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@ANinJa Can you clarify what you mean by "parameter"? Do you mean function arguments, or passing values from one file to another?
6 hours later…
@Phil: You can try to ask your question here directly, good chance to get help and it s free. Else, you would have to ask Angular and Node js maintainers if they offer support.
1 hour later…
Hi guys! Is it necessary to follow mvc pattern while building rest api using nodejs ?
I am using the default app structure generated by express-generator
All the tutorial on the internet are business logic and database queries inside route files.
@Stormie: I took a shot at the library, and rewrote findAll and path to support Promises. If you can test it. The fork is here
I am writing APIs to be consumed by mobile applications. In terms of scalability what is the best practice to follow?
1 hour later…
@Sam so many questions to that question, API in what sense? REST GraphQL? SOAP... What kind of scalability? code? traffic? load? data? complexity? ...

Simply put I would say:
Don't code for where you hope to be, code for where you are.. if you have a problem with scaling, solve it by optimization at the bottleneck. If a scaling issue ever appears, that's one of them good problems :) Any specifics you wonder about then I love to discuss it :)
@superhero: I am developing rest api. I am just confused whether I should go with mvc style of development or is it fine to write all the business logic and database queries inside route files?
there is no rules to how to code, but one would maybe like to keep an order
what order you like to use is up to you and your team
and maybe future developers
...if you think someone will come in after you, I would try to keep the code clean, and MVC is commenly used
I understand that mvc is the thing to go with but got confused after seeing the app structure generated by express-generator.
I don't use express, so I don't know what it generates, but I would think it's dummy data for you to put where ever you see fitted
...but I could be wrong ofc..
any other framework which follows the mvc pattern?
angular I believe, Idk.. I write my own tools
I usaly work with sockets, event driven design.. so when an eent is triggered it's reffered to an api controller file.. that controller then use the aggregationroot to perfm it's action and return the data. The aggregation root binds the model components together to do what ever...
but that's just how I like to do it
I dont see any reason to use framework for that
Actually, I have build company's website using cakephp. Now they want mobile app and I was given the task to write api for that. Based on the web app I thought there must be a pattern to develop api also (since I am new to nodejs). After researching for a while with expressjs I had managed to perform actions based on get and post call (writing all the logic inside route folder)
But then I was wondering going this might create problem and hence the confusion arised about how to proceed.
Anyway, I will go now with mvc pattern.
Thanks for help @superhero.
@DrakaSAN still getting maximum call stack error. Here's a pastebin of the code I used to test: http://pastebin.com/ZrN5pHD7

The only message on the server was 'Promise { <pending> }' which never changed/udpated.
also, thanks again for taking time to look at this
@Stormie: You need to wait for the promise to end, try to replace the last two lines by:
route.pathPromise('A', 'D', { cost:true }).then((possible_routes) => {
@DrakaSAN ten minutes and the promise still hasn't ended :(
Erf, add some logs to see if the code is just that long or if it is stuck somewhere?
Hey drakaSA :)
Hi Guys,
I am trying to run simple nodejs app on live server.

after running myurl.com:9000. its still showing index.php from my html folder

any help ?
my sample code :
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('Hello World\n');
Hmm I only know how to do it with express.js.
var express = require('express');
var exp = express();
var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(exp);

server.listen(port, function(){
	console.log('Webserver started');

exp.get('/', function() {
	res.end('Hello World\n');
i know with express too. but problem is something else. i am trying to run it on apache server
sounds like you have apache or nginx configured to listen to all ports and serve php ..
...close the server and start the nodejs server, eg .. your script. @VishalTarkar
@superhero just tried it. no result.
what are you trying?
is there any pre requirement to run node on apache ?
you dont....
like vhost ?
you can use a revesed proxy .. but with apache I have no idea..
problem is i am getting no response after running my node script.
I need to see what you see in order to help you
Node.js is hosting itself. No webserver needed (in general).
yhea Idk why you trying to have apache do this..
I think you missunderstood how it works
this is not php
Thats a part many ppl are confused about.
A server-script thats hosting itself as a webserver.
it is a webserver
Is this a typo? ^^
but it doesn't have to be
I have bots running that issn't for instance
Ah okay.
it's a programming language, it is what you make it.. but you don't need to have apache to listen to some port and serve content like you do in PHP.. it's more competent, simply put
but I recommend everyone to use a reversed proxy for ssl settings and stuff..
2 hours later…
@C4u Hi :)

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