People should know that being written in rust is not a guarantee it's faster than another program. And how can this be the first key feature of a software ? It's just how it's built...
@DenysSéguret I completely agree with you, however, if you're not doing anything seriously stupid, the same program written in Python (without opting into C modules, weak-refs, and slots tweaking) could be as much as 1000x slower!
I don't know other crates in the space as thoroughly, sure, but I do know of them.
"convention over configuration" is supposed to mean that you don't need to create boilerplate configuration if you follow a pattern, but not "configuration is impossible"
@Shepmaster Every design is based on some opinion. But some tools/libs use the "opinionated" word as a kind of shied against design inquiries. I don't think your intro starts with this word.
@Shepmaster Yes. My point is about what it means in practice, with tools which used that as a presentation of their design. It's zero configuration for the author's toy project, and ten times more configuration than with another tool for any serious projject
(and yes this can be debated and might be an outrageous generalization)
I want to play a game in french on linux, set the option ingame doesn't work... I check for config file... find it in a random place... check what is windows version... windows version use register... for options in a game like lang... so I set the config file in linux according to windows version... doesn't work... option have strange value in the file... wait... wait... the option file of a game in xml base64 encode the value of the option... .... ... it's a text xml option user file...
> Situation Normal: All Fucked Up est un acronyme anglo-saxon signifiant que la situation est mauvaise, mais qu’elle l’a toujours été et qu’il n’y a donc pas matière à s’en inquiéter ou à s'en étonner.
No worries, it was just a funny coincidence :D. Either way, hi all. Just wanted to drop by to say that there is some topic on the /r/rust subreddit that might concern some of you.
@Stargateur Well, the proper place to give that feedback is a direct conversation IMHO, but that's on the post's author. Not going to touch that topic further either :D
c2r is nice and useful, but there's a lot of refactoring afterwards, is my understanding. a long time spent trying to purge all the unsafety and introduce idioms.
I think there are crates to do bitfields? But the compiler still really only can think of the backing storage as an integer. At least last time I looked into it
When I was immersed in C, the only thing I ever heard about bitfields was "they don't work the same from one compiler to another and it's ambiguous what result you get, so you might as well use an integer and mask it yourself"
@DenysSéguret Some colleagues use them for FPGA/PCIe/µC communication. Every single day. But yeah, I don't :D.
Does this article still represent the current state? Don't get me wrong, it's a good state, but if I were to bait some C-olleagues, I might use the tastiest treat :D.
@Stargateur Heh, yeah. However, we use only one compiler. Usually. Unless we don't. And then we probably have luck. Until we don't. And then the macros start...
@DenysSéguret "Bit" compatibility, for a lack of a better word. E.g. match the bits to the HW documentation. That might look similar to C, but it's much more important the the right bits get set in the right memory addresses. The safer the better.
@Shepmaster mix it with some "int" int being more than 16 bits but without upper limit ^^
In fact I not even sure 16 is required, I thing it more or equal in number of bits to "short int", and must hold between 2^-15 and 2^15 - 1 something like that :p
I believe the problem is that SO is not clear on communicating what it wants to be or how it should work. In fact, I do believe, they don't even care as long as they have a certain amount of activity on the site which they can monetise. So all the complaints are really about self-proclaimed powerusers (based on the comments it is not only about Shep and not only about the Rust section) who decide how the platform should work and not the platform itself.
And that is indeed a problem and a constant source of debates -- hence this thread on Reddit, or basically any other comment section debate under questions. SO was not like this before and it makes me sad that it became like this. I blame the platform and its inability to scale (and the creators inability to recognise the limitations and implement further mechanisms) and not necessarily the above mentioned users.
> I do believe, they don't even care as long as they have a certain amount of activity on the site which they can monetise. // you mean "we all knowns", it's normal from their point of view can't blame them
@Stargateur Case in point, it doesn't matter how hard you try to edit your stuff, you can't do multiple block-level statments in one "line" -- this is just nearly a decade old problem we've been complained about
well, my opinion is clear, if their choice "we become quora" their will die fast
if their choice "well, we will never be facebook but we will last for decade being the reference of quality Q&A"
Their should really take a step back and think of where they come from and understand why it's "work" and why changing to a full welcoming site would not work anymore
@PeterVaro I agree with you about the core issue, this is just an example of one of the things that could be fixed, but will not, because SO does not have a clear vision
and I'm not the type of person liking "because we always do that" I hate keep tradition because their are tradition, just, SO was create for a reason it's worked for a reason and the situation didn't change in my opinion what make SO great should not change because the situation didn't change.
There are many more such examples. And while these "minor" issues are not the root of the problem, they shape how we perceive the problem. (like how the FPTP voting system shapes how people think about politics... /rant)
The USA suffers some of the same problems with our democracy that we have with broadband internet: adopted early, never ironed out the kinks or fully upgraded to a newer version
But I will gag myself on the topic for now because I can literally go on for hours
> me: sorry I stop taking to you here > them: "Oh no, I am being proven wrong. I will leave now. After all, if I don't admit I am wrong, then I am not, right?"
that again CoC I think ^^'
> This thread has been locked by the moderators of r/rust New comments cannot be posted
> This thread is now locked. This is primarily an issue of StackOverflow's policies and user culture and nothing can be done here to change that. Plenty of alternatives are available including posting your questions right here on the subreddit or in our weekly questions thread.
You can pass char::is_whitespace to .contains():
assert!("Hello, world!".contains(char::is_whitespace));
char::is_whitespace returns true if the character has the Unicode White_Space prop...
I like so much this simple answer get so many upvote xd
first I saw it I was like wait we don't have that ?
I search found nothing
and than answer is at 9 for a self answered question from a low rep user
if I could I would put a poster with this in all room from reddit user that insult us :p