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very nice!
it worked
we should post that on SO
what do you think?
we should post @Abizern on SO...
@Abizern How many years you said you have been doing this? It is as if you know pretty much anything.
@Byte About a year.
@Abizern wow, i am impressed.
@owengerig Nah - most people know how to do that. Interpretation of ints and floats can vary between platforms. Some of the more paranoid of us would have used 1.0f
@Byte Don't be - I've got a few years of Cocoa as well.
question: About persistentstore, contexts and managedobjects... The entity description objects, what is best practise, pass them around or convert to my buisinessobjects?
well thanks @Abizern
and what impact does it have for me to set a Class for a entity in the objectmanager.
either im blind or the docs are somewhat lacking
@twDuke Just pass around the NSManagedObjects. But be sure to keep the state changes updated.
@Abizern thx
oh good morning @Byte
@twDuke That's where you set the NSManagedObjectModel subclass that represents Entity.
@twDuke Which docs are you looking in?
@brush51 Good morning ;)
lol that narrows it down..
@twDuke Which specific ones - there are loads. I ask because if you're taking objects out of CD and translating them to your businessObjects you're doing something very wrong .
ok im not doing that yet, but was about to.. SO now i wont ;)
posted on February 01, 2012 by aloew

TweetNote from Ray: Happy Birthday Andreas! It so happens that it’s the birthday of the author of this tutorial, Andreas [...]How To Build a Monkey Jump Game Using Cocos2D, PhysicsEditor & TexturePacker Part 1 is a post from: Ray Wenderlich

@Abizern so the array returned from [context executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error]; is what i pass to my views for showing the data?
without no conversions..
@twDuke No - I'd run it through NSFetchedResultsController.
@Abizern will look into that. THX alot
NSFetchedResultsController seems mighty powerfull
@twDuke It's designed to be used with Core Data and tableviews.
yeah and tableviews is where i present my data so hopefully works flawless
Whats the recommendation for the naming convention of String constants. NSString * const kLocation = @"current_location"; or NSString * const kLocationString = @"current_location"; ?
posted on February 01, 2012 by Sue Smith

This tutorial will teach you how to implement an options menu in any of your Android SDK applications. Read on! In Android apps, you can make use of three standard menus supported within the platform: the context menu, the options menu,  and submenus. The options menu appears when the user presses the menu button on their Android device. This is a common feature in almost all apps, so your u

Hello, I have a problem related to UIImagePickerController, can anyone please help...
Q: UIImagePickerController mediatype kUTTypeMovie runtime exception

Ankur BarthakurI am developing an iPhone App where I need to only view all the videos present in the Photos Library of a device. I am using the following code UIImagePickerController picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; picker.mediaTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObject:(NSString*)kUTTypeMovie]; I hav...

