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good morning to nobody in particular out there!
2 hours later…
good morning you too Michael
gud mrng @iAmbitious
@Leena , good morning
whoa, it's Mr. Ambitious!
@MichaelDautermann: Hi mike... do u know how to authorize my app to use Facebook sdk in my iOS6 device?
you mean like this?
Q: Get if my app is authorized to use facebook [iOS 6, FB SDK 3.2]

Jacopo Penzohow can i know is my app is authorized by user to use Facebook? You can enable or disable it in "Settings -> Privacy -> Facebook". I have to get this state. I'm using Facebook 3.2 Thank you all!

If i authorize my app to use the sdk, my app's name will be listed among "Allow these apps to use your account" like the one in the following pic
Yah..but that code is to check whether the app would be allowed or not. But its not to authorise myapp
@MichaelDautermann How to change the rotation speed in CAKeyFrameAnimation
@Ajitthala is this what you are looking for? developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/…
@Manikandan look at this:
Q: Changing speed of an ongoing CAKeyframeAnimation animation

Robert WeindlI added an CAKeyframeAnimation with the Key "SpeedBoat" to a CALayer. Now I am trying to change the speed of the animation during the animation. [[self.shipLayer animationForKey:@"SpeedBoat"] setSpeed:([[self.shipLayer animationForKey:@"SpeedBoat"] speed] + deltaTime)]; There seems to be an er...

@MichaelDautermann: I am facing a similar kind of an issue
Q: Facebook Settings iOS 6 - App Name not showing in Allow Apps list

JPKIn iOS 6, the user can login to Facebook via Settings>Facebook. There is a section on that view where the apps for which the user may choose to allow/disallow use of the Facebook account are listed. I have integrated the FacebookSDK.framework into my app, and a line appears for the app in this l...

If u take a look at the 1st answer, it seems he's going to app delegate to get the methods for "accountStore" and "facebookAccount". I don't want to go to the app delegate. I want to call those methods from my present class itself. So, is this code correct?
I'll think about this for a while
sounds like easy money for you!
Thank u @MichaelDautermann
no dude its for you
@MichaelDautermann @iAmbitious Good morning..
good morning json ... which library need to be parse you?
Core Data framework..
ha ha..
posted on June 20, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources     Featured iPhone Development Resources I’ve mentioned a number of tools and libraries to aid with testing, most recently GSAutomation that provides a number of helpers for writing UIAutomation scripts and the Xcodebuild  replacement xctool. Here’s a very interesting open source testin

@iAmbitious having issue with array in core data..
ok tell
my app is similar to stackoverflow chat..
i want to save these messages in core data but don't know how to do that..
i read about transformable in core data to do so..
but this post confuse a lot..
A: Best practice? - Array/Dictionary as a Core Data Entity Attribute

Barry WarkThere is no "native" array or dictionary type in Core Data. You can store an NSArray or an NSDictionary as a transformable attribute. This will use the NSCoding to serialize the array or dictionary to an NSData attribute (and appropriately deserialize it upon access). The advantage of this approa...

so,want to know how to do it??
its completely depends on your core data entity and entity relationship design
its depends how much and which type of data you got on real time
bring that data and store it to you core data entity
i am getting around 40 line of text in real time to save..
based on date and time
yeah you to save all data in the chat
can i use transformable?
no idea about transformable
i didn't getting word actually
then how to save array in core data?
Q: Core Data - How to Insert an Array

A userI'd like to know how to save several string objects, all stored in an array, using Core Data. I understand how to store a single string, but is there any convenience method/can I store the array object itself rather than iterating over the array and storing each string item seperately? NSManage...

