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Apple Working on Way for Non-Programmers to Create iOS Apps
iTunes 11 to Feature iCloud Integration and iOS 6 Support, Revamped App Store Coming Soon
how to recrtrict tabbarController to not to load view
hi all, i have got some code for implementing JSON service. It is a new method available in iOS 5.0 and later. But it is not working on < iOS 5.0. How can I make it working?
I have a simple single view base project which has 2 buttons inside. when each button is tapped I want to open a different uisplitviewcontroller. I have been searching for almost a day now and I'm totally confused and haven't figured how I can do this. how to set up the controller for the splitview if it's not a splitview based app, and how to build controllers for the detailview and sidetableview, and how to connect them.
@Mona add to views in Mainview in that puts to Splitsview
@Mona you can add split views only to window.. U cant add it to view controller
@May @Mona @virendra @moorthy @DimplePanchal please check my question, here is my code pastebin.com/i9n8gQxq
@DimplePanchal do you know how I can do this?
@Mona remove existing view from window and add splitview to window directly
@John what is ur issue?
@DimplePanchal so there is no way to have the splitview as the second view, right?
@Mona yup.. I tried b4 2 days..
@DimplePanchal pastebin.com/i9n8gQxq here is my code. Using this code I can retreive JSON data from the url. But it is not running on devices or simulators with iOS less than 5.0. So is there any way to make it available?
@DimplePanchal thanks. But I think there should be some simple way to implement this. Do you know how to do this with simple JSON format?
@John wait..
how i can disable item(button)'s view in tabbar controller ............
@virendra hi virendra
@MedetiNaveenKumar hii
@John NSJSONSerialization is available only on iOS 5.0 and later. To support earlier versions, you can use third party JSON Parsers, like JSONKit.
NSString *fileContent = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
SBJSON *parser = [[SBJSON alloc] init];
NSDictionary *data = (NSDictionary *) [parser objectWithString:fileContent error:nil];
@virendra are you from ap?
@virendra tabbaritem.enabled = NO;
@MedetiNaveenKumar no.......but i been there for almost 2 year..........
@MedetiNaveenKumar how did you think that i am from AP
@DimplePanchal ok
@virendra because your name is like as ap and also i am from ap.
@MedetiNaveenKumar ok.......but it is very common name ........that are used in pan india
can you show me any sample code?
@MedetiNaveenKumar ok .......so your from which city ...........
@DimplePanchal i tried with SBJSON, but got error Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_SBJSON", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in ViewController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
@virendra hyd
@John u need to add JSON kit for that
@MedetiNaveenKumar ok .......i been there only......
your working in which company
@virendra ensisinfosolutions
i tried to get job in hyd but i got job in pune and now i am working in lucknow
@virendra and you
@virendra ok
gfit solutions,lucknow
@virendra do you know best institute for iphone app in hyd
@MedetiNaveenKumar aim Technology .......best
i also did from there only
@virendra where is it ?
in your company any openings.........i want to relocate
@MedetiNaveenKumar it is behind huda tower
do you have FB account
@virendra presently there is no openings it is small company.
yes i have
ok.....by same name ur in FB
ok let me search you
if you have any opening let me know
what is your email id?
i genrally use below one ....
give me yours...
@can any one is accept by apple disclosure button on the cell in iphone with group by list in table in iphone
i have sent add request
ok you have swami vivekanand's image in FB @MedetiNaveenKumar
@virendra yes
any one is accept by apple disclosure button on the cell in iphone with group by list in table in iphone
ok are you Online in FB
wait 2 min
@virendra @MedetiNaveenKumar any one is accept by apple disclosure button on the cell in iphone with group by list in table in iphone
ok i sent you req
@Harish sorry .........
what is your question
@スイムイ aaeen
@virendra is this accept by apple disclosure button on the cell in iphone with group by list in table in iphone?
@virendra did you accept my request/
@anonymous aaeen
@Harish can you share your screen
@MedetiNaveenKumar i didn't got ur req........but i sent req to u...accept it
@virendra ok that institute is near by maitrivam.am i right?
@MedetiNaveenKumar i will give their number by evening
@virendra ok
Hi Friends, Finally I got the Reputations for chat :)
is there @user1046069?
i have one problem
is anyone here?
for help me?
i want to get mutual friends from google+ in iphone
@PandeyLaxman welcome to chat
is it possible?
@virendra Thanks a lot
@Virendra where are you working?
@Shilpa, i don't think so google provide us web services for development like facebook... if ther is google web API exits then it is possible
@Shilpa, where r u from?
@Bonny are you using Google Plus api ?
I have found that ,but never used. :)
@Abizern: i cant ask questions in stack overflow.. How long do I have to wait before I can post again? What can I do to release the ban? How can I reactivate my account?
hi @all
good afternoons
Q: What can I do when getting "Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"?

