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Hi All - can anyone tell me where the best place to get sinon advice would be? In this chat? Or on a different forum?
@Navonod: You can try this chat and the JavaScript chat room
Just concerning spy.threw() - which accepts a string value or object. The string value should reflect the type of Exception thrown - e.g. "TypeError", though this always results in a false assertion for my test code :-|
for example, code under test throws this:
if (!(date instanceof Date)) throw new TypeError();
and test reads:
result = txSpy.threw("TypeError")
assert(result) always fails (i.e. result == false)
@Navonod: If you try with result = txSpy.threw(new TypeError());, does it work?
@DrakaSAN no - same result (AssertionError: false == true
does it require the exact instance of the thrown error? Surely sinon would rather check for equality between tested & expected results?
@All hi...
is there any alternative for path.join in nodejs
2 hours later…
@SamSam: What do you mean?
@DrakaSAN im trying to import a module but getting the error as module cannot be found
@SamSam Could you post the sample of code that try to import your module?
@DrakaSAN i have two files abc.js and xyz.js
im using this code in abc.js
module.exports {} -- this i have used in abc.js
and in xyz.js im using
abc = require("./abc.js");
its in the same solution
but its getting the error as module abc not found
@SamSam: Is it in the same folder? Or is one in a folder, and the other in ./foo/? As such, there is no reason it shouldn't work
@DrakaSAN no its in the same folder
@SamSam: Weird. No unusual charcters in the filename? (unicode, /, \...)
@SamSam you mean you have module.exports = {} right?
lets say you have these files in the same folder:

- foo.js
- bar.js

# body of foo.js:

var bar = require('./bar');

# body of bar.js:

module.exports = function() { console.log('this works') }
@ErikLandvall yes,
does my example work?
@ErikLandvall yes man thanks
but im getting another issue after implementing
callback already called
im using
this is working fine if i call both the methods in the same file.
@SamSam I'm not following, can you paste the actual error pls?
@ErikLandvall but when i use the imported module its giving error
@SamSam: And the actual calls
Callback was already called is the error message
@ErikLandvall please see the below sample code
module.exports = {
firstMethod: function (data, next) {

secondMethod: function (data, next) {

xyz = require("./xyz.js");

what is output? @SamSam
there is lot of logic in these methods which i cant paste here..
idk what your last 2 rows do neighter
but im getting error as callback already called...
wat else can i provide
they are methods in the imported modules
this error should look something like this:
    separator : ':\t'
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
    at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16)
    at Module._compile (module.js:511:25)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:456:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:415:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:407:3)
    at Module.require (module.js:466:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/opt/fiberhood/node_modules/app/controller.js:3:10)
can you paste this error for us pls?
if we disregard from the 2 last rows of your example, then there is nothing wrong with your code, at least not what I can see
both the methods are returning some bit of data as callback
and at this point there is no looping as well

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