'll try
I have very serious problem. Even SO can't help me with it. And - even google :( Tomorrow there will be new year party, so after 3 PM office will be unavailable. I need to invent a reason which will excuse the fact that I will continue to work at my app instead of participating in that corporate party :\
what happend?
well, they are trying to convince everyone to take part in that event. It's near "mandatory" in our company. But I have no time for that bullshit
I want to continue my work - but that requires a solid reason
if you iOS developer and as a beginner then generally that developer have to forget his some personal life...
yes, yes.. since my app is more for me (I'm learning - but it will do lots of useful work in future) - I can't imagine what to say :\
iOS app client always on the horse and riding us in between very short time of project deadline
@Reformer huh.. my "personal life" was on SO. Now my rep. is not growing :p because I'm working on my app :p
usually it was 150..200 rep. per day
yeah i looked that
I wanted to break 20k limit till new year - but it's impossible for now :p I'll do that later
and, besides, it's more like "repfarming" since hard & interesting questions are too rare
UIView *overlayView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
overlayView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
overlayView.alpha = 0.4;
[self.view addSubview:overlayView];
@reformer is this correct
@rakesh just try
do you know MKOverlayView class? @rakesh
dont know bro
now i doubt you really search it on google :(
i searched it on google and find that piece of code
but it is not getting the button on top of mapview
Q: How to add button on an MKMapView?

Sanchit GuptaI'm trying to make an iPhone app where the map has buttons, how do I do that? I've already implemented MKMapView and set its longitude/latitude and centered it where I want it.

Q: Adding subview to MKMapView that's above the map but below the annotation views?

ZeppomedioFor an app I'm building, I have a custom "old map" effect PNG that I'd like to overlay on the MKMapView view. Unfortunately, neither way I've tried to do this is exactly right: Add a subview to the MKMapView (issue: the UIImageView for the PNG gets placed above the Annotation pins, which looks ...

Q: How do I create an image overlay and add to MKMapView?

Jr Ntr AchantaI am trying to learn MapKit and am now trying to add an image as an overlay to the map view. I can't seem to find any sample code to help explain how to do this. Can you guys please help me how to create MKOverlays and add them to MKMapKit. Thanks in advance..

now i really doubting on your searching too Mr. Rakesh
@AlmaDo your image not found here :P
Q: Is there a way that I can make an overlay view on the iPhone SDK?

Anthony GlyadchenkoI've seen examples of overlay views in different iPhone apps (Skype, Phone.app (while making a call), Google Mobile) and I was wondering how I could do the same in an app. I'm making an app which has a record button in it and when that button is pressed, I want a nice looking overlay (similar to...

well, it fits any beginners questions (especially if it's "I copied that code, but it's not working")
@Reformer on my search i found that answer
@AlmaDo well, yes he is the beginner.
@Reformer so that's why I've posted image :D
it's good for me too
@rakesh read it... try to understand it.... some things aren't pretty straight forward my friend
okey thank you my friend :)
you need to spend some time on reading regarding solution
i know whole life cycle of overlays and Map views... but its not worthful now to explain everthing you. @rakesh
i have too many work... i glad and expect some hard work from your side too
i'm here just for giving you hints for achieve you gaol
okey since iam new to google maps and ovelays ..i asked you too many times
@rakesh don't feel bad.
i'm also heard such kinds of things while i was beginner :D
okey friend
@AlmaDo youuuuuu shut off.... and again send that image :P :D ;)
i want to see it..
anyways i know you are in tense :P
whats the difference between #define, static and using static+const?
at least spelling
Q: Difference between static const and #define in Objective-C

SundayMonday Possible Duplicate: “static const” vs “#define” in C In Objective-C what is the difference between the following two lines: #define myInteger 5 static const NSInteger myInteger = 5; Assume they're in MyClass.m above the implementation directive.

