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Q: Cannot change the dimensions of run-time parameter in Model block

SteveI have a Simulink model with a Model block I am using to avoid duplication of some functionality. When I try and run the parent model, I get the following errors: Cannot change the dimensions of run-time parameter 'Gain' in 'TranslationChannel/First-Order Filter1/Model/Continuous/A' from [1x1]...

Well you have errors in 3 blocks it seems. My guess: error1: does the signal cease to exist in any moment? does the input become Non-existemt? it looks that your signal goes from a scalar [1x1] to just not a signal [0x0] at some point. Error2: open "Second order filter" adn check that parameter A11, that its undefinded. Why do you have an undefined parameter? Same in error 3. What is A11 and why is undefinded?
Are you sure Matlab gives you a simulink block with undefined parameters? I dont think so...
The error occurs on a Gain block inside the First Order Filter, which, as @am304 says, is masked and generated for me. If I put the filter sub-system in the main model in place of the Model block, it all works fine. The input should just be a double.
@AnderBiguri, it is a block from the SimScape toolbox and I really only have access to the parameters I showed in the screenshot. I suppose I could reimplement it to have more control, but I really don't want to do that.
No. You are not showing the mask of the block that has the undefined parameter error. you are showing the mask of the 1st order filter., but the error of undefined parameter is not in that block, is in other 2. Read your errors again.
@AnderBiguri the first error in the list occurs in that first order filter. The other errors are as a result of that I believe.
Mmmm it really doesnt look that the errors are the result of that, as tilt is not even conected to that block. However, even if it was we cannot solve it from here. We dont know what are you doing with the signal previously, so we dont know why you delete the siganl in an specific moment
The tilt block isn't involved in the errors. The only thing I'm doing with the signal is unpacking the bytes received via UDP and getting the last non-zero number in the envelope block
but : nvalid setting in 'TranslationChannel/Tilt/Model/Continuous/Ax/A11' for parameter 'Gain'
Reference to non-existent field 'A11'.
that suggests that it is involved (or at least that you also have an error there, rigth?
My guess about the first error is: The envelope block doesnt allways returns a number
there may be a case where for some input the envelope function returns nothing [0x0] signal, and the first order signal cannot handle that
Can be that the case?
but if i put the blocks in the main model it works fine
well, the you may be right about the A11 error
that is generated due to the first error
however, have a look of what i told you about the "envelope". You may try to Disconect the output of envelope and then scope it. I think that if in any moment there is no signal it wont be ploted.
the problem is i can't even start the simulation, it fails before anything happens
but you can "delete" the last blockn model, from the simulation rigth?
just for a test
Delete it, adn take the output of envelope. and see if it has allways a numerical value. If thats not the case, then you rproblem is there. You would need to find why that happens then
ok, i connected a scope after the bus selector and i got a signal
its 0, but the line was there
the problem must be something to do with it hitting the other model
where exacly did you put the scope?
is there something else to consider when using a model block?
EXACLTY after the envelope vblock?
i put it in the same place the model block it
aham. And there is a signal allways? even if its 0
yes, well theres a line on the scope
So the error pops out before running or the error pops out in t=0?
i guess its t=0 since the error says "error during simulation"
but for all intents and purposes its the same
the, the error may be JUST in t=0. Check that scope again
does it have a value in t=0? maybe your whole system outputs nothing just in the first timestep
is there a way to tell that?
Try to do one thing
before the model block
create a switch
that switches from sigal A to signal B in t=0.5 (for example)
and put in signal A an scalar 0
and singal B the output from envelope
got it?
(i dont remeber wich blocks you need to do that, but it shouldt be too complicated i think)
i just tried something else
i connected a step source to the model block and got the same error
ok. Then the problem is in the block it seems
not in the output of envelope
I must say I am clueless rigth now....
I dont know, I would try to change the solver, but it doesnt look like thats the problem
try it at least...
to what?
I dont know
ode1 fixed step or something like that
the simplest one
same problem
just for the shake of trying something. It actually happens sometimes that thats the error, but I doubt it is that
I dont know :(. The last thing I would try os to change the values of the mask, but its just a blind move
I am complete clueless
thanks heaps for your help to that point
at least we eliminated some things
ill see if anyone else posts on the question overnight
ok! sorry for not being able tohelp more! good luck
no problem
If the issue is with the model block and not the data feeding into it, test the model block in isolation until you can figure out what's wrong with it. You can gradually remove more and more blocks until it starts working again, or temporarily disable the library link of the first-order filter block, and start probing under the mask with scopes, etc... to figure out where the source of the problem is.

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