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Hi Craig..
I decided I will use the same schema given by ejabberd and will extend it according to the specifications.I also came across MongooseIm recently and was checking ejabberds current versions.

It is mentioned on github that mongooseIm is a fork of ejabberd 2.1.x series.Currently ejabberd is using 14.07 and all of its previous versions are now obsolete.Since Mongoose is using one of its obsolete versions,would it be safe to use MIM considering that there is a huge leap between the core of ejabberd and mongoose.
since the support is for latest versions for ejabberd is weak,would it make sense to use obsolete versions of ejabberd OR use mongooseIm which is a fork of ejabberd 2.1.x
You there?
I'm not sure how active MongooseIM's community is, but I the problem with ejabberd documentation is pretty well known.
If the Mongoose community is active and helpful, I would pick that over ejabberd.
Github wiki of mongoose is pretty good..
and they have released 3 versions this year..
Consider that this is the way most Erlangers feel about ejabberd: thisotplife.tumblr.com/post/97724084549/…
And its really just because of the mysterious nature of it. Its not bad code, its just indecipherable. Things like Yaws, otoh, are really easy to get started with specifically because that was a goal of both the code style and the documentation.
I think it may be processOne's startegy of commercialising their product
may bee..
That is a reasonable assumption.
I'm not really sure what their angle is. But chat is just not that hard to write in erlang to begin with, so most people I know don't even use a chat framework.
ejabberd is popular because its a drop-in for not spending a day or two writing a chat subsystem of your own, but I sort of feel it is self defeating because people spend more than the amount of time it takes to get a basic chat system working just to understand how to get on their feet with ejabberd.
IOW, I get the feeling that ejabberd is used primarily by folks who aren't comfortable writing their own chat system. This doesn't mean its bad, but I don't really get the "why" of it.
I suspect that the goal of the Mongoose community is to fix that documentation and ease of drop-in early traction.
But that's speculation on my part. I just can't think of any other reason to fork ejabberd.
Anyway, you've got a solid handle on how you want to go about integrating the chat system now? (whichever one it winds up being)
Yes,I think people dont want to go through the pain of learning a language like Erlang Thats the reason why they prefer a framework
I think Erlang is sort of like Scheme in this sense... its a lot easier than people expect, but is a different style of thinking, and so they sort of trick themselves into making it hard, merely by bringing prior assumptions to the table.
Sneaky way to trip yourself up.
may be because it is very very different than other mainstream languages..
In my mind pretty much all the Algol-descended variants are the same language with different layers of syntactic sugar. The idioms, as pertains to grammar, are nearly all the same. The idioms as pertains to syntactic abstraction are the real differences.
But I suppose that is what is meant by "programming paradigm". That once you are fluent in 4 or more of the same paradigm, they all sort of feel the same (which is to say, are all annoying, but in different ways).
Anyway, if Erlang Solutions is behind Mongoose, it is almost guaranteed to be a better experience, imo.
That is one driving reason why we considered mongoose.
That doesn't mean they aren't trolling for contract work (that's their business, after all), but the code is likely more sane, and if you have such smashing business success from the chat feature you drop into your service constellation, paying for expertise makes sense anyway.
If its just a decent added feature and you don't need it tweaked, you probably won't need to pay anyone anything, other than yourself and your time.
Haha. The ES architecture diagram alone is better than any ejabberd docs I've seen so far. erlang-solutions.com/products/…
And that's a totally "executive" diagram.
hmm..and they do allow you to store sessions in redis

