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@chiragsaga Clone Instagram App?
did you get any payment on this
@chiragsaga : Of course you are senior there.. :P Instagram clone karwani 6?
@anonymous not exactly just its effect on camera
@KapilGhai hey
@Terminator did you get any paid
@Terminator do u know about live streaming ??
@Terminator If I give you project did you wwwork for me
@chiragsaga Awww.. Seems little bit difficult.. 1 Bn app code sample code not gonna be available easily..
@anonymous yes senior but getting low salary from junior :(
@chiragsaga Pathetic.. I knew this was gonna happen.. Why do not you seniors raise issue and talk to management?
@chiragsaga : Chhagan got 18k/month job and project manager.
@anonymous I am just willing to talk in this week otherwise worn him about performance
@chiragsaga ??
can you tell me how should I have to rise my issues about increment ?
@chiragsaga You and other employee of your similar seniority colleague talk to HR
@iPhoneDeveloper Are you sure it'll work ? coz Leena is telling me another way to implement ..
like dis ,
self.window.rootViewController = self.navController
then when I want to add tabbar controller

remove navigationcontroller and add tabbarcontroller
@chiragsaga performance kharab karsu ewu na keway.. A to lukhi dhamki thay\
to shu kevu sala one khabar nathi padati
@Abhishek Nope.
@Terminator If I give you project did you wwwork for me
@KapilGhai Yes my company pays me for developing mobile apps. I don't work for free.
@Terminator which company you are working
@anonymous Mac Mini hai with 2GB RAM. I want 8GB RAM
@anonymous client reply "ok that is all I have like i said we a very close and we are very pleased with the work your team has done looking forward to another test. have a good day prerna, please let everyone know how happy we are with the progress"
@Terminator Yeah.. Lion needs at least 4.. So it sucks on 2 gb
@anonymous toy vadharata nathi
@KapilGhai Depends on what kind of work it is.
@chiragsaga Hmmm..I will be back in 15 mins
@anonymous I am only who works on this projects
@Terminator which company you are working?
@KapilGhai Can't say. Sorry.
@Terminator If I gave you work should we need to contact with your company or should i gave you directly
@rahul i have not avialble that code
@KapilGhai Give me directly. I will get all the money.
@Terminator give me your email ID
can u guide me how did u do that?
caf to wav?
did u use Audio Converter Services Reference?
give me a sec..
you using AVaudioRecorder?
@iPhoneDeveloper Hi, I m not getting what u r trying to tell !!
you use ENC_ULAW ?
Hello All
@VidyaMurthy You also want to work?
@Terminator Sure
@iProgrammer Hi :)
formatObject = [NSNumber numberWithInt: kAudioFormatULaw];
[recordSettings setObject:formatObject forKey: AVFormatIDKey];
@VidyaMurthy :)
@sreecharan Hi, the solution you provided to me is not useful for me . As In my Root View Controller I hv to add toolbar at bottom
@Terminator hi
let me check
@iProgrammer Hi
@KapilGhai Please include @VidyaMurthy also :-)
@Shubhank what is this recordsetting ?
Lunch time. Brb
NSMutableDictionary *recordSettings = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:10];

audioRecorder = [[ AVAudioRecorder alloc] initWithURL:fileURL settings:recordSettings error:&error];
@Shubhank :kAudioFormatULaw is this code for wav
paste your code for the recording
NSDictionary *recordSettings = [NSDictionary
[NSNumber numberWithInt:AVAudioQualityMin],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:16],
[NSNumber numberWithInt: 2],
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:44100.0],

NSError *error = nil;

audioRecorder = [[AVAudioRecorder alloc]

