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Q: Session variables not setting correctly

Mark HillI am trying to set a session variable from page to another. It was working on my localhost but then I uploaded it to my server and now it fails. I have done some basic bug tests, and it will print at specific points, I have labeled them in the code. Here is the code the code I am using //PAGE 1 ...

Sidenote: header('location: xxx.php'); exit; which you should do.
is this is a new standard practice I have never seen it before, and what are the benefits?
it prevents the rest of the script to execute. (exit) add it to all headers.
seems reasonable
many a time, it actually fixes code, I've seen it happen quite a few times
Plus, add error reporting to the top of your file(s) right after your opening <?php tag error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); see if it yields anything. That reveals errors if any are present.
"Using developer's tools on chrome it is now receiving a 500 server error when submitting to page 2" - check your logs.
there was an error with the path to the require_once('file.php'); but that wasn't the issue at hand. Even if I send a path ?id=4 through manually, for example, it just hits the redirect at the bottom regardless.
This //do lots of stuff }*(missing else)*{ $_SESSION['error'] that is a factor, there's no else or elseif for those braces.
here let me add some content then, I just have to remove certain things because of secuirty
added more content for you @Fred -ii-
Your bracing is off for PAGE 2. There are missing else and/or elseif so you'll need to go over that and determine how each conditional ends as. especially for //continue application and if info is pulled from database it will be displayed } }{ $_SESSION['error']
There's also either a missing matching brace for the first } in => }else{ echo "There is an error"; } or it needs to be removed.
after extracting the html and leaving the raw php, everything matches up correctly still no changes were made
hi Mark
I can't chat long. work
same here, that's what I'm trying to figure this out for
for some reason it's not catching immediately at that for if statement
me neither, as you said, it's baffling. Have you done var_dump() on all variables?
ah! found it! After the var dump occured it showed three in the array of session instead of two, I have two session set which is correct but the connection to the database is failing
which should have been clearly obvious
ah cool, so you found the problem then
funny, I was going to suggest earlier to check for errors on DB-related
I should have followed my instinct lol
XD well I do appreciate your help my friend, thank you much
you're very much welcome Mark
enjoy your day
you too Fred
I will thanks, cheers

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