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so frustrating.
@CJohns 1. use the response responseString
to print the actual characters
2. to make it asynchronous, your current class needs to be a httprequestdelegate
then you can do the following:
when you say "use response responseString" what do you mean?
NSLog(@"%@", [request responseString]);
yes @CJohns
oh yes.. thats what you mean.. that prints the xml :) :P
so now I just need to pass it over to my parser delegates.. which is probably whats in the link that you sent me that I have not checked yet :P
thankyou for checking my code! its hugely appreciated.. I will let you know how I go with what you have said :)
hrmm... so it seems to be working.
but Im not convinced.
is there a way you can check that its working? other than my BOOL check?
you can check the statuscode
okay i will try now. I have not heard of statuscode before... the other option was that i was going to make sure that my other if statments were not being called.. as then there would be no way of the data getting though.. but Im going to check out this statuscode thing.
you could also check something else
there are response readers
which contain a date field
that you can use to evaluate your request
cool thanks a heap man! reading into this stuff now.
feeling so much better about the cache stuff atm.. spent two days mucking around on that stuff :P
just gotta make sure it working correctly now :) which I'm pretty sure it is.
it should
I used the ASI libraries in some of my apps
very reliable
oh thats good.
for the time being I am using them.. but I think in the future I need to learn the apple way also.
I have heard that the people who made the asi libraries don't support them anymore..
it is one guy
but i love them as they cut out so much of the grunt work :P
wow.. that dude must be really onto it.
but you are right
he stopped working on it
actually very sad
yea.. however in saying that.. I havent looked on github but there must be someone carrying on his work maybe :P
I would totaly donate to him if he kept working on it.
just read his blog post
sounds very reasonable
since objC is changing a lot
and for one guy to maintain a library like this is a huge effort
I have some smaller apps going on as a side kick and it's very time consuming to take care of everything as is
glad I don't have to support an entire community :)
yep.. I agree.. massive effort. its awesome to have people like this in the ios community tho.
never know he might move onto something even cooler.
so do you have any apps in the market place?
im honest with you
:P lol Im the same.. I have only been developing for about 4-6 months and have done lots of small little things trying to build up my skill levels.. however I have not released anything as most of the things I work on are things that Im just rehashing..
if I release something I would like it to be semi original
and polished.
well, things kept me busy in the past
we set up a company and released some android apps
oh cool
who do you like to develop for the most?
we -> some friends and me jam it at www.papers.ch
I am the iOS developer :)
never did anything for android
that is a slick website man.
thanks :), we try our best
oh yup.. I graduated uni at the start of this year and pretty much worked with C, C++ only.. then I got a job doing some web dev.. and on the side as much as possible I have been teaching myself objC
so each day is a learning curve.. but I quite like objective C
most people I talk to hate it.
but I actually enjoy it
I hated it first
big time
due to the unusual syntax
and one huge big disadvantage I had
because of my current location...
always liked it
always hated it after starting objC the second time
yea I agree with the first part.. I also hated it at first because xcode didnt support (smart coding).. forget the actual name but where you type and options come up.. that was really annoying.
lol swiss keyboard? lol gonna google it :P
LOL what the heck!
thats weird :P
lol I was annoyed by the fact that I had to press ALT GR / CTRL ALT [8 OR 9] to get the brackets
I feel sorry for you
hey egain, is there a way to tell which scene belongs to which controller in xcode 4.2 storyboard?
and those brackets are so important! lol they are everywhere
and the same with the curly braces
that was the reason I hated xcode
and objC
altogether and dropped it in 2008
but started again last year
@JohnMerlino not sure sorry I havent used the storyboarding feature
after looking at an english keyboard I thought (!!!) this is AWESOME. and got one about four months ago
haha nice! :)
@Shaharyar I was just looking over the code at ASIHTTP http://allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest/How-to-use#other_cache_related_features and was woundering how to use [request setDownloadDestinationPath:
[[ASIDownloadCache sharedCache] pathToStoreCachedResponseDataForRequest:request]];
Im reading the documentation and I dont see the purpose of the navigation controller at all, after all you cna just use a segue to link controllers.
or if I have to use it? seems like thats the way you request the cache.. Im not doing that tho. I have just called the request value like this responseString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[request responseData] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
capturedResponseData = [responseString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
so why even have a navigation controller?
so Im not sure if I am even using the cache
@JohnMerlino What you mean by segue?
I was just wondering
coz I saw that word on your method before
navigation controller makes coding alot easier, it puts everying onto a view stack that you just push and pop depending on where you want to be in your application
also it sets up titles and back buttons
a storyboard segue
i have found that there are almost no tutorials on storyboard, so i resort to the unclear, vague documentation that has only sparked even more confusion
Oh I see
how many views do you want to have in your application?
I will have dozens of views
lol.. I think storyboards only came out in the latest xcode so they are very new.. probably why there is not much documentation on them.
oh i think navigation controller is to link controllers which have no other way such as via a button to connect
I think the example you are following is not very helpful for what it sounds like you are trying to do.
i know, im trying to do something complex, but all examples are simple 1 minute tutorials
navigation controller is basicly a stack.. and when you say go to a new view, that view will be loaded onto the view stack.. you can load as many views onto the stack as you want to. then when you go back to your first view or press the back button that or those views are poped from the stack
what benefit does this give?
this example looks like it might be abit better suited to what you are trying to do maybelost.com/2011/10/…
yeah I actually came across that earlier
it looks promising
but thats where I got confused as to why they are using a lot of navigation controllers, when you can just use a button to link controllers
what do you mean by view stack?
@JohnMerlino Stack of views
there is only one navigation controller
@JohnMerlino a navigatonController gives you the possibility to stack ViewControllers
that navigation controller controlles your views.
having a nice navigationbar working with almost no line of code whatsoever
I think he should go back to basics
from the very beginning
Model View Controller
lol not that far behind I guess :P
in a stack (which think about peices of paper on top of each other. each peice of paper is a view.. and the top most peice of paper is your current view. when you hit a back button the top view is poped to reveal the next view) it helps with sequence etc.
im familiar with mvc in the sense of ruby on rails and java mvc
posted on November 08, 2011 by Andy Crofford

