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Good morning :)
Good morning
gud mrng @iAmbitious @AJPatel :)
@all Good Morning
I need help in iOS Auto layout
Can anyone give some solution for the autolayout issue
CAn any one tell me best way to display image in 3*3 thumbnail in like photo gallery
@Aslam there are so many ways you can achieve this
but UICollectionView may provide you best approch
use that
Q: MFMailComposeViewController large Video attachment failed to send

alok srivastavaI am sending video file as an mail attachment, when i send small video then every thing is work perfect and mail has sent, but when video size is large the it give memory warning several time and unable to sent the mail. I am allocating memory for NSdata and releasing it properly. Please give you...

any suggestion
k thank for giving replay.hey if i use collectionview it will support for iphone5
@aloksrivastava no idea
@iAmbitious thanks buddy
i want to display images in thumbnail and cilck on that particular image that image i have to display in full screen and after that if scroll right side i have display next image in full screen,same for left side.using collection view it possible aaa @iAmbitious
@iAmbitious, namaskar, I am getting mergeConflict issues when I delete a data from core data. and save. any help
@dark, hi
@Aslam yes
@Ranjit i'm not familiar on mergeConflict ..
posted on November 13, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources     Featured iPhone Development Resources Last week I mentioned a library allowing you to create great looking radar charts. Here’s another interesting charting library allowing you to create even more types of charts, a contribution graph, clock chart, and bar chart all with a very clean minimalistic s

@Aslam you can show thumb representation of all images using UICollectionView. For detail Image (full size) you can manage using UIScrollView.
you can get idea by this apple sample code
2 hours later…
Hi everyone,
if I want to test my app in a new device which is not registered. is it necessary to create a keychain again then after development provisioning profile
plaease help me
@ Rinku Add Divice UDID
I registered the device and created a development provisioning profile for that. And refreshed the account in the xcode.
you use in xcode 5
before using this device i have tested in other devices
yes hemant
please first open your project xcode 4.6
I am using xcode 5.
one more thing I have not created a new cirtificate for the newly added device
Code Singin select New Provisioning
I have selected the newly created development provisioning profile
but getting the error as
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
first Check Your Provision Profile is Valid ?
yes it is valid and showing the statuc Active
is it necessary to drag and drop the development provisioning profile to xcode
I have used the previously created keychain certificate
no drag drop but Double click to provisioning Profile
someone had some epx. with webviews in collection view ?
Name:EatigoDevType:DevelopmentApp ID:
Eatigo (com.eatigo)
1 total
3 total
Enabled Services:
Push Notifications, In-App Purchase, Game Center
Expires:Nov 13, 2014Status:Active
hello everyone…
anyone there to help me
sure whats the problem ? ^^
i just need to know is there any api i can integrate in iOS for flight information
the api which would not be rejected by apple
@Rinku not proper user name and password
Sorry I did not get
Please tell me little explanation
@iCodeAtApple well what have you tried so far ?
i did look out on google but it gives me something related to flight beta testing..
i am not sure what are plugins and how to use them or install them …I've never used them either
well same here but let me see if I can help you ..
Sure…That will be of great help.. !!
there is also github for it github.com/flightaware
but is it for iOS ?
will apple accept this API ?
looks like , I would say yes as I can see so far
btw @iCodeAtApple you had some exp. with webview and arrays ?
Would you also let me know how do i integrate it into my app
yes i do..
ur not sure…i can't risk of telling it to client and then saying no...
any firm answer ud suggest
i know what you mean... mhm..
Hi All
Hello Al
I am facing the same problem can anyone help me
@Mohit which issue?
Which I mentioned above link
this one
@Mohit dic is your mutable dictionary ?
@Mingebag [request addData:drawObj.drawingImgData withFileName:@"img.png" andContentType:@"image/jpeg" forKey:@"drawingimage"];
this code will help for uploading image into database
-JSONValue failed. Error is: Illegal start of token [<]
I am getting this error while uploading image on server
please see it
@mohit can u please tell me r u using synchronous or asynchronous request using
2 hours later…
posted on November 13, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources     Featured iPhone Development Resources Previously I mentioned a UICollectionView based component for creating Pinterest waterfall views ideal for dynamically updating content and an in-depth tutorial on how to create custom UICollectionView layouts. Here’s another UICollectionView based component for

3 hours later…
posted on November 13, 2013 by irotyiorti

も、つけるというのは有名な恋愛テクニックのひとつですよね?それを、恋をして幸せになるのが理想だと感じている人は、恋の行方が知りたい人って、 逆援助といえども、それなりに女性との経験を持っていなくては相手にされること自体が・・・

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