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Is there a simple story for single-page node apps? I started trying to use connect but then realized it's not really made for single page stuff.
14 hours later…
@Domenic You don't need anything more than just core Node.
@Fosco not entirely true
if he needs routes, he at least needs to know how to set those up separately from the general requests
mainly: listen to the incoming requests, if the requests start with one of the predefined routes, pass it off to handler A*, else, handler B
He did say single page...
But you're right... at the minimum, I do use a routing module (Choreographer.)
yes, but generally even with an SPA you still have AJAX calls out to various data services
we really need to hear more of @Domenic's intent and his story
Right, so I need routes
I think I want browserify
I also need templating
And I like Jade so much more than the usual client-side suspects
So I was hoping there was some kind of story for putting non-rendered Jade templates in your markup.
So for things like jade templates + stylus stylesheets + browserified modules etc. it seems like there needs to be a build step
Which I feel someone should have encapsulated for me.
I don't know what that means
do you mean return HTML from the server?
like a partially rendered view, so to speak?
Yes, precompiled Jade templates, either as partial views (perhaps inside <script type="text/html">) or as JavaScript functions.
Jade has some basic stuff about this in its readme
But it seems very rudimentary; I'd be rolling my own build step.
so you just want jade rendering on the client?
That's part of it
Q: Using Jade Templates (jade-lang.com) client-side

sandstromI'd like to use Jade templates client-side. Preferably generated using the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline. I can't really figure out how to do this. Anyone who've stumbled upon the same problem and found a great solution? Any thoughts are much appreciated. http://jade-lang.com/ http://ryanbigg.com/g...

But as I said there's a lot of stuff that needs to happen for a single-page app (jade, stylus, browserify, more). And I think it would be madness writing my own scripts to make those come together.
Hmm thanks, node-jadify is pretty solid. I saw a similar SO question but it only had a link to a two-year-old Jade in browser experiment.
idk, I think it depends. I can write stuff in clientside using things like jQuery templates that render pretty cleanly on the client, but I'm also not a fan of jade or coffeescript or the like
but I see that as "writing client-scripts for the client, and writing server scripts for the server"
That's fair
I write a huge single-page app for work
Not Node-based
And we use client-side templating tech
So since this is my personal project, and Node-based
I got excited about Jade etc.
Only to find it was more server-oriented, heh.
So this might not be the best route to go down
But I want to give it a try :)
just remember, if you need a screwdriver, use a screwdriver, and if you need a hammer, use a hammer
you can use the jQuery AJAX (as an example) to return HTML partial-DOM and insert it into the DOM.
Bleh returning HTML (instead of JSON) from Ajax is not my favorite thing to do. Way too heavyweight.
yes, yes it is
but it's a solution to a problem.
if you're married to jade, this is the best way to use jade
obviously my advice here is to get a divorce
all you want is partial custody of the kids anyways
Well let's assume I don't want to use Jade. But, I still want to author separate template files instead of lumping them all together into index.htm. Is there a solution for that? Or am I yet again writing a custom build script, this time to concat files?
for an SPA, I'm not looking for progressive enhancement, but all generation of content on the client. I may just be weird tho.
@Domenic have you seen dojo?
@jcolebrand I've heard about it but not spent much time with it. Perhaps I should, since it keeps coming up.
especially for client side delayed loading
so if you put all your templates into seperate files, you can load just the ones you need on the fly
I'm seriously going to consider at least part of dojo for my next project, I think
4 hours later…
posted on February 27, 2012 by Dave Pacheco

Photo by Luc Viatour (flickr) Managing dependencies is a fundamental problem in building complex software. The terrific success of github and npm have made code reuse especially easy in the Node world, where packages don't exist in isolation but rather … Continue reading →

Every node blog: How to pick a bike-shed color, with <some lame name application>.
3 hours later…
any node.js and xmpp in here
@DmitrySavy idk, try reading backwards through the transcript.
Alternately, try asking us some questions
@jcolebrand Hi, how are you?
Can anyone help me out? :) Trying to get node.js and socket.io to work.
But events aren't called on the client-side until the connection is closed.
for example - alert(data); will only work once the connection is closed
Any possibility you can show us some code? Maybe using gist.github.com ?
Can you reduce this to the minimum functionality (node + client) that duplicates this error?
I can show you a live example if you like?
The server is running.
Let me know when you're on the page.
And I'll stop it and then it will alert
Strange. It just alerted for me then.
go ahead and stop it
I got nothing on the stop
also, in the future, instead of alert, use console.log
Oh? And yeah, was before.
Changed it to alert to see if that would work.
don't test with alert
that's just bad juju
Any ideas?
Okay :)
no, because it works just fine for me
so I don't know what your problem is
are you testing on the same machine you're hosting node on?
It alerts for you?
sure, it did it about once a second
Nope. It's on a VPS
I wasn't really timing it
Oh. :O
Can I ask what browser you're using?
Chrome Latest
Could it be that?
Same. :S
could it be what?
The browser.
Hmm, also not alerting on Firefox for me.
Does the port need to be forwarded on the client side?
nope, and I just got retriggered when you refired that
Hmm. Seems to be randomly doing it now

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