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7:27 PM
@Servy I already addressed that in the email I sent: the comment was misleading, it did not reflect the nuance that was present in George's answer.
Incidentally, I'm returning to this discussion because another spate of similarly-unproductive comments reminded me of it today:
There are relatively few hard rules that can be derived from these situations. That's why we have moderators and more importantly why the system gives moderator abilities to users.
Trying to address these situations as though there's some heretofore undiscovered edict carved in stone that will simplify them is bound to fail; we're dealing with a near-infinite amount of variation, and each situation can and will mean a subtly different outcome.
That doesn't mean there's no lasting value to be had in discussing them, mind you.
I personally find it useful in honing my own thought-processes, developing out of them increasingly-robust algorithms for processing similar situations in the future...
...But, that is not what I'm observing in these recent discussions. Y'all keep looking for unwavering rules, a decision based on heuristics that can be unthinkingly applied to future situations without regard to context.
It's a recipe for discord, and I'd like to see it stop.

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