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@jcolebrand That'd be cool. All I'm looking for is a high level "these bits are actually interesting/useful" I find it hard to identify "this is non-trivial useful information".
@Tom I don't think azure is worth it just for node. If you want all the features, the support and the windows integration, then awesome. It's just expensive
expensive $$$ or expensive overhead?
@jcolebrand $$$. It's microsoft ;)
@Tom to be honest, this tutorial is better then mine : windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/nodejs/tutorials/getting-started
@Raynos I was rather under the impression you weren't paying anything to run your little demos
@jcolebrand im not running any demos on azure. But azure has a free 90 days developer trial. Which I can't use because I don't have a credit card. (stupid payment system)
lol, that does sound awfully inconvenient to a large number of developers who would otherwise definitely like to try it out
have you got a current .edu account?
You may can get access to it through something like channel8.msdn
@jcolebrand I already complained to two microsoft employees about it
Remember how we talked about how typical Java/.NET architectures are over engineered :D
Want me to draw a similar one for Connect/Express?
@jcolebrand I know what you mean though, I feel like my blogs code converges to it
15 hours later…
I wonder if these various node LDAP implementations actually work with Active Directory... or if I should write a windows c++ wrapper for AD Authentication..
wasn't there an article about LDAP on node.js blog?
Yeah, it doesn't seem to mention active directory other than to say it's "Like LDAP"
I'm also more looking for specifically AD Authentication... so perhaps there is room for a new module.
I see
ADAuthFTW - Bringing Windows Authentication to Node.JS
thoughts? :)
looks like jeremycx's node-LDAP does work with AD.
@jcolebrand @yojimbo87 what's your careers.SO page?
posted on December 20, 2011 by nrstott

A Promise is an object that represents the result of an asynchronous function call. Promises are also called futures and deferreds in some communities. Goal of this Article The goal of this article is to introduce CommonJS promises as they exist in NodeJS user-land. With jQuery popularizing a variant of CommonJS promises for AJAX operations, promises will likely gain a broader user-base in

@yojimbo87 want invite?
not really, currently I'm not looking for a job, but thanks
Ah ok, makes sense.
damn that was too easy... wrote a windows module for AD authentication and tested it.
are you a wizard?
I'm polishing this up any feedback?
I have to be logged in?
yeah that guy
maybe get rid of that slash
done :)
shouldn't it be "I specialize as a JavaScript developer"?
in JavaScript, 43 secs ago, by Raynos
// as part of application form to startup company
  - http://careers.stackoverflow.com/raynos
Internet presence:
  - github: https://github.com/Raynos
  - stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/users/419970/raynos
  - g+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/100650831239065064516/posts
  - blog: http://raynos.org/blog/

If that doesn't convince you I'm worth talking to, then I tried :)
that trailing slash is also in experience
by the way you are looking for a job?
I graduate in july
I want to start looking for a job now
I see
I rejected the guys from zurich and they are looking for a HTML5/JS developer
but I don't know if they need to fill that position from like february or so
fair enough
you can always forward them to me :)
can I send them your contact?
@yojimbo87 you're censoring away my link :[[
now it's starred
shouldn't youtube links show here as playable?
:) I need to google what Darknet is..
@yojimbo87 I think so, yes
get rid of the embed shtuff
Ah but it does not play in the chat, opens a new tab instead.
darknet -> 4chan ^^
I thought 4chan is just a discussion board
it's a joke, darknet is something else
The term darknet refers to any private, distributed P2P filesharing network, where connections are made only between trusted peers (sometimes called "friends") using non-standard protocols and ports. Darknets are distinct from other distributed P2P networks as sharing is anonymous (that is, IP addresses are not publicly shared), and therefore users can communicate with little fear of governmental or corporate interference. For this reason, they are often associated with dissident political communications, as well as various illegal activities. More generally, the term "darknet" can be use...
" The dark Internet should not be confused with either deep web or darknet"
can you do something like... var whatever = new require('./module').class(); ?
rather than two steps, pulling the require and then doing a new based on the class?
looks like no... hmm.
@Fosco yes
var whatever = new (require('./module').class)();
thank you :)
works nicely.
Any requests for Node modules (windows only) ? Functionality that currently is not available...
@Fosco yes: recursive fs.watch that is not bugged..
@Tom Interesting.... I will have to investigate and see if I could support continuous events like that.
2 hours later…
@Raynos you need to reset watchers when a folder is added, removed or renamed
Oh that
Yeah I dont do that
I only watch on file changes
but your right
folder addition/removal/renaming is a great feature, make it work :D
@Raynos you make it work, I only said that its not yet there in a proper module :p
the modules that do it are either in coffeescript or outdated
but yeah its a simple task
@Raynos I restarted that google thing from scratch, using mediator now
decided to do it properly
ah ok
pro tip: dont use mediator
see my azure tutorial
page 14 or something
I'm actually writing ncore to solve that very problem more elegantly
@Raynos I dont see page numbers
I dont either :D
dont know how to turn them on
@Raynos so what is on page 14?
and what is the title?
> Now if you run the tests you will notice they fail. If you take a look at the details, the reason they fail is because we have two tests that manipulate the same mediator event and our mediator is a process global.
process globals are bloody evil
> Now there are two ways you fix testing global state. You either remove global state or you tip toe around it and hope it doesn’t break.
> We are going to remove global state by injecting the mediator into every routine. Thankfully we already have unit tests that we can re-run when our code has been refactored
@Raynos I think the point of an event broker is that it is globally accessible
I dont like it
I prefer to pass it into modules
because you cannot know who needs your events
@Raynos oh you mean that you still have 1 instance of mediator
yes my tests use the same instance of mediator
I'm workign on nCore
@Raynos what is nCore?
It's supposed to be nCore.use(allYourRoutines); nCore.init(callback);
i need some time to build a good example
by the way the term "routine" may not be appropriate, or maybe it is, I don't know. I think I lended it from something without fully knowing what exactly it means.
You may be right, im using the term "module"
anyway the whole idea is turn your routine into a module with an attach & init method. attach gets the mediator
@Raynos so whats the advantage?
avoiding process globals
thats the advantages
@Raynos i have a thought about ncore
@ThomasBlobaum its 100% backwards compat with broadway
I'm almost done with 0.1.0
are you planning to merge with broadway?
or are you going to own it
it doesnt matter i guess
my thought is
            init: function (mediator) {
                var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
                    mediator.emit("helloworld", res);
mediator should attach to process.nextTick?
I plan to own it.
broadway has a bunch of junk in it I dont want
why should mediator attach to process.nextTick?
it should use it somehow, that would be slick
Core.use({init: fn})
that could be better, feels big framework
The idea is that everything you write is a module
and everything is linked to the core
and everything talks through the mediator
It's EDA
@Tom pioneered most of this ;)
well there is no code to look at but i already understood the concept
application was going to do something pretty similar
like an upgraded commonjs for implemented source code
i figured that is the same thing as controllers
ive seen a couple projects working on this on github
epic fail >_<
I published half my modules under "Jake Verbaten" and the other half under "Raynos"
sort of like node-directory as a solution for multiple requires that everyone is working on
you can unpublish :)
@ThomasBlobaum published code :)
what about it?
its my browser/node support mechanism
i was thinking about how to do that yesterday
@ThomasBlobaum rauschma has an article on universal js : 2ality.com/2011/10/umodules-imports.html
travis ci doesnt see my ncore repo :\

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