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Hi guys.
I keep getting a weird error about a JSON object I don't know how to solve, from what I gather the issue is that I'm trying to parse an object mixed with strings because I'm using the output of a child_process command execution.
switch (route) {
  case "/status":
      res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" });
      require('child_process').spawn('uname' , ['-a']).stdout.on('data',
          function (data) {
              res.end(JSON.parse('{ "uname": "'+data+'" }')); //This line here is the issue

      res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" });
      res.end("404 NOT FOUND\n");
I can post a full example if needed
When I try to put the parameters into JSON.stringify(), and that into JSON.parse(), it comes out empty.
i.e. if I do this: res.end(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify('{ "uname": "'+data+'" }')));
14 hours later…
Hey guys, does anyone here know PassportJS?
2 hours later…
@Flame2057 what problem are you facing ?
@ANinJa I don't understand what passport does exactly
Like does it tell the user if they got the password wrong
I have no clue how much it does for you
passportjs provide you auth strategy and hide the complexity to the developer
like if you want to integrate twitter/facebook login in your application by using passportjs you have to write just small no of line instead of implementing fully custom
i can also create a user session for you as well
I'm going to use it for both github login and local login. I'm beginning to understand it better now, but is it meant to be used for registering the user too?
@ANinJa Forgot to mention you
if you want to allow your user to register by email or something then you can user local strategy
and if you want to add github then you also have to use github strategy as well
I know, but like if I want them to create an account would I use passport
or is it only for login
it's only for login(if i understood you correectly)
Thank you
you can also try JWT it's stateless and by jwt you dont have to manage you user session on server

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