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Q: Connection was reset when accessing magento admin panel

IcecreamsandwichI got this error when second time login to the admin panel of magento , frontend works with no issue , Any help is appreciated , i disabled cookie in varien.php too like as follows $cookieParams = array( 'lifetime' => $cookie->getLifetime(), 'path' => $cookie->...

why you disabled cookie in varien.php?
I saw it, as you can see, no need to change core file. check this the steps that Alan Storm said
Yea i removed the comments now , once i tried with my ip like , is that an issue ?? since firebug stores 2 cookies for adminhtml as localhost and when taking the admin panel login
Check if you have permissions on /var/session if you save session in files, not in Redis
i am using windows
thank you for helping me , am stucked
check in you project folder
folder named var
can i send the screen shot thrugh this ?
i think yes, but it will take a lot of time
so, can you see a var folder
on your project?
hmm yea
and var/session
so, ok, clear cache in var/cache
have to change the folder permission of var/session ?
and use for example Chrome and clear cookie on it
I think they are in normal
but check
after that try clear also var/session
and try to log in in admin pannel
WOW ! many thanks
it worked when i cleared my cache
Put that an answer to the question , i will accept that
posted the answer

last day (14 days later) »