@0x8badf00d NSString * const kLocationKey = @"currentLocation"; no need for type names, use a more descriptive name, and use CamelCase instead of snake_case.
snake_case is server response (xml_element)
@Abizern Thanks. Usually for iVar's I add type names for the sake of readability in implementation file.
@0x8badf00d There are Guidelines
@Abizern I completely misread cocoadevcentral.com/articles/000082.php Variable Names section.
@Abizern Thats right kLocationKey or kLocationName is descriptive enough to figure out type name.
I guess I will work on refactoring this weekend :-)
Yeah - this bit is a lie
My code looks dirty now, ALL my variable names have type name. definitely want to make it readable.
It's only for methods that it's discouraged, because that is how the frameworks declare private functions and you risk covering one of them.
@0x8badf00d Good - I'm glad I didn't have to get medieval on you. ;)
@Abizern have i understood correctly, that it is not possible to get an object at Index (or something similar) in NSSet?
@brush51 Yes. a set is a bag. An unordered collection.
@Abizern unordered, but unique objects. not like in an nsarray.
@brush51 uniqueness is not necessary - there is NSCountedSet, but that only stores one instance of the object and increments the count for that object.
@Abizern i want to access the objects at index and also unique objects. probably there is no way around to use nsmutablearray and delete duplicates, right?
There is NSOrderedSet which is some bastard child of a set and an array. A little worse than both for performance. But it might do.
@brush51 ^
"Define constants for strings used for such purposes as notification names and dictionary keys." extern NSString * const kLocationKey; Agreed for Notification Names. What about dictionary keys ? I would use multiple dictionary objects in my project.
@Abizern NSOrderedSet gives me an error:
error: Semantic Issue: Use of undeclared identifier 'NSOrderedSet'; did you mean 'NSOrderedSame'?
@brush51 NSOrderedSet is a class NSOrderedSame is a typedef that is used when testing if two objects are the same. They are nowhere near interchangeable.
@0x8badf00d I create a separate header file. Call it ServerDataKeys.h, and then put all my defines in there. And my prefix has SD in it so I know they are Server Data keys
@0x8badf00d conventions are all very well - but sometimes I just wanna get stuff done, you know?
I was also wondering When and should I use AppConfiguration.plist file to read server settings API keys.
@Abizern This can replace AppConfiguration file that I use now.
@Abizern i have checked it out. nsmutablearray doesnt save duplicates, i have unique objects. thats also work for me.
@brush51 Yes it does. But I'm not going to argue with you.
@0x8badf00d configurations are easier to set up, but you've got to deal with creating a dictionary from them and messing about. I like my idea better. And, since I'm using statics, instead of #defines I get code completion and type checking.
@Abizern :)
@Abizern you are right, it does. i have tested it with unique ideas, therfore i thought it saves unique.
bye @all, it was e great day today, -8°Celsius here at Frankfurt, Germany
@brush51 0 here.
@Abizern I like this idea better. Cleaner Code. Thanks for your help. Objective-C is my first programming language that I took seriously. I did some C programming in school. oops principles and coding standards I am learning new stuff everyday.
@0x8badf00d It's all good. ;)
@Terminator Hello
@0x8badf00d Hello
@0x8badf00d Nope. But i remember Aaryan, there is one more popular song from it
@Terminator Yeah, Shahid Kapoor acted in their first album
@0x8badf00d Oh yes, i remember now. There is also a small dog in that video
@Terminator Yep.
Its a nice song
I will go sleep. good night bye
@Terminator: Aaeen
@Terminator Bye.
First time here with iphone/safari, really great this stackoverflow
I just hit a wall on this one
is mutablearray not "count" able?
like NSMutableArray *x = ...
[x count] <--- invalid....
po [peopleArray count]
0xf does not appear to point to a valid object.
but when I po the array, I see there are things in there
Please ignore everything I just said. My Mac is toasted
Has anyone used Parse before_
@ibeitia got to be a little more specific
@Byte Hello
sounds like someone has a tummy ache ;-P
@0x8badf00d greetings
what is needed to get my UISegmentedControl to change in my UIToolbar? I have it displaying but the buttons don't change when I press them
actually looks like my toolbar is disabled or something, can't even click buttons
got it :) had my frame overlapping the toolbar
@jostster great
posted on February 01, 2012

StudioDaily’s Beth Marchant reports on “key features” delivered in Final Cut Pro version 10.0.3. Marchant interviews Radical Media CTO Evan Schechtman — an early adopter of Final Cut Pro X — who calls version 10.0.3 “an even bigger deal than the original release,” noting that his company is “ready to transition completely to Final Cut Pro X now that broadcast monitoring and multicam editing ar

posted on February 01, 2012

Apple today released Final Cut Pro X version 10.0.3, a significant update to its revolutionary professional video editing application. Version 10.0.3 introduces Multicam Editing, which automatically syncs up to 64 angles of video and photos; advanced chroma keying for handling complex adjustments right in the app; and enhanced XML for a richer interchange with third-party apps and plug-ins that

posted on February 01, 2012

Bloomberg’s Peter Burrows reports that Apple is making rapid headway selling into corporations — especially financial services and pharmaceutical firms. Burrows writes that Apple’s corporate sales are being driven chiefly by iPad, which “has become a standard business tool.” The article quotes Matt Wallach, co-founder of Veeva Systems, who says: “I’ve seen a lot of devices come and go over the

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