hello all
good morning
I have an issue
error: /Users/me/Documents/Cordova27/myapp/myapp/Resources/icons/icon-72.png: No such file or directory
I do not want to use icon-72.png
so I removed it
is there any solution to remove its reference
i guess you code still run successfully?? right
@iAmbitious this link has only question no accepted answers..
see if i want to store array in entity then i will insert data from array in the entity using iteration
yes..again it brings me back to my basic question..how to do so?
hi to all
Strange behavior in UIpageviewcontroller any one help me to solve it.
@iAmbitious @MichaelDautermann @json any idea about my issue
@Anjan, same answer few days back i told you. No idea , i'm not working on it yet
@Anjan ask some other folks...
@iAmbitious so sorry i forgot
no problem. its ok..
@MichaelDautermann it works properly but with strange behavior...
@MichaelDautermann i want to restrict that bad behavior....
@iAmbitious thanks a lot.
@Anjan It's not a strange behaviour.You can stop by checkin start point and end point
I have already done this
Hi @MichaelDautermann
hello @Manikandan
I'll answer a question for you @Manikandan
if you answer a question for somebody else. :)
how to rotate an image in backward using keyframe animation
@NSNull that part is completed ... u r right .. but my issue is if i drag on page 5 (previous page and its direction is "<---------").. than next page will turn i want to restrict it for page page 5 the only direction is available is UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionReverse... from that page i am trying to restrict the gesture(UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward)......
@Manikandan ... help @Anjan and then I can help you.
as a conclusion for next page the only gesture work is (UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward) and for previous page only gesture works(UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionReverse)..
Ok @MichaelDautermann
@Manikandan any idea sir about my issue...
Sorry sir, no idea because I'm new one in this field.
@Manikandan thanks dude NP... whats ur issue if i can help you
k.how to rotate an image in backward using keyframe animation
@Anjan I already done in rotate an image in forward.
ok 1 sec plz
@Manikandan may be this answer will help you -: stackoverflow.com/questions/1031177/…
s.Its working fine. But i want rotate in backward.
good morning
@Manikandan hmmm can you send it to back
@Anjan Its working fine. But i want rotate in backward.
backward i dont understand where u want to animate your view..
is it in a background
@Anjan. No. The UIImageView rotate in backwards.
@Anjan . ur code works in forward
[self.view sendSubviewToBack:imgView];
@Manikandan u can try this ...
@Anjan It is not working.
@Manikandan transform.rotation.z there..
how do you split your MVC ?
@Anjan good morning
@Manikandan [self.view sendSubviewToBack:tempview];
@brush51 G.A
1 message moved to Trash can
@Manikandan for long code pastes, use pastie or pastebin.
I don't want to see "(see full text)" anywhere.
@MichaelDautermann how to use pastebin
go to pastebin.com and you'll see
hi @MichaelDautermann how are you ?
hello Moorthy the Benevolent Dictator
@Anjan you have to capture the UIPanGestureRecognizer method
i got only 2 gesture on Uipageviewcontroller 1. tap 2. pan
check this out technopote.com/… I have written this tutorial
@MichaelDautermann I paste that code
what's the URL that it created?
very nice... let's see if NSNull or Arjan or Brush51 can help you.
@MichaelDautermann I am not an experience.I am a fresher in this field.
@NSNull if([panGesture valueForKey:@"_firstScreenLocation"] && [panGesture valueForKey:@"_lastScreenLocation"]) i am confuse here .. what it mean.. can you tell me why u add this
I believe you.
@MichaelDautermann Thank u.
@MichaelDautermann its my humble request you to help him
I want to see if somebody else can help him.
I'm knee deep in my own code right now.
@MichaelDautermann :)
where i can download xcode 5 developer preview @MichaelDautermann ?
and if you have access to it, you'll see it listed there.
or better yet, here --> developer.apple.com/xcode
by the way, Xcode 5 does not contain an iOS 7 simulator for iPad.
soooo, if you're doing stuff for iPad, you're SOL for at least the next few weeks.
@MichaelDautermann its showing only 4.6.3 ?
maybe you're not a paid member of Apple's developer program?
@MichaelDautermann Are u busy right now.
@MichaelDautermann no i 'm a member of dev center
are you a paid member ?
or a free one?
@MichaelDautermann paid member per year 299 $
hmmmm... that's a corporate account.
you should have the account owner log in and agree to the new license agreements for iOS 7
which should enable Xcode 5.
yeah its my company account
@MichaelDautermann: Hi mike, any idea regarding my query?
about allowing the apps to access Facebook sdk
Q: Facebook Settings iOS 6 - App Name not showing in Allow Apps list