[audioRecorder setDelegate:self];
[audioRecorder record];
@zing: you can use whatever you like..but if that solution doesn't get implemented then i'll explain you my method in detail.
@iProgrammer Hey Busy
hello @all
@Terminator : How can we display 4 UITableviews in Horizontal section
am i doing in the right way?
@iPhoneDeveloper I tried Leena's way but was not able to solve my issue.. Please tell me your method
add my lin e of code and check
also do the extension in URL to .wav
@zing: take your tabbarcontroller as self.window.rootviewcontroller=tabBarController..
@zing: then in the viewDidAppear method of your first tabBarItem class,present a modal viewcontroller of that navigation controller page you wanted.
this will solve your problem of hiding the tabbar...
can anyone help in solving this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/11408737/…
Selam @all:)
good mornings
@ilis vay aleyküm selam
nasılsın hocam. kaç zamandır gelmiyorum bu tarafa:)
hello all
@ilis neden? iyiyim cok sükür, mountain lion indirmeye calisiyorum ama bir yerde bulamiyorum
@pengwang hi
@ilis sen nassin?
at android we can use notification to notify a info at notification Bar,i am want to know iOS which can do this effect
@brush51 hi
hey all
@brush51 Hey brush?
@DimplePanchal hello dimple :)
@Nirav hi
@Pheel hi
@brush51, @sreecharan has asked me to improve my programming skills so i decided to spend time on searching&reading mostly.
@Rj any idea abt android installation
ben de iyiyim bu arada
@brush51 teşekkür ederim
@brush51 have u brushed ?
@Nirav what you want to install?
@pengwang you can also use notifications in iOS. search for app badge or local notification or apple push notification
@pengwang what is your issue
i have android sdk and eclipse
@Nirav ok good
@Nirav you need adt
@pengwang if you want a local notification without sending a request from web to device, then only look for local notification
@RKK yes i have
@ilis i do not know how to show a notify at notification bar
in eclipse you can get this by install new software
i have android sdk of 3.16 GB
will it have dat plugin?
you will need one link for that, you can get this link from developer.android
@brush51 thank you i will use local notification
@pengwang ah ok, notification bar...when you use local notifications this will be also showed in there
@Nirav Can you make android project?
Do you have ddms perspective?
@RKK you are back ;)
i want to learn in 15 days
i m free nw a days
No sometimes i wil back
can u send me link?
for plugin
@Nirav I want to learn iphone in 10 days
@Rj you are teaching how to install eclipse for android in iphone/ipad room :P
i will help
if u will help me for andrid
@RKK @brush51 brushes daily
can u send me link?
do you know iphone programming?
I am an android developer
@pengwang at status bar or something else?
@Leena i did not get any response in that room so came in this room
@Leena :D
bol kya sikhna hai tujhe iphone main @Rj
@DimplePanchal @ilis guys i am facing a "small" problem
@Leena sab kuch a se z tak
Mujhe c,c++ nahi aata objective c bhi nahi
java aata hai thoda bahot
@RKK @DimplePanchal @ilis i am updating a row of tableview (not deleting or adding new one) and when i return from detailview to tableview, the row is moved to the end of section in iOS5. but in iOS4 the row is still on his other place, which is the right solution for me. how can i get this to work the same in iOS5.?
@Rj duplicate location issue
while adding repository
@Nirav ?
@brush51 i think you are using NSMutableArray addObject: clas method to add your updated object to array. and on ios 5 this method adds the object to the end of array.
@Nirav already installed?
@Nirav are you able to access ddms perspective from eclipse?
@Rj ok
@brush51 i had readen something about arrays on ios4 vs ios 5 but i'm not sure
i shall take a look again
@ilis you are right, i am using it.
@ilis but at the moment i am not sure if i am using it for my tableview. i am populating my tableview with fetchedResultsController.
@ilis see my code: pastebin.com/LiyuSkYa @DimplePanchal @RKK
fetched resultscontroller, do you use CoreDataTableView classes of Standford university? i mean CS193p
@brush51 k
fetched resultscontroller, do you use CoreDataTableView classes of Standford university? i mean CS193p
@DimplePanchal hi

self.mainView = [[MainView alloc]initWithNibName:@"nib" bundle:nil];
self.navController = [[UINavigationController alloc]initWithRootViewController:self.mainView];

self.tabbarController =[[UITabBarController alloc]init];
self.tabbarController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:self.navController,catController,topratedViewcontroller, nil];