ArjanWhile trying to ask a question, one could get: Oops! Your question couldn't be submitted because: Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See http://goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more. Likewise, for answers: Oops! Your answer couldn't be submitted because: ...

@Bonny @Shilpa i also want to use g+ api, but recently there is no way to post anything...am i right?
@ilis very good morning, hayirli cumalar.
@brush51 hayırlı cumalar hocam:) cidden bu temenninizde memleket hasretini gördüm
@ilis sagol birader :) bugün cumaya gitmek isterdim, ama 11de is aldim, simdi ciksam olmaz..malesef :(
@all:is there anyone who has worked on EvenKit framework?
@dimple:u thr
@brush51 hocam yaz tatilinde türkiyeye gelme şansın var mı-yada sizde tatil nasıl oluyor?
@Bonny recently no way to post something on g+wall with g+api
gelecek olursan görüşelim
@neel yes
@brush51 ys read-only
@Dhara:hey dhara i have query regarding that
@ilis aslinda herzaman imkanim var, herzaman gitmek isterim, ama ofiste objC yazilimi yapan olan sirf ben oldugum icin, izin biraz sorunlu bu yil.
@neel say
@ilis insallah, zaten devamli irtibattayiz, bir gün nasip olursa, tabiki :)
@brush51 hadi inşallah.
@Bonny very bad :(, thank you
@Dhara:i have one application in which i have used datetime picker ..am getting perticular date and time..and i want to create event for that specific date and time in default device calneder... ok..i did that..now i want to create alarm for that...please help me
@neel what did u tried
@Abizern : Hello new Xcode 4.3 is horrible.. I press CMD+F and Boom.. Crash.... @スイムイ
@Dhara:for what?for alarm?
@neel yes
@anonymous I've had problems with it as well, but ⌘ + F works for me.
@Dhara:ntng...just searching for how to do that?
@ilis suan ofisteki isi belki birakirim diye düsünüyorum. 1,5 yil oldu burda calisali ve maasima dogru düzgün zam vermediler, daha dogrusu vermiyorlar. ben dedim kendi kendime, bu ayricaligimdan dolayi yüzde 40-50 zam almam gerekiyor, maasimda zaten cok düsük buralara göre. bana verdikleri zam da yüzde 10 ya.....iki gündür keyif yok, istek yok calismak icin
@Dhara:but no such help is available or refrence code...do i need to use local notificaion?
@Abizern : How did you type that command symbol?? :-O
What ⌘?
@Abizern :P
ya @Abizern ⌘ kese type kiya?
How about  or ⌥ or ⌃?
@anonymous I've got shortcuts that paste in the symbol.
Scratching my head
@brush51 valla üzüldüm hocam. hakettiğin halde almıyor olman üzücü. dışardan(bağımsız) geliştirerek daha iyi kazanamaz mısın peki?
@dhara:EKEvent *event = [EKEvent eventWithEventStore:eventStore];
EKAlarm *alarm = [EKAlarm alarmWithRelativeOffset:alarmOffset];
[event addAlarm:alarm];

will these 3 line work
yes try
@all I having an problem, Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_SBJSON", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in ViewController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation). I am getting this error when I add SBJson *json = [[SBJson alloc]init]; in the code.
does anybody have any idea?
I have been spending days to find the solution. If the issue is with the JSON files, please direct me to the correct JSON kit.
@John Did you install the Framework into your project. If you want to use something better, try JSONkit (as @スイムイ told you earlier today), it's just two files that you need to put into your project, it's fast, easy and works with iOS 4+
@Abizern : C L 8-)
@Abizern : You win..
@Dhara Hello Good Afternoon
@Abizern will it support, iOS version less than 4.0?
Moogambo khus hua.. lol
@anonymous, @Abizern, no i m a winner :P :P :D
@anonymous My Xcode doesn't crashes :P
@スイムイ does not crashes?
@Prem good afternoon
@スイムイ, then enter command + Q
@Abizern I want to run the app isn iOS from 3.2 and above.
@ スイムイ Hello moti :p
@ スイムイ kya haal-chaal hai ?
@CreazyCoder Oh :P
@Prem Good and you?
@Prem, tere ko hamesha sab mote hi dikhate hai kya? :P
:P @スイムイ
@John You could try it and see if it works.
@PandeyLaxman i am woking in gfitsolutions....
@ スイムイ ek dam mast.....as always.
@CreazyCoder abey do bade log baat karte ho bich me chote ko nahi aana chahiye... :p @スイムイ
@Abizern ok, let me try
@Prem, hahahaha bade nahi mote rahenge ... P
@CreazyCoder Khamosh ;p
@dhara:using local notification can i extract defult calender's event
@PandeyLaxman where do you work...