JPKIn iOS 6, the user can login to Facebook via Settings>Facebook. There is a section on that view where the apps for which the user may choose to allow/disallow use of the Facebook account are listed. I have integrated the FacebookSDK.framework into my app, and a line appears for the app in this l...

yeah i'm the owner of that account. where i can see the agreements for iOS 7 ?
show me a screenshot of the whole page, especially the top
@MoorthyTheBoss right of the ios 6 sdk tab
sorry @MichaelDautermann got it
geee, I see "iOS 7 beta" there. What happens when you click on it? :)
actually i did't saw that iOS 7 SDK beta tap
@brush51 :)
@Anjan sorry i was not on my desk
it's a default value parameter
ok i will check it..
Hi All !
ios 7 seems to better than ios 6 . is this true ?
@MichaelDautermann sir could plz help me out :how to pull down code from GitHUb to my mylocal machine in such manner suppose i do changes in that copy could commit to the GitHub
...@MichaelDautermann plz sir
have you ever cloned code from GitHub before, @Kamarshad ??
@MichaelDautermann not yet
@MichaelDautermann sir i have read a doc:fork/pull
read this tutorial, @Kamarshad: blog.mugunthkumar.com/articles/…
@MichaelDautermann but it's not clear to me
@MichaelDautermann oks
i'll read it thanks
and @Kamarshad
@Kamarshad if you ping someone once
@Kamarshad and you have attention from that person
@Kamarshad don't ping them repeatedly.
@Kamarshad it's annoying.
if you have approximately 40 different UIAlertViews, how would you organize them? currently i have in every class the delegate of UIAlertView and setting them in it.
thats really annoying
@NSNull hello r u there?
@MichaelDautermann can u help me
about what?
are you still working on this?
I want to rotate an image in backwards
and what is it doing now?
@MichaelDautermann working in same task
@Manikandan I asked you this: what is your animation doing right now?
@MichaelDautermann its working in forward rotation
@Manikandan can you put your current code into a pastebin for me to look at?
and @Manikandan
@MichaelDautermann ok i'll take care of it, thanks
@Manikandan if you ping someone once
@Manikandan and you have attention from that person
@Manikandan don't ping them repeatedl.
@Manikandan it's annoying.
when I click on that link, I see "Unknown Paste ID!"
finally Mike you have written this rule here :)
it's really annoying.
I think I am starting to understand why the other "room owners" or experienced don't come to spend time in this room
sorry. this is my new pasteid :pastebin.com/NCnBEjG9
okay Manikandan, what happens when you change the last two lines of your code to:
even some techie directly ask question without understand the issue and without do googling
    tempView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(touchUpStartAngle - (touchUpEndAngle));
    tempView1.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(touchUpStartAngle - (touchUpEndAngle));
I guys
can someone tell me why I'm getting this error
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'attempt to delete row 2 from section 0 which only contains 2 rows before the update'
I only get it sometimes
@Stef, head over to NSChat... they are expecting you there. :)
@MichaelDautermann Still now i am getting same problem.its working in forward rotation.
so it makes no difference whether it's a "-" or a "+"?
StefGeelen, this kind of error always occur when you deleting rows from a section and at same you updating rows in other section and reload the table
oh, what about "` anim.values = @[@(touchUpStartAngle), @(touchUpStartAngle - angularVelocity * duration)];`"
where it's a "-" instead of a "+" ?
debug your code on run time properly how your values not populating correctly in data source
@MichaelDautermann Thank you very much.
its working fine in backward rotation
I just knew you would solve your problem, @Manikandan !
@iAmbitious but I only got 1 section ?
@MichaelDautermann once again thank u.
show me your code
1 message moved to recycle bin
use pastie
yes I know :)
i think your problem is here
don't remove your data from array in animation block
keep out side your [arrDay1 removeAllObjects];
[arrDay2 removeAllObjects];
[arrDay3 removeAllObjects]; line out side of the animation block and check your code working or not
so just put that after the [table endupdates] ?
haan check it working or not
Now I get this
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid update: invalid number of rows in section 0. The number of rows contained in an existing section after the update (2) must be equal to the number of rows contained in that section before the update (2), plus or minus the number of rows inserted or deleted from that section (0 inserted, 1 deleted) and plus or minus the number of rows moved into or out of that section (0 moved in, 0 moved out).'
follow the proper process. Its all happening due to in appropriate datasource of table
@MichaelDautermann: Hi..u thr?
go step by step ..
create insertion indexs
add your data source new data source
create remove index array
remove data from section where you want on respective index path
@MichaelDautermann: Any idea regarding this question that i asked u earlier?
Q: Facebook Settings iOS 6 - App Name not showing in Allow Apps list