This is for ejabberd..
It looks like the codebase is significantly different from ejabberd at this point.
yes..they have refactored ejabberd to quite an extent
this was two years back
It looks like Mongoose still sits directly on Mnesia if you let it, also.
yes it does,but we can configure it to use mysql or postgres
For a chat system... I don't really know why I would want to do much else. That would have to be a business decision, especially based on whether you need non-Erlang access to the chat logs.
Anyway, that's just a detail. The point you care about is getting a chat subsystem up that won't suck and won't catch your DC on fire.
The only thing that sucks about the whole premise of the system is the XMPP part being all XML. Its got to be about the worst representation of chat data possible.
The reason I can forgive that is that other chat clients can understand it, so using Pidgin or some Javascript front end is possible without much hassle.
Alright then,I got mongoose with MySQL and there are plenty of options on the client side like strophe
otoh, that aspect may be overrated. Most non-tech users have no idea what they are using anyway, and if there isn't a web interface or Android app for it, it just doesn't exist in their world.
I think its more than enough to get started
I think this is going to be a smoother ride for you.
Are you going to blog about your implementation somewhere?
Like the story of your chat backend changing or whatever?
I havent decided yet,but if it works I will make sure other people dont go through the same pain and will definatle share the story
That would be cool. Just one more thing to help people rally around something less hair-pulling than the situation you initially faced.
can you give me your blog link?
Don't be a stranger.
btw, email is [email protected]
I think i will start with the devlopment soon..
Good luck!
have you ever tried web sockets?
Mongoose provides bosh as well as websockets..
will have to select the better one..
I've used websockets, but not bosh.
most of what I do is just TCP or SCTP sockets directly, though.
Because that's really easy to do in Python and Erlang.
both are used for persistently connecting to server,I will search for the better option
btw..i was thinking of learning python,mongo
Do you have any Perl or Ruby experience?
Or Algol, Go, D or whatever?
Just php,js
Oh. Well, php and js... Python will feel like writing psuedocode on the board, but it can run.
Its pretty nice. If you want to step out a bit further, scheme is a bit weird at first, but if you take the time to go through SICP a chapter at a time, nearly any construct in almost any language you encounter will disassemble to a parse tree in your mind.
SICP just makes youa better programmer (and incidentally makes Guile become a really handy extension/scripting tool for you).
Scheme is so syntaxless that it effectively bridges OOP, imperative, structural and FP, depending on how you feel like writing things at the time.
I tried some very basic python on ode academy..
very clean language..and less verbose
Just go through the Python Tutorial on the python docs site. Its sufficient. After a few pages you can write Python programs. its just not a hard language.
The finer points come with experience writing larger programs, but that's true for any language.
You can go through that with almost no modifications to the examples in Guile or Racket scheme.
If you actually take the time to, the way you think about programming will have changed considerably.
I want to focus on some general purpose language.. I have been in to PHP which claims its a general purpose language but its mostly web scripting.Ruby also does the same if am not wrong..so i was thinking of python or java.
an it seems Python is really catching up..
It is not a trivial text, though. Its rather more dense than most course material these days. You really have to think for a minute to grok what is written, and the exercises require considerable effort to accomplish in some cases (but once you figure out the way through some of them you go "oh, duh! cool")
Python is the go-to system script language within most Linux distros. If its bigger than a few lines, but doesn't need to be compiled, its usually in Python.
Like yum, for example.
(If it needs to be compiled, its usually C, if its just a few cli commands its bash, if its a large non-trivial text transform its AWK or m4)
So Python is indeed generally useful. Its also got great crypto, db, graphics, gui, and game libraries.
Its what Java had claimed it would be, actually.
But its not perfect for everything. Erlang provides a significantly different underlying paradigm, and its useful in more places on the server than Python is. Python on the client-side, or as a system tool, though, is hard to beat (unless you've already mastered Qt entirely).
As for "Python is really catching up"... don't pay that any mind. If you concern yourself with language popularity then you'll be spending more time looking through the reference on whatever the hot new language is this week than you spend time actually writing code that handles your core problem.
that book.. I just went through the index..Covers up lot of topics
I have never gone that deep..
seems interesting..I will give it a read
Its well written and absolutely fascinating.
Is it dealing with what happens under the hood of all programmes?
If you're really interested in the fundamental concepts of information, patterned arrangement, formalization of our intuitions about process, etc. then it will be fun.
In a sense.
They return to a basic theme that "computer science" isn't about computers, in the same way that "geometry" isn't about surveying instruments.
That we think CS has anything to do with computers is incidental to the fact that we only discovered formal programming notations at the same time we designed the first computers.
We have a basic intuition about how a process occurs. Like how to bake bread, for example.
If we try to write it down without actually exploring the problem firsthand, though, we will invariably screw some step up, because our instructions will be imprecise.
With humans we can screw up or give inaccurate or ambiguous instructions because the person interpreting them can use "common sense" and make a correction on the fly. Not so with computers.
So we have been forced to become absolutely explicit and formal about how we document our intuitions about procedures of any sort because today we want machines to do the work, and they have no basic common sense.
All that specific information becomes overwhelmingly complex, though. So a notation must not only be accurate and formal, it must also provide a way to manage the complexity of what is being conveyed.
So computer science is not about computers, really. It is about how we formalize our ideas about procedures (of any sort) and how to develop both notations and techniques that help us manage the overwhelming complexity of formal procedural expression.
Yes.I think it is important to understand the underlying concepts about how things happen.Most of the work i do usually doesnt focus on that aspect.Much of the time is spend doing quick solution and just getting things done..
Incidentally, computers execute this code we write, and that is one way to figure out if we screwed up or not. So there is a direct form of feedback for us as regards the result of coding. The other form of feedback is from humans being helped or hindered by whatever particular notation they happen to be using at the time.
You wind up with less to fix, and able to see your way through getting things done in a better way if you spend some time with these underlying concepts -- instead of catching vague hints of a pattern here or there over a few years of being, essentially, a datacenter fireman.
I mean, I would hire an engineer or carpenter to build my house, not a fireman. Why the hell do we do the opposite in software?
Other than this is just not well understood yet.
Anyway, if you have the time and interest,I think you would have a good time with this. Its enjoyable, not a chore.
nice analogy..
it was nice talking to you..
Take care.
I dunno why..but i feel i know nothing after chatting with you :)
check this out.. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0395571/
just saw it yesterday.Give it a watch if you havent seen it.

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