Binpress, a source-code discovery service and marketplace, is announcing a mobile development contest with over $20k in cash and prizes for best mobile development components. Binpress has partnered with several big names in mobile app development, including  Amazon AWS, Tropo, Appsfire, Github and others to bring you thousands of dollars in prizes for the best submission of [...]

with regards to my explination before that is what the view controller controlls lol
it is the only way to do navigational based apps.
(only) being best by far.
you need to read this http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/UIKit/Reference/UINavigationController_Class/Reference/Reference.html
put your other stuff on hold and get your mind round this! I know its a pain etc but you will be way better for it.. I am :)
I should be writing some more tutorials on my blog -.-
whats your blog?
also a tutorial using jsonkit and asihttprequest to communicate to a web service, using rest actionsm would be a great tutorial
not much going on there
I can do that
I just figured out an easy way to test my cache. I switched my phone onto airplane mode lol
it works! lol
but need to find a more substantial way
close connection
wifi and data roaming
@JohnMerlino thanks for the input, wrote it down on a post-it ;)
@JohnMerlino Im sure there would be a ton of examples out there.. if not just go to asihttprequest site their example on how to set up asithttprequest is really good.
its how i got my stuff working with xml
posted on November 08, 2011

New tools and animation effects in iAd Producer 2.0 make it even easier to build great iAds. Create sophisticated animations with precise control over object properties like position, opacity, size, color and shadow. Get instant, one-click access to any object or element on a page with the new object list. Make your iAds better and faster with new validation tools that identify optimization opp

i can already successfully do post requests to log a user in using asihttprequest and then returning to xcode as json data and responding accordingly, @Canelo provided good advice earlier about how to handle that data with alerts. I have attempted though doing a get request to grab a list of records from databaser and then populate them into a table view in storyboard xcode. I think that one tutorial will be helpful though.
brb lunch time :P
dinner time over here
@JohnMerlino Where u from mate?
I see
85 degrees today
and a cool, unruffled breeze
just found something amazing to write about :)
that was the call for me to sleep
we'll talk later
@JohnMerlino How long have u been into iOS?
a few weeks ago a read a book on objective-c
basically i am converting a ruby on raisl application i did into an iphone one
after reading book, I got an idea for the syntax
@JohnMerlino Oh nice
but the storyboard is more like a gui than working with a language
drag and drop things, right click and drag things, stuff like that
I honestly dont know the storyboard thingy
i dont even know what it is for
i think it is to simplify the old way of doing it
i think it establsihes the same purpose
but much less code writing involved
I prefer the programatically way of doing things
its just used to set up the UI really.
you still have to code.
imo it confuses things more than anything.
I was looking into it before and just seems like a drawn out way of doing things.
you have less control over alot of things.
Is the storyboard better than programatically create the UI?
@Canelo it depends
I cannot say for sure.. but by reading the small amount that i have read on it I dont see any added benefit from using story board than compaired to programatically with some interfacebuilder
personally im the hard coding guy
I like things being in place where I want them
and delete objects where I want
everything that is left to the library to decide is you giving away power
TBH, storyboard and interfacebuilder just confuses me
I prefer to hardcode the elements and stuff
becomes more code because of it, but i Like that
and it's more performant
yea its personal preference really. I just see that IFB has a few benefits for making things abit faster what you have to places something in a specific position or when you want to set up how your app looks in a diff rotation
hey guys
all it needs is one good tutorial and then i think sotryboard would be useful

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