@virendra, he may be in the office :P
@CreazyCoder ohh .....
@neel dint that code worked??
@CreazyCoder do you know how to use Tabbar item as normal button .........i don't want to load the view .......
@dhara:i didnt try..coz am not getting where to put that code?
I am in AdoreInfotech
@Prem Where is your friend Monika Ji
pune ???@PandeyLaxman
@virendra I am in AdoreInfotech
@virendra nope , Delhi-NCR
@neel where u want to set ur alarm
@PandeyLaxman ok......i am working in lucknow......
@virendra Good
previously i was working in pune
@Abizern can you provide some sample code with JSONKit?
@dhara:c dhara..its like that i have created the event for perticular date and time..now for that perticular time there should be notification ..right..so how can i do that
@bugfinder Have you read the Room FAQs? You don't need to direct you questions at a specific person, just ask. For example - why direct this question at me? Have I shown any expertise with MKStoreKit?
@PandeyLaxman i got offer from noida ......... but i will relocate to noida after 6 month
@John Not any more than are already available.
@virendra Very Nice Dear, What's your job profile there, how much experience do u have?
@PandeyLaxman iOS developer....i got 6 month exp..
what about you
@virendra iPhone&iPad Developer , 1.6 years, there are four apps on apple store, Worked on two mac open source projects, for VoIP Stack
@PandeyLaxman wow.........very good ......
@virendra I am not so good in iPad and Mac as iPhone
@virendra but going ahead
@PandeyLaxman yah it is some what little tough ...
ok good...
@Bonny i am also using G+ API first time
@PandeyLaxman are you from mathura
@virendra yeah offcourse, how do u know ?
@PandeyLaxman hehehehe ............i know every thing .....
@virendra, but how ??????????
lol........i just searched u on FB
@virendra FB is blocked in my office
@ilis kazanirim aslinda da. müsteri bulurmuyum bulamazmiyim, o konuda daha tereddütüm var.
@user1131997 There are still a few more chatrooms you haven't spammed with your question.
@ilis senin tableview sorununu cözdünmü?
@PandeyLaxman ok.......good ........it disturbs work ........i sent you frd req .......
@virendra okay Thanks
@brush51 çözdüm hocam sağol
@PandeyLaxman thik hai
güzel bişeye de benzedi arayüz. bende dışardan çalışmayı düşünüyorum ilerde @brush51
@virendra what type of app you are developing
@PandeyLaxman i developed 2 app 1. app for calculating compression rate some mechanical related app. 2. app was medical ,fire ,police help for people how don't know native language that app supports 10 language
@Abizern hi
what kind of language it is????
@ilis benim düsüncem, disarida calisip suanki calistigim firmanin app'lerini yapmaya. öyle yapsam, nekadar ücret alirim aceba? app satis fiyatinin yüzde 40 uygunmu yoksa cok mu fazla aceba.
@Nirav Hello
@ilis sen sirf bir app yapiyorsun suan demi?
@PandeyLaxman right now i am working on some medical assitance app.
@IOSCODER did you mean my language what i am writing? if yes, it is turkish.
@brush51 Hi Mango Boy. Please tell @ilis to give me a Nokia Lumia 900
@brush51 benim ilk işim ve ilk uygulamam. pek karışık değil ama uzun sürdü
Are you turkish??
@Abizern i want to call custom fonts in iPad application
@スイムイ hahaha :) ok i will
@IOSCODER yes i am. to 100 percent.
@IOSCODER i am the mango and anatolia boy
@スイムイ heey! why dont you directly tell me that:)
@Abizern can u help me?
@ilis birader, su terminator bayanina da bir lumia 900 ver, ici rahat etsin ;)
@ilis I told you but you didn't understand what Nokia Lumia 900 is.
@Nirav Nope
@スイムイ lol
@virendra okay good yaar
@virendra where are you from
@Nirav Calling custom fonts means?
@brush51 o ne ki ya ben tam olarak anlamaım gerçek telefon mu istiyor?
@IOSCODER and you?
@スイムイ sory but i think i havent understand exactly..
@PandeyLaxman i am from raigarh(chattisgarh)....
@ilis nokia lumia 900, nokianin en son cikardigi acayip bir telefommis. gercek telefon istiyorum, coktandir istiyor :)
@virendra do u have skype id? min is Pandey_Laxman
abi ben nokia 3310 kullanıyorum onu nasıl alırım :)) @brush51
@スイムイ listen to [this song](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI5a2DF6wAY&list=PL4D3F5C4CFD63796B&index=1&feature=plpp_video) :))
@スイムイ u can call ur ttf font in application
@PandeyLaxman i am using mac mini it don't hava mic ..........ok will add you and catch up some time later
@ilis hahahahaha
Q: Can I embed a custom font in an iPhone application?

