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Hey everyone, Im using node with osmosis to scrape websites and Im having sort of a problem. Im kind of new to javascript. Here is my code: cryptb.in/MXSTtdeGxU. The problem is that when I return the variable elem.link, and when I call the function it returns undefined. But when I log elem.link inside of the function, it logs the correct text. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
3 hours later…
@ipgof: Please post the relevant part of your code here or in a SO question
@MYGz: What are you trying to get exactly? The count of the different first name in the collection?
hi all i just want to know what architecture should i use for making chat based application in nodejs
should i user socket.io for that ?
@ANinJa: Yes, socket.io is well made for that, and you can find hundreds of examples of chat app made with it
yes I've tried that earlier I've asked just for taking point of view
like what if there is connection dropout in the browser
actually I was planning for making APIs for making a chatbot so that i can use it anywhere
so should i just create a app.get('/send' end point
if user A sends a message using this end point
then i will emit an event for user B
Socket.io work with websocket, not HTTP calls, there is no app.get here
so how can i make some rest end point please can you elaborate a little bit
like as we using messenger bot
we just call a receiver id and message
@ANinJa idk how well you understand socket development, but at least the socket I developed will reconnect the user when he disconnects and connects again. I always identify my clients with an apikey/token that they have to send me when they connect. I store the key in localStorage on the client.
rest is http, and websocket is a socket .. if you need to make a bot with a restful interface then you can't use the websocket protocol.
so does facebook uses rest based for its platform
for facebook messanger?
for facebook bot
idk what they use for that
but messanger is using some sort of udp variant I belive, whatsup as well .. read some article about it when I was looking at cominucation in a game I was developing with a friend
becoz in fb bot when i want to send some message to user i just called a rest api with receiver name and message
i looked some articles and they said whatsapp using xmpp
and facebook is using mqtt
sounds about right, forgot the actual name
actually I'm very begineer in this terms
that's why i asked what architecture should i use
so you want a rest interface to send comands to a bot that comunicate's through a ws connection with multiple other clients?
if i use a simple rest then i think server will overloaded
i want to make a chat bot for my own website
and in future i will use this in mobile as well
it's hard to say that you should use this or dat .. I can only show you what I do
If that suits you or not you have to look at your self
what will you suggest according to your experience
I made this little library, instead of socket.io
then I buildt a router for it
So by doing this I could use a chain of controllers to authorize access
And divide every controller into differetn files
but if you like to use an actioncontroller then that would work as well
actually i really dont know all about this i m looking something where i can get some basic knowledge about this
all i know is socket.emit in socket.io
just listen and respond
yes, and that's what it does, it's comeplety event driven
you see examples on the page I first linked to, just emit and listen
socket.io has rooms and stuff though
yes I've looked and also worked on it
they also provide library for mobile as well
like for java
I don't have anything like that, I developed this socket becouse I don't want a websocket software based on a chat idea
so anyway, they work similar, they are both event driven
so the architecture could be the same
idk how to solve it with socket.io though, someoe else will have to help you with the details there
and what's your point of view if i want to send or receive binary data with resumable capacity
that websockets usaly issn't the best options, I had problems with long texts, but I beliv eI fixed it. and I don't know if socket.io has .. I just know a lot of other websocket implementations stuggles with this becouse of javascripts issues with big numbers
this is the decoding of a message recieved through a websocket
hmm, hang on .
the encoding part the last else statement code is really weired, but it's a trick to get over the problem with huge payload
I haven't tested it for binary, so idk how well it works. .but if you run into problems with this other softwares then have mine a try pls :)
thaks for your guidenvce
here you see an example of the same code solved in the wrong way: stackoverflow.com/a/10402443/570796
..but a very popular one, sense that's how you solve it in other languages
@ipgof your function has an inner closure that returns a value to a different context then you expect. use a callback that you return data through.
...I believe you need some basic 101 tutorial though, this stuff is very basic..

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