JPKIn iOS 6, the user can login to Facebook via Settings>Facebook. There is a section on that view where the apps for which the user may choose to allow/disallow use of the Facebook account are listed. I have integrated the FacebookSDK.framework into my app, and a line appears for the app in this l...

and then run you animation of table updation
isn't this like the 8th time you've asked this question here, @Ajit ?
and there's an answer on that question, @Ajitthala
Oké will try that
and @Ajitthala
@ Ajitthala if you ping someone once
yep...but turned out with no proper solution. Even, if u take a look at the 1st answer, it seems he's going to app delegate to get the methods for "accountStore" and "facebookAccount". I don't want to go to the app delegate. I want to call those methods from my present class itself
@ Ajitthala and you have attention from that person
@ Ajitthala don't ping them repeatedly.
@ Ajitthala it's annoying.
Meanwhile, where do the methods @selector(gotAnAccount) and @selector(noAccount) in that answer refer to?
Oh..yah..sorry for pinging u repeatedly
"gotAnAccount" and "noAccount" are two methods not listed in that source code there
but you could write them
"performSelector" calls that selector
on self, in that case.
the method would look like "- (void) gotAnAccount { NSLog(@"duhh, I have an account!"); }"
Hi there! Does any one have worked with OCR solutions from ABBYY for iOS?
I have never heard of OCR solutions from ABBYY for iOS
@MichaelDautermann : ABBYY are providing ABBYY Cloud OCR SDK for optical character recognition
In the answer he was going to the app delegate to get the reference for del.facebookAccount and del.accountStore . I commented out the app delegate and declared the accountStore in the same class itself. But what does the variable del.facebookAccount refer to?
the delegate apparently holds the facebook account info
Is this code correct?
it looks awesome!
I've declared the facebookAccount as "ACAccountType * facebookAccount" and accountStore as "ACAccountStore* accountStore"
Seriously, is it right? Coz it doesn't work as much awesome as it looks..
I dunno if it's right
I'll look at it in a bit.
which hotkey is used on 'switch to primary(source code) editor'?
I like how everybody runs away from the question :-)
no i'm very busy
wow! I find it! Cmd + J is pretty obvious:D
I just knew you would solve your problem, @loldop !
@MichaelDautermann thank you for help and belief! :D
I feel like I helped you more than anyone else tonight.
@MichaelDautermann yes, thank you a lot:)
@MichaelDautermann A+ to you sir
okay... time for me to go crash out into bed.
everybody start speaking Hindi again
@MichaelDautermann :)
good night Michael
Hi All
Do any one worked on Voice call over wifi like Skype
@MichaelDautermann good night:)
@MichaelDautermann sir i am using GITHUB mac application
@MichaelDautermann sir r u there...?
9 hours later…
posted on June 20, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C Earlier this week I mentioned a library allowing you to apply the iOS 7 home screen parallax tilt effect. Another talked about feature is the blur shown on different page

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