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A: How do I close a child form of a child form AND the child form?

AdrianSubscribe to the 3rd form's closed event in the second form. When the third form is closed the second form will see the event and execute it's handler. In the handler you can do this.Close(); public partial class Form2 : Form { private Form2 form2; public Form2() { Initializ...

I keep trying to put this in several ways, and none of them are correct, so would you like for me to show you my code thus far so that you can point out what stupid things I'm doing?
Yes go ahead. I am just leaving work so I won't be home for another hour or so. I will check back in as soon as I get home.
I updated my answer @TravisJ.Land
Now when I click the button to go to frmX, the thing just quits responding.
which button are you talking about? Can you describe what's going on a little better?
I don't know if you've figured it out, but I'm making a Tic Tac Toe game. I have a form that allows the user to choose whether to be Xs or Os (Os is incomplete: finishing Xs first). Upon clicking the Xs button, which is the code you've been helping me work through, my form stops responding.
Yes I can see that. Why are you trying to close forms then exactly? Paste your whole code here and link back to it
Sorry, on the first form, I offer the user to play rock, paper, scissors, or tic, tic, toe. I am trying to make the forms more user-friendly so that the user can switch between games with as few clicks as possible.
Okay I'm going to look at your code. Take a look into Form.Hide() while I look at your code, that might be a better use in this scenario.
Sounds good
Which button is the one that's giving you problems. It' a bit hard to tell what's going on from just the code. The code looks okay. I don't see any apparent errors
is there a way i can snip my forms and show you?
give me one second
Im making a simple project to show you.
I think it will get the point accross
Alright thanks. I made this real quick so you could see what is going on. I start with the one on the left, and when I click the X button, it should go to the next form.
However, upon clicking the X with the implemented code, it freezes and requires task manager to end the process
I see why it's doing that
Once the 2nd form is closed it is disposed and in the first form that object is no longer existing
a better way to do it is to do frmTTT = new formX() inside of the click
also subscribe to the event inside the click
and do the show inside the click
I have a project I will put on dropbox for you
give me one sec
alright ty
there you go
You will see what I'm talking about once you open the project.
Hopefully you can open it I have Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate
I'm going through it now
well, there's one of my main problems: i've been putting it all into frmX
hopefully that helps you man!
alright well i thank you endlessly for taking your time to help some kid haha
No problem. People on here are douches sometimes. I was "some kid" learning C# in college at one point too
take care man
Indeed. Merry Christmas :)
Same to you

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