self.window.rootViewController = self.tabbarController;
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
like this ??
@ilis no, onlari kullanmiyorum. neyin nesi ki o?
@Rj i m having issue
\next button is disble
@iProgrammer hello
@brush51 CS193p is iOS video lecture from Standford University. and their classes give you make you do anything between core data and table view
@brush51 as far as i see you are using addObject. i think @sreecharan must have a solution to this
@Nirav then first uninstall it properly(if it is creating problem)
@Nirav and if you have adt installed then start making android apps(:))
@ilis dont wake him up meeeeen. he will kill me.
@DimplePanchal how are yu?
@Rj how to uninstall?
@ilis the addObject: in this case is only for adding the cardId's to array and after that i am using it in NSPredicate to update the rows.
is he online even when he is asleep:) @brush51
@ilis yes.
@Nirav in available softwares
@ilis he is in powernap mode
My ears are burning
you will have one option i think
@sreecharan why?
@sreecharan if you look at my code your eyes also get on fire
@iProgrammer because of ilis, he has mention him, it was NOT ME :)
@brush51 ohh
@Rj updating software
cant we do dat offline
@Nirav I think no, or if possible I do not know
@VidyaMurthy Lunch over?
@Terminator Yupp.. Yours?
@Terminator Hey.. Aaeen. :-)
@iProgrammer Hey... Busy You there ??
@VidyaMurthy Yes. I ate Chicken Hakka noodles and Chicken triple fried rice. And you?
@DimplePanchal hi
@iDroidDeveloper Hello
@brush51 hocam sana bişey soracaktım, benim de coredatada mesajlarım var, okundu okunmadı bilgisi için de bi integer değer set ediyorum(0-1). ayrı sectionlara almayı nasıl yapabilirim tableviewda. senin kaddan anladıüım kadarıyla sende de öyle bir mantık var
@DimplePanchal hw r u
veg hakka noodles and fried rice @Terminator
@iDroidDeveloper fine
@Terminator Home made sambar-rice :)
@ilis sen section lemeyi nasil yapiyorsun?
@DimplePanchal You ate same but veg?
@ilis status bar
@brush51 şu anda sectionlara ayırmıyorum
@ilis ayirmasi cok kolay, bir saniye
when i press a button ,i want to show a local notification:UILocalNotification *localNotif = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
localNotif.alertBody = @"ddjfdjdposjdofjj";
localNotif.alertAction = packet.name;
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:localNotif]
@Terminator yes
@DimplePanchal whats up?
@DimplePanchal aaeen same same :-)
amacım, gelen tüm mesajları tek sectiona almak, mesaj tıklanınca onu okunanlar diye yeni bi sectiona kaydetmek
but i cannot see the Notification at the status bar
@Terminator :)
@iDroidDeveloper nothing
@pengwang locaNotif.fireDaten=[NSdate date];
add tthe date you want your notification to fire
locaNotif.fireDaten=[NSdate date]; is must add?
@DimplePanchal any idea about PDF reader app
@DimplePanchal i want to increase the size of the font of PDF
@DimplePanchal ?
@pengwang if you dont add how can your notification know when to fire?
give it a try and see
@ilis NSFetchedResultsController *aFetchedResultsController = [[NSFetchedResultsController alloc] initWithFetchRequest:fetchRequest managedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath:nil cacheName:nil]; sectionNamekeyPath kullandiginda oraya cismini vereceksin, gerisini coreData halleder. keyPath'da coreData dan bir cisim attribut olacak, türkcesi ney, getiremedim.
@iDroidDeveloper it depends on way you develop
@iDroidDeveloper hi
@DimplePanchal means?
@ilis ok thank you,this is have a difference from android,thank you i add it is ok
@DimplePanchal can u help me...if possible
@Nirav yes
@iDroidDeveloper means u use webview or uiview
@brush51 :) be anladım onu hocam. istediğin dili kullanabilirsin farketez:9
@iDroidDeveloper i want to install android in eclipse
@DimplePanchal not webview
can u help me
@iDroidDeveloper what u use?? renderpdf?
@pengwang i havent programmed notifications on android but it is different.
@ilis do you know the turkish word? if yes, tell me please. ben türkcemi ilertmeye calisiyorum birader, gavur dilini ne yapayim, AQ gavurlarin....;)
dont mention btw, pleased to solve your isse
@DimplePanchal yes
@iDroidDeveloper use scroll view and increase your area for rendering, this is the only way
@pengwang if you fire local notification and you dont click ok, then you will see it in notification bar
@Nirav visit developer site
@brush51 bence AQ evrensel bi küfür olmalı artık:)
olur hocam yardımcı olacaksam ne mutlu bana
@DimplePanchal let me try
@iDroidDeveloper k
@ilis bencede AMK :) amk'yi bilirmisin? yeni bir haber(spor) gazetesi, googlen yap bulursun ;)
@ilis thank you
haha:)) biliyorum. ilk çıktığında çok gülmüştüm.
@brush51 thank you also
@pengwang no problem, again and again ;)
@ilis evet cok komik AMK. daha gelmedi A M K
@iDroidDeveloper wich version shld i download for android sdk?
Hi all,anyone having idea of VNC?

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