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12:47 PM
what do you think ?
Sorry, I'm already rooting for this one
(more seriously I have no objection for this new one but it needs a deeper look)
1:06 PM
this calendar was heavy talk before WW1 but the war have make the talk go silent ^^
My biggest concern is it's could become boring, you would always have your aniversary on the same day for example
but I really like the simplicity
and the fact the new years doesn't belong to any month xd
thus that is a big exception in display/code etc
1:23 PM
Obviously only part of the world would switch to it. And most of the changing countries would have the week starting on Monday. And some country would decide to have the special day be added at the end of a specific month, just because.
So in short, we'd have to invent a new job title for the millions engineers working on that mess
1:37 PM
that mostly already the case
clearly I wouldn't want my week start at sunday
I just talk about this theoricaly
I wonder why american start their week at sunday
Yep, the week should start on primedi
1:53 PM
go start a crate, chrono_but_its_french_revolution

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