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A: File handling in java with permission denied and wrong path

sunysen@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public static void GetDirectory(String a_Path, List a_files, List a_folders) throws IOException { try { File l_Directory = new File(a_Path); **if(l_Directory.exists()){** File[] l_files = l_Director...

one more question @sunysen, givenPath.replaceAll("\\\\|/", "\\"+System.getProperty("file.separator")); is this will replace the file separator based on the OS or only for windows
What does it mean you say
I give file path as argument and that loading file should not be dependent on any OS
ExceptionInFileHandling .class.getClassLoader().getResource("").getPath(),With the java api, you can ignore these details
NO NO, the String filesLocation = "asdfasdf/sdfsdf/"; should not be dependant on any OS
ExceptionInFileHandling .class.getClassLoader().getResource("asdfasdf/sdfsdf/").getPath(),Do not ?
i get Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
URL url = UExceptionInFileHandling .class.getClassLoader().getResource("asdfasdf/sdfsdf/") if(url == null){this is file not exists}
is it possible for you to help on chat
that still gives me null only
for the valid path
my things is
the path will be there and will have to list all the files (only file names)
from that path
but while loading the file the path should not be an issue for the OS
so the path should be changed based on the OS
i tried something like this filePath.replaceAll("\\\\|/", "\\"+System.getProperty("file.separator"));
UExceptionInFileHandling .class.getClassLoader().getResource("sdfsdf")
this can get to the absolute path
no this returns me null
returns null, File or folder does not exist
No, i give valid path and it fetches the files name if i dont use the above one
Sorry, do not know how to solve the
ok no issues

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