Q: When to use static string vs. #define

mahboudzI am a little confused as to when it's best to use: static NSString *AppQuitGracefullyKey = @"AppQuitGracefully"; instead of #define AppQuitGracefullyKey @"AppQuitGracefully" I've seen questions like this for C or C++, and I think what's different here is that this is specifically for Ob...

2nd one link contain more explanation
I used static strings for my global constants
like this:
extern  NSString* const SETTINGS_LANGUAGE_EN;
hm. may be not
ok thanks, I guess I've been doing it all wrong XD
I use #define always just because its what I've known, now that i know it just replaces everything when building, probably should remove them if i can
i'm using this #define kCellHeight 88
Hey all can i get anybody's help solving this one
hi all
need help on setting ios6/7 view delta programmatically..
@Reformer r u there
anyone ... any idea on this
@Vinupriya yes
@ruyamonis346 sorry no Idea about latest version
search it in apple docs if you got hints otherwise post your query on SO main FAQ site
@Reformer is there any api for providing free SMS for both development and production?... any idea
NO idea about it.
oh.. np thx
@Reformer its ok.. thank u
Even there is not apple doc available..
1 hour later…
@Reformer you still here?
yes until my office leaving time :D
I've found weird thing :( My views are looking veeery crappy when I'm rotating device. So am I supposed to create separate views for that case?
no no don't create separate view its very bad practice
when you rotate device some delegate method getting called
but what to do? I've played with constraints.. nothing helped
resize your all controls on that methods
but some of them should be not only resized - but also change their place on screen
it looks like kick for me :\ all goes well - and.. such a jerk thing :\
yes its becoz autorizing mask property of view
by defualt all subview anchor top right side of parent view
haha .. for now I have an option - to prohibit changing orientation :p but that's a dummy solution
playing with orientation is really headache
:\ yeah
i'm lucky i'm not playing with rotation since 2-3 years :D
Q: Handling autorotation for one view controller in iOS7

djibouti33I've read many answers on SO but I can't seem to get autorotation working on iOS7. I only need one view controller to rotate, so I don't want to set rotation settings in my Info.plist. As I understand Apple's documentation, a single view controller can override global rotations settings (from I...

I'm lucky that I'm not supposed to develop under iPad too
see this it basic info you needed before
heyyyy refer/go through this link techotopia.com/index.php/… @AlmaDo
well, I don't see that question fit my issue. I know how to set auto-rotation:p I don't know how to handle it properly - i.e. ideal solution would be to have some alternate UI structure for each view and for that rotated state
and it would be really good if I'll can set that alternate appearance on XCode's gui editor
you must have to spend some time for reading and understanding about rotation and UI handling thing if your are working with IOS
so that's what I'm doing. Just asked before if there's some common standard (and simple) way to do this to be sure that I'll not overkill the issue
standard way is keep autorisizing mask properties as per you need
and methods those called after rotation
if some UI not resize then manually resize it
second link is very good - near to my problem, ty
well, i'm still searching apple doc ... apple provide very nice approch on to it
this is the last serious issue in my app. huh.. 2 weeks ago I didn't even knew that ios develompent is powered by objective-C
apple really has good manuals
yes. Apple given really really good documents
i strongly recommend it
how apple explain things
Hello! Does anybody work with CoreImage or CoreGraphics?
@gaussblurinc i'm expecting direct query regarding your problem
ok, I have a task. I have square image and have a rectangle. What I want? I want opposite result from resizable image tile mode. So, Cap insets will fill space in rectangle and square image will be placed in the center of rectangle.
@gaussblurinc no i'm not processing image in detail sorry
@Reformer for now I'm reading this and it's odd, but I haven't such interface in my XCode:
i.e. no bottom part (with Origin and Arrange )
sorry it was lower version xcode and iOS
that why i gave you another 2 sites
ok, nevermind, I'm just wondering
see my last apple link
they provide us latest co-ordinate system on views
3 hours later…
hello @Michael
hi @dark
need help
@Ranjit hello

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