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1 hour later…
8:12 AM
I'm excited about Debian 12 which will be released on Saturday. It seems to ship Rust version 1.63. Is their packaging becoming a serious alternative for the default installation method of running curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh ?
8:32 AM
I would kind of expect rustup to exist as a package already.
I don't see why you would want to manage your rust instalation with something else than rustup
8:51 AM
9:01 AM
Docker isn't a Rust toolchain manager.
At best, if one is using development containers (which is a bit of a big cannon for the purpose), that would likely have Rustup underneath.
Is there some doc about the real problems one could have when using two async engined together ? We're currently moving from async-std to tokio and are unsure of whether it's a real problem to keep some parts in async-std
9:17 AM
I think it's possible
damm, what can be worst than one async engine... two async engine
@Stargateur now You have problems two
10:19 AM
I know it's possible to use them together, we do it. I suspect there will be some inefficiency but hard to estimate it and whether it could be worse.
At best you may need to configure the resource pools of both in a way that fulfills your tasks without too much resource waste.
5 hours later…
3:06 PM
There is a docker development image for Rust. Not sure what it contains exactly, might be Rustup - not sure. It works pretty nicely if you don't want to install rustup for whatever reason. Might be useful on systems where you don't want to install something which is perhaps less stable than other toolchains
3:24 PM
2 hours later…
5:35 PM
Hey everybody, does anybody know any package to convert jsonPath query to the mongodb native query?
6:03 PM
An article I just wrote. It's not well written, not entertaining, probably very not consensual, but I think the check-list and the solution I designed fill a gap, so here it is: dystroy.org/blog/secret-storage
6:16 PM
Hello everyone, does anyone here have experience with compiling Rust to WASM for using on the browser, are there any resources you can point me besides the wasm-bindgen guide?
1 hour later…
7:28 PM
There is an older post on installing Rust; github.com/rust-lang/rustup/issues/800

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