since all elements scale down at same rate.. i only have to figure out which two elements will collide first when scaling down page. then those two elements are the only two i have
to monitor
if have already tested this using chrome dev tools.
I'm catching up with you.... You've got a bunch of svg labels on a display and you're resizing the display. You're also adjusting the size of the labels inside if it looks like the labels might overlap.
Think about it. Even what you're calling the "core problem" is just your attempt to solve another problem. Sometimes, knowing what you're trying to do at a high level can lead to a better solution.
Continuing that thought, as the image shrinks further, the font size will eventually hit the minimum font size. My question is whether or not the image reduction is aborted at that point? If not, then you're still dealing with an unavoidable overlap issue.
at a certain point it wont be readable anyway. say i scale down to a 4x4 inch image. its basically just a thumbnail. not useable, but you get the gist of where everything is.
ive locked my performance issue down to a certain area in my code. This section has nothing to do with actual re positioning of element. only getting values, calculating their new position and saving these updated positions in array. my getters setters
I can't help you with "I believe". I need either numbers or a pseudo-code description of the getters and setters, closure implementation, and the method you think is faster.
Global arrays are faster than arrays in any other context because the scope doesn't have to be resolved.
For everything else, scope resolution takes time.
for (var i=0; i<100; ++i) =1;
will be slower than
var d = a.b.c.d; for (var i=0; i<100; ++i) =1;
so you're trying to sideload each element into a cache? That explains why everything slows down with increasing element count. Closures with lots of data can get expensive when the element count goes up. Finding the right closure again is an expensive calulation
I think I can help now
Is there a single function that performs the iteration?
yes. raphael elements are stored in their own array. with raphael you cannot destroy an element. the memory is never released. so you have to reuse elements.
elements live for the life of the main page.
i simply use the number of elements i need and clear all attributes from the rest and give them a display of none.
just one question... since raphael is keeping the elements in an array of its own, why keep a duplicate array? or is it that raphael's version of the array may be sparse with useful elements?
So do this: Before the first iteration of the your calculator, copy all element references you're interested in to the array. Then with each calculation run, you only need to access that array.
The only way this is going to work is if the function doing the calculation loop and the array are in a closure.
i have tried what you are talking about with using set(). each components elements all in same set. this was slow. i have not tried with regular array though. dont know why i didnt think of that. lemme give it a try.
Just try to abstract the function that does the updates into a function object that owns the array copy. Initialize it, then have fun calling the updater