I basically followed this tutorial, and soon realized the project wouldn't compile because I was using ARC. I managed to suppress all the errors using __bridge (>.>) but I am still getting one error message, and I managed to read this stack question, but didn't understand how to apply the resolu...
I have this curious thinf happening here where tempArray is supposed to be added to the masterArray each time the if statement occurs. (The if statement works perfectly and gets triggered when it should.)
I also need to clear the temp array each time it does.
My final result should then be a ma...
@AlexanderNorway, yes its due objective all data reflection of pointers using pass by reference...... so when u create Array1 then it create one place for data storage for Array1 when u array1 added in array2 then also in array 2 value still refer to that memory location...... so when u cleared data from array1 then that memory location vacant and array2 still refer that memory location but it already vacant due to pass by refernce
@BertieLiu I think chinese community is rather weak compare to india one for programming. Or I should say Chinese programmer go to somewhere else for gathering , haha ~
so u need to copy array1 in array2 ..... it means u added one more owner of array 2 for that memory location.... when u cleared arry1 then also ur array 2 refer memory location @AlexanderNorway
@iPhoneDeveloper I know the map is bad in HK, haha. And the Cantonese Siri is fairly ok. Well forget about the passbook feature, haha. not common in HK yet.
@kenhui:sorry for late replying... yes i m too trying for an update.Yes may be the passbook feature will be grteat..can't say much without actually using it:)
clang: error: '-I-' not supported, please use -iquote instead Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1 do anyone know how to solve this?
@Hector if i want to share some file. i click share button. the action sheet will showing lots of application like twitter Facebook mail etc.. like wise i want to show my application also i that field ..
I have a in app purchase store in my app.
Now I need to take the SKPaymentTransaction and store the receipt data in to a JSON object.
After that I have to send it to apple to validate and get the response from:
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)...
@MichaelDautermann ohh thanks one more question if i want to share some photo. i click share button. the action sheet will showing lots of application like twitter Facebook mail etc.. like wise i want to show my application also i that field ..if its possible ?
@MichaelDautermann @mountainlionmoorthy @dark @bugfinder @NinjaTurtle @Hector can some one share some good idea about this issu.. stackoverflow.com/questions/11022081/…
@Albert add those uiview in a scroll View and implement pageController means that if user swipe right and it will swipe the 50% area then show the next and previous page according