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@ShanthaDodmane sorry i dont work on saturday :P will check ur code now
@NilasisSen Thanks :)
@ShanthaDodmane the process you have taken is wrong. your api will look mostly like this
destination = __dirname + "/" + req.file.destination
var filePath = req.file.path;
tsr_file_path = __dirname + "/" + filePath
if (fs.existsSync(tsr_file_path)) {
log.info(req.file.filename + " is stored successfully");
nextCb(null,{ "filePath": tsr_file_path,"fileName":req.file.filename,"destination":req.file.destination })
} else {
log.error("something went wrong while storing \"" + req.file.filename + "\" at location \"" + destination + "\"");
@NilasisSen What is arg1 here? function(arg1, nextCb) {
console.log(arg1.response_code) is printing undefined.
arg1 is the value you are passing from the first function -nextCb(null,{ "filePath": tsr_file_path,"fileName":req.file.filename,"destination":req.file.destination }) this one
put one more nextCb in to the log.error block

check this tutorial
Thanks. I added a line in error block as below:
nextCb(err); Is this correct way? Here in my case file got uploaded successfully. But it is not able to enter python script execution block since the values of arg1.response_code is undefined
lol sry
nextCb(null,{ "filePath": tsr_file_path,"fileName":req.file.filename,"destination":req.file.destination,"r‌​esponse_code":2000 })
new to javascript. :( Still learning....
no issue its easy
Thanks @NilasisSen. still I am getting undefined for arg1.response_code
console.log(arg1) and check what are your getting
nextCb(null,{ "filePath": tsr_file_path,"fileName":req.file.filename,"destination":req.file.destination,"r‌​‌​esponse_code":2000 }) ---------------why we are passing first param as null here?
console.log(arg1) is printing expected output :{ filePath: '/opt/sites/test_code/tsr-tool/tsr_analysistool_ui/tsr_analysistool_BE/uploads/1520838208688/TSR1.wri',
fileName: 'TSR1.wri',
destination: 'uploads/1520838208688' }
yup check its working fine get the value correctly from and use it in the function
@ShanthaDodmane null is because on next function 1 is call back and another one is arg
Okay. I will try to get the value here.

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