Airsource LtdI would like to have an app include a custom font for rendering text, load it, and then use it with standard UIKit elements like UILabel. Is this possible? I found these links: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=8304744 http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=569311 but ...

@スイムイ maybe not now but in future i can send you that phone. but relly not now
@ilis ouuuuuuuuhhh,,,what kind of start.....what an instrument it is?
@Nirav Did you already see the above post. I think the second answer is better.
@virendra I can't have voice communication, will disturb my team . I am asking for better chat through skype.
@brush51 for the song?
@ilis baslangici cok güzel. "doga icin cal"i hatirlatti bana
@ilis Okay. Thanks. I will wait.
@brush51 abi ingilizce pek iyi değil direk birinci anlamıyla alıyorum:))) çok sevdiğim bi sanatçıdır-iranlı
@スイムイ and listen to the song:)
@ilis From home i will. It is blocked here.
Can anyone guide me to understand the KVC or KVO
@スイムイ in your company everthing is blocked, right? are pr0ns also blocked :-p
sorry. ok didnt come:)
@ilis ne anlatiyor bu adam. iranlica mi söylüyor?
@PandeyLaxman ok i sent you req.....in skype
@brush51 farsça, bilmiyorum ama çok seviyorum şarkıyı. kısmen kürtçe söylüyor(nakaratlarda) oraları anlıyorum. sonbahar ve hüznü anlatıyor. ama şarkının tümünü anlamıyorum
@ スイムイ pata nahi....aur vo tumhari bhi friend hai
@Abizern yes I am reading the apple's doc it's very long and more detailed...it's taking time to understand and apply to some code..Can you give me some suggestions in this scenario?
@IOSCODER There aren't any shortcuts, I'm afraid. Programming is hard.
@スイムイ terminator woman, what means your current nick? it is japanese or chinese(please tell me that is japanese)
@Abizern yes I know ..I have some specific confusion also.I am not able to get how shall I use those in code??
@IOSCODER You are already using KVC. You just don't know it. Do you ever use properties and dot syntax? That's just a wrapper around KVC.
@brush51 I will become Ninja Terminator after some days.
@Abizern I am asking some sort of scenario where it will be useful as I can understand better if you have time....
how do you drag an .h (example.h) file into a xcode project and make it accessable through #include "foldername/example.h"?
and not #include "example.h"
@Abizern ok
@IOSCODER I'm not going to give you a step-by-step explanation of KVC/KVO in chat. I'll answer specific questions - but I'm not going to give you a lesson. Sorry.
@Abizern thanks
@Abizern if I have specific q then I shall ask you...
@brush51 hocam ben yemeğe çıkıyorum
@ilis afiyet olsun,
@スイムイ @brush51 and @all see you later. i will be out for a few haurs
@brush51 eyvalla hocam
@スイムイ demolution hero turtles ninja terminator woould be better :)
@brush51 Its Japanese.
@スイムイ ohio gozai mas :) <-- good morning in jp
hi @スイムイ
@brush51 Kon Nichiwa :P
@Leena Hello Leena Ji
@スイムイ oooooh kon nichiwa, gengi des ka?
@スイムイ how are you?
@スイムイ on weekends, when i am selling the very big and juicy magoes, some times i am selling in japanese...of course in broken japanese and without understanding what others say in japanese ;)
@brush51 Hai. Genki desuyo. Anata wa dou desuka
@Leena Good and you?
@スイムイ sumimasen, wakaranai des ka.
i am also fine @スイムイ
@スイムイ genki des, arigato.
@brush51 Anata wa nihongo de ojyozu desune :P
@brush51 Japanese people are there in your country?
@スイムイ yeees of course and i love them
@Dhara you there ?
@スイムイ ooooh, su goi. so desssss.
@Leena You got office tomorrow?
@brush51 Me too.
@Dhara Hey You there ??
no @スイムイ i am hvin off tomorrow
@Leena Hmm :(
wat happened @スイムイ sui mui
@Dhara Congrats dear :)
@Leena Kuch nahi, bass yuhi :-)
ok @スイムイ :) but please change your name :P
@スイムイ have you ever done an android app?
@Leena Yes. It allows once every 30 days.
@brush51 Learning it. I have done few tutorials.
@スイムイ is there something like interface builder, where i can see all UI elements?
@brush51 Where? In xcode?
@スイムイ no i mean in android development, eclipse.
Hi guys. I need some advice.
@brush51 Yes there is.
@スイムイ please can you tell me where i can find that?
@zeekerg be more specific ;)
Can someone guide me in using web service like Rest?

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