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5 hours later…
@Shepmaster Nah, I'm a craftsman, I slowly carve and chisel myself each one of my lines of code until I'm satisfied with its balance
3 hours later…
The success of other Rust-based tools for JavaScript is definitely noticed.
I applied because Rome is the capital of spaghetti and I'm much experienced in that kind of code
I noticed that the opening mentions neither JavaScript nor TypeScript
@DenysSéguret Yes, I noticed after posting it here! :-) Hope you'll get it!
3 hours later…
@E_GAT4 I mean specifically the placement of the where clause. The grammar of it.
@Shepmaster hmmyeah, it's a bit weird. If it stays like this, we ought to have good compiler error hints.
> Esteban Küber 3:51 AM
> Even if we don't change it in the grammar, the parser will need to be able to do so, because I fully expect people to try to write them both ways...
hello fresh, food delivery that you cook yourself, I try it out, didn't receive the box, hell, their site is soo bugged I can't access support, lucky I found a mail, send mail, receive mail, their are sorry blablabla "we give you credit on your next box without reduction", wait what ? this mean I must buy 2 others box BEFORE get my refund ? cause I have the 3 first box with a reduction, so I send another mail "what about non that totally illegal refund me on my paypal account"
@Stargateur Sir, this is a Wendy's.
@E_GAT4 it's not a fast food
get my refund of 34.95€ missing the extra of 4€ but anyway...
hope I will get my box next time
@Shepmaster did you down vote this one ?
@Stargateur I did, as it does not contain a MRE. I removed the downvote because it's closed now
well, the first version contain a MRE on this case of a typo
I don't think the first version deserved a down vote
was quite a nice question for a beginner
even if this was just a typo
that has String::new
@Shepmaster yeah the typo, I don't see this as a default as it's a typo on the first place
the OP did some effort on the question
include error message and all
But I don't see what you mean that the first version had a MRE
not perfect but clearly again for a beginner this look great
if I copy the code from the first version and paste it in the playground, it compiles
@Shepmaster well, it's has code, and the error message include the problem so the question itself contains all information to conclude to a typo
That much is true
I wonder how many people confuse String and include string as dependancy crates.io/crates/string
8 millions download for a crate used in one other crate crates.io/crates/twitter-stream that doesn't have the same download
"Used in 1,240 crates (via twitter-stream) " WHAT
twitter-stream have 270 downloads per month
@Shepmaster There is hardly a point in that. Just keep it in. :(
@E_GAT4 "Just keep it in." == keep the downvote present?
@Shepmaster yus
well so I upvote LUL
which is better for the OP in the end run
as now they get +8 or whatever
1 hour later…
posted on August 04, 2021 by Josh Triplett

This week the lang team held its August planning meeting. We normally hold these meetings on the first Wednesday of every month. We had a short meeting this month, just planning and scheduling the design meetings for the remainder of the month. After each meeting, we post an update (like this one!) with notes and meeting announcements. Upcoming design meetings We planned two design meetings

1 hour later…
@E_GAT4 why sads now
Pity upvots
Yes hello :P
Turns out GATs don't magically solve all of my life's problems. Who would have thought.
Wassup SO gang? I'm secretly reading most of the chat in the past few weeks
@LukasKalbertodt me too but for past few years :P
Look at us. Just secretly watching. And judging. From a distance.
Not-secretly judging is way more fun
> (♥y bois)
@Shepmaster I should probably link @E_GAT4's rust trobes repo
Feel free! Although it could probably use some updates, given the recent news.
(PRs welcome)
@LukasKalbertodt wait what did you leave the GAT team
@E_GAT4 What recent news? I wanna be up to date with the latest tropes!
@E_GAT4 What GAT team? :D
@LukasKalbertodt Y'know, the push for GATs
@LukasKalbertodt We are many
I mean, I was vocal about wanting GATs in the language, but I never did any useful work to help with that. I don't have the smarts for dem compiler patches :)
Well, so are most people in the team.
I was checking the @LukasKalbertodt 's code, this one builds
is it legit to bound types like this :
`I: for<'a> LendingIterator<Item<'a> = T>`
I mean Item<'a> = T, interestingly if I format this code with rustfmt it removes the lifetime parameter, rewrites as Item = T
@ÖmerErden Hui that's an interesting question. It would seem that binding types like that with HRTBs... seems wrong?
OH or does this imply that Item<'a> = Item<'b> for all possible lifetimes 'a and 'b? I.e. that would only work if the actual type does not use the lifetime parameter of the GAT. Maybe?
@ÖmerErden I wouldn't expect rustfmt to be up to speed with GATs ^_^
@ÖmerErden Trying it out with WindowsMut does not compile: play.rust-lang.org/…
But leads to different errors. Exciting
yes i was telling that
@LukasKalbertodt its also possible ^^
3 hours later…
fn print_all<I>(mut i: I)
    I: LendingIterator,
    for<'a> I::Item<'a>: std::fmt::Debug,
    while let Some(x) = i.next() {
        println!("{:?}", x);
@LukasKalbertodt I'd write print_all like ^this, but it still doesn't compile :(
oh you did exactly that in your Q, nvm
> the trait `for<'a> Debug` is not implemented
I remember trying things like that before GATs, looks like GATs didn't solve this
I wonder if Chalk would accept it...
@E_GAT4 that false, I believe the question doesn't deserve -1, you ask shep to put again the down vote forcing me to update so...
I think I one of the few that can say I don't have any mercy

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