@ANinJa Do you know what a callback is?
I apologize for the time difference, if that causes issues, because I am in the Central Time US
@ANinJa When you defer execution, that is what you are describing. You say "Please wait to execute this until the thing I need is available for me." Threads work in that way on the CPU because there are multiple queued with the OS and they are each usually waiting on either their own time to execute or IO to be available.
Ecmascript is different in that it has a single work-thread, with a queue of tasks to be executed (have you ever used setTimeout on a webpage?)
Every cycle, if it isn't working, it checks the work-thread to see if there is a task of some sort waiting to work, or if time has been reached and it needs to fire a new task from the queue (setTimeout)
I hope this is making sense.
I will wait to continue until I hear feedback