you can use two way binding between the controllers and services, without using observers or pub/sub, as long as you are binding objects, not primitives
no, it's not necessarily only for nesting controllers; Controller as allows you to use your Controller as the master object(s), rather than $scope. Changing to Controller as will drastically decrease the overall complexity of your page
think of $scope to be like global in other environments; it's very susceptible to clutter
doing that conversion will make it painfully obvious what you really need and what you don't, and from there you can figure out what needs to be shared between controllers and what doesn't.
once you know what needs to be shared (mutable) vs what doesn't need to be shared (immutable), you can really easily build services that aren't super complex
it's a process of phases
I'll try to show a service that communicates between two controllers without observers now.
technically, services work this way even with $scope, but services break when you have primitives. Controller asforces you to always be working with objects.
It's all the same plunk, each change is in the versions
I just did a bit of cleanup on the very latest one
Amazing, so the the Developers in AngularJS did a great job... before this I was a little dissapointed because many friends have fallen into this dark abyss.
so what happens with ng-controller="MainCtrl as main" is that you get a property on $scope called main, and it is the MainCtrl object. so in the controller, === $
I generally create an alias (var main = this;) just so there is no problems inside promise callbacks
the number one rule of thumb in angular, always use a dot in bindings. If you don't see a dot, you might have a primitive, and your bindings might not behave the way you expect.
Now that we are here.... Is it really bad to start new projects with Angular 1.x and not 2.x? Some people have been telling me that I'm crazy, but I just wanted to learn a little about it's roots.
Angular 1.x is still active, and is still being updated. Angular 2.x is a complete rewrite, and uses mostly new technologies like TypeScript, ES6, RJX.... it's not better or worse, particularly, just different
It depends on if you want to learn TypeScript or not, mostly.