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gud mrng :)
2 hours later…
posted on June 21, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Previously I mentioned an excellent tool that  provides quick access to iOS simulator apps allowing you to quickly laun

@MichaelDautermann Good morning
@leena good morning
Anybody has worked on image caching ?
@iProgrammer @iAmbitious @Manikandan @Leena hi friends.
i have download video file like mp4 file and save into document directory using ASI Http. and then i retrive from document directory and play in webview but some of my files are not play.when i track the error its gives like :WebKitErrorDomain, Plug-in handled load. Do u know abt it ?
which WebKitErrorDomain code you got?
Q: What is WebKitErrorDomain error code 204?

PiepantsIf I load a page in UIWebView that contains video then the video plays successfully but didFailLoadWithError: gets called with an error code of 204. Where can I find out what this error code is? Initially I was loading a .3gp video, but then downloaded some sample videos off Apple's web site b...

i guess this because your video not playing
@iAmbitious what it means : WebkitErrorDomain Code 204 is Plug-in handled load. It occur because it load video not from UIWebView. Maybe it uses MPInlineMoviePlayerController plugin.
that means, your some video isn't give proper support to UIWebview api
then what should i do ?
try to play your videos through MPMoviePlayerController
ya i had tried but its not paly.
playing videos using MPMoviePlayerController???
Hi @iAmbitious
i have one doubt
ask you query directly instead of permission
what are the delegate methods in CABasicAnimation
@iAmbitious this is my code id: pastie.org/8065589 . my animation repeat count is zero.animationDidStop:finished: delegate method is called. I want to continue the animation in animationDidStop:finished: . what i put the code in this delegate method
why you want restart animation in animationDidStop method
set your animation repeat count infinite
its ugly practice calling animation block in animationDidStop method
because i implementing taperecorder project.I set animation repeat count is infinity . I'm using a timer in my code. I am increase the layer speed. It was working fine . after 2 minutes the image was shaking or jerk.
hmmm you mean you want to vary animation time
you need to do all custom animation
At that time i pause the recording and animation.then i resume the recording and animation.but the layer begin time is varying.
you have to bring every notification while ending your animation
using that notification method you need to restart your animation with your variable time
I just pause and resume the layer
no idont use any notification method
just i increase the speed with dplayedpercentage in timer.
what do you want exactly, you want increase speed while animation or play and pause your animation
play and pause animation is working perfectly. After that i resume the animation the begin time is varying.
hmmm that why its jerk
i vary the speed in timer so only.
yes... its completely synchronized time actually
you should synchronized your animation time and timer time
@iAmbitious r u there?
I paste the clearly
I paste the code clearly. you can get an idea from my code.
Hi Everyone any idea on coredata
hey everybody
any one help me
@Herçules hello
that worked or not?
No that is not working
that was working code I have tried using sample
just need to call spin method first time
how it is possible
in my sample application it is working
tell me any free zip uploader site
I m giving you sample
problem loading page
@Herçules r u catch url
got it
@Herçules how to rectify the image shaking
don't know
got the sample or not?
I got the sample
click it
anybody gimme solution about bluetooth printing in ios
@MichaelDautermann @MoorthyTheBoss I have read all the articles about bluetooth printing and I implemented external accessory framework to print via bluetooth but I can't understand how it will work and how to apply this code
i click button one time it was working fine. after that i clicked more time the animation was shaking. @Herçules
why more time
you need not to click it again
it will infinite spin
becoz on stop selector i restart it
see my code: pastebin.com/Vy24bE1n i'm creating taperecorder project.
I see
but where you need to tap it again
it is shaking because animation is not stopped and you restart it by cliking on the button
i vary the speed in onTimerAnimation method. so only it was shaking
ok you need to increase its speed only nothing more than that right?
that id was expired. my new id pastebin.com/Q3jjDnfi
how to synchronize the nstimer
i use 2 nstimer. one for recording and playing and another one for animation,
imageLeft.layer.speed=1.0+dPlayedPercentage; imageRight.layer.speed=1.0+dRemainingPercentage;
i just vary the speed with dPlayedPercentage
static float duration=4.0;

