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8:08 AM
@Stargateur It's half of my day... :/
because I need to explain even more xd
also: Tips of the day that everybody know expect me
lib.rs have a much better search engine for crates.io
and crates.rs redirect to lib.rs, it's cyber squatting XD
9:01 AM
@Stargateur I stole your (genius) answer!
@PeterHall ^^, you take the risk to answer an incomplete answer
We need a friendly, boilerplate comment response: "Hi! It looks like you haven't read the Rust Book yet! :) Why not read it first (link) and see if you still need to ask this question afterwards!"
9:17 AM
Jake Goulding on January 20, 2020
Rust has been Stack Overflow’s most loved language for four years in a row, indicating that many of those who have had the opportunity to use Rust have fallen in love with it. However, the roughly 97% of survey respondents who haven’t used Rust may wonder, “What’s the deal with Rust?”
damn, I found it strange... it's the old shep blog, not the new one ^^ Can a RO remove that second link ?
well Rust is the most beloved
most of people who voted say they never use it
@PeterHall didn't shep post comment on github ?
@Stargateur possibly
The survey outcome will be different when there will be people forced to code in Rust, and spending their days battling rules they don't like or understand
@Stargateur That was the horrible truth that I realised when I read the blog post..
I mean.. what's the point of this result then?
(or in fact the entire survey?)
9:26 AM
the fact that many people want to try rust
Developers are fucking hipster monkeys who follow the latest trends.. Do people say Rust is the most hip today? Yeah? Then I vote for it though I have no idea what it is..
well, yeah but that not special to dev
most human just follow
but Rust is not so easy to follow ^^
the learning wall is curved and very high
That is true, but at least you would think that engineers are slightly different: after all they have to reason about so everything all the bloody time.. one would've thought they have more sense to logical / analytical thinking than others..
I don't understand what you say. The love percentage used in the blog is computed over the people using Rust, not the whole survey respondants
Well, as the old saying goes: Being wrong is a human traid, said the hedgehog and got off the shoe brush..
9:29 AM
@PeterVaro I will not call most dev "engineers"
@Stargateur The meaning of "engineer" greatly varies depending on the country. In some it just means you do some technical things
@DenysSéguret then why the writer of the article says specifically otherwise?
> % of developers who are developing with the language or technology and have expressed interest in continuing to develop with it
> Rust held onto it’s spot as the most beloved language among the professional developers we surveyed. That said, the majority of developers who took the survey aren’t familiar with the language.
Or is this just saying, that: although it is the most beloved one, the vast majority of developers who took part in the survey have no idea what Rust is
The sentence you quote is ambiguous and clumsy. That's not what the love % is based on
9:31 AM
in other words: we are the most loud bunch
@DenysSéguret If not, I'm very happy about the results -- but if yes, then, well, it is meaningless
This feedback from a colleague. Rust is not their problem but the culture around it - especially the things focused on quality and consistency - which we embrace as a company
Colleague complaining about CI failing their merge requests
@PeterHall this point is bullshit
oh yeah, we are not changing the CI!
we have >100k lines of beautifully formatted Rust
9:37 AM
I don't have english version
I personally just put a rustfmt.toml at root of the project...
@PeterHall Oh, so it is about formatting then..
it turned into a bit of an argument. Most of us just apply fmt automatically when we save
he know you are not force to run rustfmt when you save a rust file on vim ?
personally the pipeline fail if cargo fmt detect a diff... ^^
that was after I had suggested he configure his IDE to format on save, like the rest of us
@PeterHall Well, that's an interesting topic.. as I said so many times before, I believe using auto-formatters is a bad practice. That being said, when it comes to a company where people already agreed on a style and they enforce it with some formatters (which could happen on the CI or as part of a webhook or whatever, doesn't have to be a local-dev-environment setup, like a git-hook or editor-hook) then one must follow those rules, obviously.
9:45 AM
yes a git hook is also a perfectly good option
But as far as I understand, you don't have a unanimous understanding on the style..
with auto formatting, you don't need any understanding of the style
Ofc, that's the advantage -- no more debates on style in CRs
the real question is: at what cost?
we use default settings too
and whether that cost worth paying..
9:51 AM
For things you do not want rustfmt to mangle, use #[rustfmt::skip]
@Stargateur Actually yes. I had a case where we had a module named the same as an external crate. I had use ::crate_name, but rustfmt was stripping the "useless" ::
haha xd
that's actually a bug in rustfmt
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
1:59 PM
@Stargateur You saw that rental was announced yesterday to be no longer maintained ?
2:23 PM
@FrancisGagné I needed io::Error to be clone. Wrap it in an Arc. SNAFU makes it pretty easy too :-)
@Shepmaster but then I'd have to change the error type on my functions. the program is not snafu'd yet; io:Errors are propagated, the rest are expect()'d for now
@FrancisGagné you could probably just do a result map error
Just a change everything to box dyn error
@Shepmaster yeah but I want context on my errors too ("file not found" is not helpful without a file name), and snafu is great for that
I also have a Win32Error type involved btw
@FrancisGagné what are you even doing?
@PeterVaro I think the survey questions around it are Do you use Rust? and Do you want to keep using Rust? That's how we defined love
2:33 PM
@FrancisGagné oh never mind you explained it above
@RyanDonovan Right, that is interesting indeed, but then you also need to normalise that satisfaction rate with the number of users of a given language to get a value that could be comparable to each other, right? Otherwise this would mean if there's only 1 Rust user who is satisfied, but 10k C++ users and only 10% of them love it, then Rust would win with 100% love..
..or am I getting this wrong?
3:00 PM
@PeterVaro I'm not sure about the full statistical model here, so I can't speak to it exactly, but I'm guessing that very small user base languages and frameworks are excluded.
donno :shrug:
3:35 PM
None of this really matters of course. Except that it is great publicity for Rust, and that is only a good thing for adoption.
3:54 PM
Except when it turns out that it was just a shambles with numbers, in which case it will be negative publicity for Rust
..albeit one can argue that negative ads are just as valid as positive ones..
7 hours later…
10:50 PM
@DenysSéguret XD
well I didn't find any better
11:20 PM
11:37 PM
@DenysSéguret look ok docs.rs/gsrs/0.1.4/gsrs
I will wait with rental for now
it's work and is it's far more used and so tested

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