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Hello Claies, how are you?
I don't have a lot of time, but I thought I would at least try to offer some advice
Awesome, do you fully understand my problem?
Or is there something that I wasn't clear about?
What you are describing is a pretty common thing that happens with large applications, and it doesn't really matter what framework you are using.
This is a case where borrowing from the ideas of other frameworks can be very useful
For example, this is a problem that the designers of ReactJs considered to be something core to their framework design
So you're talking about component-based approach instead, right?
yes, and in fact, components were added as a core feature in angular 1.5
I had faced a similar problem before and we refactored the whole app to use components.
there are other things you can do as well that can help you along without completely revamping everything
are you familiar with the Controller as syntax?
What I did was splitting the controller into multiple files (not sure is that is terrible)
No, I don't know what Controller as syntax is.
Basically, it's assigned controller's scope and context to specific variable
Which then could be reused in templates
ok, so you know about $scope, and you know that you have to add properties onto $scope for them to be visible to the HTML, right?
ok, and you know that you can treat a javascript function as an object (a controller function, for example)?
so the idea with Controller as is that instead of using $scope.lotsOfProperties in your controller, you can use this.propertiesOfTheController.
I'll spin up a quick plunker to show you this in a second
What about a more high-level solution? We had created parent controller which was handling general communication between other controllers.
Is this right approach?
that can work, depending on how much communication is happening
ok so here's an example I used of nesting two controllers inside each other using Controller as
I have a LOT of communication going on, so I'm afraid to do something like that.
some things to take note of in this example.
1. we are not injecting $scope into the controllers at all
2. we are using the property name twice, but have two different values
3. we can immediately see which controller set the value, because we called them out
so, you should work through your page from the inside out
find the innermost area that has an object, and try to make objects immutable if possible
Wow, I'm lost. So this is a way to nest controllers?
you can use two way binding between the controllers and services, without using observers or pub/sub, as long as you are binding objects, not primitives
no, it's not necessarily only for nesting controllers; Controller as allows you to use your Controller as the master object(s), rather than $scope. Changing to Controller as will drastically decrease the overall complexity of your page
think of $scope to be like global in other environments; it's very susceptible to clutter
Ok, I understand that
But how do services work here?
doing that conversion will make it painfully obvious what you really need and what you don't, and from there you can figure out what needs to be shared between controllers and what doesn't.
once you know what needs to be shared (mutable) vs what doesn't need to be shared (immutable), you can really easily build services that aren't super complex
it's a process of phases
I'll try to show a service that communicates between two controllers without observers now.
Great! That's the only piece of advise I'm not getting, the binded communication between services and controllers.
ok so I updated the plunker with a service
the service has a single property, sharedObject (which is an object).
I inject the service into each of the controllers
I set the sharedObject of each controller equal to the SharedService.sharedObject.
Holy crap!
This is exactly what I needed
I hope that I didn't make things too complex
Well, I'm still trying to connect the dots on why the heck is this only possible with Controller as syntax
Because I'm very new to Javascript and AngularJS
What I understand is that this is possible because it is an Object, and we are binding that SharedObject to the Controller with "this" keyword
Thus, any change in the SharedObject (without changing the reference) SOMEHOW is attended by the Digest Cycle
I updated this to show it doesn't just happen in nested cases. plnkr.co/edit/r5w6Kh8FfkCL7KZ1k1Au?p=preview
so what happens is that Controller as is special.
Hey, upload these two last plnkrs without major explanation and I'll check them. I think they are simple enough by themselves.
technically, services work this way even with $scope, but services break when you have primitives. Controller as forces you to always be working with objects.
It's all the same plunk, each change is in the versions
I just did a bit of cleanup on the very latest one
Amazing, so the the Developers in AngularJS did a great job... before this I was a little dissapointed because many friends have fallen into this dark abyss.
so what happens with ng-controller="MainCtrl as main" is that you get a property on $scope called main, and it is the MainCtrl object. so in the controller, this.name === $scope.main.name
I generally create an alias (var main = this;) just so there is no problems inside promise callbacks
So the object that we are forced to used are actually the controllers?
plus you don't have to reference $scope
Amazing. Thank you very much. This basically saved my project from being total crap.
John Papa wrote an amazing style guide for Angular 1.x and Angular 2.x. github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide/blob/master/a1/README.md
the number one rule of thumb in angular, always use a dot in bindings. If you don't see a dot, you might have a primitive, and your bindings might not behave the way you expect.
Now that we are here.... Is it really bad to start new projects with Angular 1.x and not 2.x? Some people have been telling me that I'm crazy, but I just wanted to learn a little about it's roots.
Angular 1.x is still active, and is still being updated. Angular 2.x is a complete rewrite, and uses mostly new technologies like TypeScript, ES6, RJX.... it's not better or worse, particularly, just different
It depends on if you want to learn TypeScript or not, mostly.
Hey, so feel free to answer with that Plunker and I'll totally accept it as the right answer.
Goodbye, and again, thank you so much.
I'm glad I could clarify a few things, and I hope chat was more helpful than just a blind answer

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