NSLog(@"duration is %f",duration);
[self runSpinAnimationOnView:_imgView duration:duration rotations:1 repeat:0];
here you manage the speed
that id was expired. my new id pastebin.com/Q3jjDnfi
how to synchronize the nstimer
i use 2 nstimer. one for recording and playing and another one for animation,
imageLeft.layer.speed=1.0+dPlayedPercentage; imageRight.layer.speed=1.0+dRemainingPercentage;
i just vary the speed with dPlayedPercentage
manikandan u have idea or coredata ??
No i'm a fresher @iOSDev
ohh.. ok
@Herçules : u have idea on coredata
@Herçules r u there?
@Manikandan, post your question on main site
@iOSDev, ask direct question. Here no need take permission to anybody
@iAmbitious r u see my code?
@iAmbitious : okay.
who invited me ?
hello frnds
I found bluetooth connectivity method here]
anybody tell me what to do in this method
forget it
so @Manikandan r u saying something to me
Has anyone customised the friend picker?
@Herçules s
@Herçules r u there?
@NitinGohel myself
yes say @Manikandan
sorry but i can't undaunted what u need
The animation was working perfectly. But after 2mins the animation was jerk and shaking
@NitinGohel let me explain you
every time he is increasing animation speed or reducing animation duration thats why animation is jerking
animation duration should be at limit
@NitinGohel are you free
if you try to give it less than the limit then it will start shaking
total record duration is 300 sec that is 5mins. i record the audio with tape wheel animation
@Manikandan I can't do anything in that
the tape on the left spins slow and tape on the right spins faster. Press record and let it record for 5 min with only one session. Around 2min check the speed of the spool, left one spins faster (there is still more tape) and the right one spins slower (less tape). The movement of the spool maybe right, but it is not syncing with the tape.
shaking problem may also occur when wheel is animating and you again fire animation code
just i increase the layer speed based on played duration
how to avoid the jerk after 2 mins
what is iphone app store id?
in the Facebook developers page?
@Herçules r u there?
Q: AFNetworking. check dowload progress for all operationqueue

IgnazioCI have an iOS application made with AFNetworking. I have a singleton custom httpclient subclass and i use it to consume my api and download binary files from server. I need to dowload about 100 files. Is it safe to iterate trough my url array and create one AFHTTPRequestionOperation for each url...

@Swap-IOS-Android i hope it help you a lot
read answer carefully. you will get idea how it will work
Q: AFNetworking monitor all download processes

Jason ZhaoI am trying to download files from remote, and I now can monitor every single files download success status [operation setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) { But any way to monitor the whole process of downloading? How should I know all download...

read discussion
@Ajitthala, i hope you see this before asking here
Q: Native iOS app: What do I put in Facebook's developer "iPhone App Store ID" under Settings, Basic?

Greg KrsakI'm about finished with a native iPhone app, but I need to finish SSO via Facebook. Despite my best effort, I am unable to figure-out what value is supposed to go in the "iPhone App Store ID" field during the process where I register my app with Facebook on their website. I have an "App ID" at h...

So, each app in one developer account will have different id?
for eg. in my dev account i have app1, app2 , app3 . All three will have different app id?
every app has one unique app id
hello Drake
Hi @iAmbitious
I have one question
My app size is 114 mb,but it's ipa size is more
which 175.3 mb
the ipa size should be smaller than app size
yes ipa file size must smaller than app file
any idea why that is happening?
no idea. even i heard it 1st time in my all iOS experienced
hmm.... strange,it is happening with me also for first time in my 3 yrs of experience
but this is giving me a headache
yes seriously
may be the .ipa file could have included the derived data as well
no,it is 2d game
built on cocos 2d
how do you create .ipa file
which process you follow
xcode-> window ->organizer
as we create in general,archive from product
try using iTunes
yah...then we have to archive the project
when ios device option is select
from organizer
drag n drop your .app file in iTunes
and again drop n drop iTunes file on desktop n check its size
and let me know
don't use organizer, and try this practice using iTunes
@iAmbitious namaskar
2 messages moved to Trash can
please English here
actually i want to display how many bytes are downloaded out of total bytes to download...i am adding it in queue of operation
but in my code i can track process is succesffuly downlaod or fail
but i want bytes receive out of total bytes so i can update progress bar accordign to that..no process by process
ok you not getting answers from those question
how can i get only even index number from a array?
like: 0,2,4,6 etc...
japa this simple logic
array.count%2 == 0
@iAmbitious no they are saying to use setProgressiveDownloadProgressBlock:^(NSInteger bytesRead, but my question is how
i know i have to use setProgressiveDownloadProgressBlock:^
but no one will explane me how can i use in my code
@iAmbitious so i can do this: int position = array.count %2 ==0; ?
@Swap-IOS-Androidm wait prepare me how to explain you clean and claer
yes Japa ..
ok sure bro
ok thank you...sorry fro the stupid question...sometimes we tend to complicate what is simple...
it ok
@Swap-IOS-Android, show me your code in paste
@iAmbitious i will explain you ..currently with this code i can display progress bar which is get update when i complete one process out of total process
your coding perfectly for one downloading right ?
my coding working perfect for one downlaod or multiple downlaod
because i am using operation array
for multiple downlaod
you have create status code for each opeartion
and in download block
you will get and array of downloaded data
tell me i'm right or not?
i dont get it sorry
@Drake, dude what happen?
2 hours later…
posted on June 21, 2013 by Johann

    iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C     iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C I’ve mentioned a couple of excellent controls featuring paperfold style transitions from honcheng such as Paperfold for iOS which is excellent for switching between views, and PaperfoldMenuController that provides a paperfold style transition with a great lo

Q: How to enable soundex() in iOS SQLite for a searching query?

ArvindIs there a way to use SQLite soundex() in iOS apps? Please guide me to find a way... Tried Homegrew but it works on terminal and I need to run soundex everytime in terminal. Also i dont know how to port to iOS APP. Terminal work

5 hours later…
posted on June 21, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools I previously mentioned a UICollectionView extension that allows you to add drag and drop reordering to a UICollectionVie

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