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Q: How can i solve this java lang error?

Sebastian Delgado DiazI am trying to solve this java lang error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{com.sebasdeldihotmail.mediocre11/com.sebasdeldihotmail.mediocre11.SignUpOrLogInActivity}: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sebasdeldihotmail.mediocre11.SignUpOrLogInActivity canno...

The logcat states that you are casting the SignupOrLoginActivity to an Activity when it is actually a Fragment. I cannot see where you are making this call, it does not appear to be in the code you have posted.
actually that is the fragment that the app shows when first opened
Look at @Eran's answer, I think he is right. Could you inspect your AndroidManifest to see if you are declaring this Fragment as an Activity?
I just put the code of the corrected manifest, but it keeps giving me the same error, do you mind if you give it a look @CodeMonkey?
Is the logcat reporting the same error? The reason I ask is that you have four other "Activities" listed in your Manifest which might also be Fragments as far as I know (and I don't know if they are being instantiated).
the other ones are real activities
i think that the problem comes from the <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter>, i really don't know to put it
No this looks fine. This is simply a declaration that the activity you have listed is the one which the app will initialise first when the app is opened.
i just checked
and the error now is different
is it ok if i paste it here?
Yeah go for it.
Maybe just the line which states the error :)
12-23 01:01:15.157  29455-29455/com.sebasdeldihotmail.mediocre11 E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.sebasdeldihotmail.mediocre11/com.sebasdeldihotmail.mediocre11.MainActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException
ops sorry haha
dude sorry for being so annoying but i just started studying software engineering and wanted to something cool during vacations
We all start somewhere, don't mention it.
This looks like a whole new problem. You will need to put some breakpoints in your MainActivity class and see why the Null Pointer Exception is being thrown.
BUT, you have definitely solved the Class Cast exception which is cool!
So you should probably mark @Eran's answer as correct because he fixed that one for you.
Do a bit of looking around in you MainActivity class and post a new question if you can't figure out why the NPE is being raised.
ok man
thanks a million
you have been extremely nice
And stick in there man, there's plenty of satisfaction in nailing down a bug like this!
And you're welcome.
Thank God for S.O.
what does S.O mean?
just asking :)

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