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@Stargateur quoting might look better ? on this : stackoverflow.com/questions/59243725/…
@ÖmerErden no strong opinion
@Stargateur actually it was obvious, there is too many lines :/
@ÖmerErden quote loose the newline information
@Stargateur OP didn't provide any information about parsing
It is not really important tho but imo short questions always looks attractive ^^
yes it's important and yes the OP did provide it
I didn't add the new line
where ?
list of numbers doesn't mean that they have structured as line by line
it can be space separated values also
the new line was in the fucking question stackoverflow.com/revisions/…
what an inappropriate response, gratz...
It may not be nice, but it's certainly not spam. Offensive? maybe, but please be aware that a spam / offensive flag sends a notification to all chat users with 10k+ rep... Without context
@Cerbrus my bad, thanks for the information
So, yea, you may disagree with how an edit changes an answer, but there's really no point in pushing further after expressing the disagreement.
@Cerbrus actually i said : "It is not really important tho but imo short questions always looks attractive ^^"
i was trying to end the argument, but probably it has not been understood in a proper way, nvm it is not really that important ^^
It looks like the flags were invalidated after all.
Cool, thanks again.
1 hour later…
I'm not sure to understand the question about platform stackoverflow.com/questions/59245978/…
1 hour later…
play.rust-lang.org/… take a look at trailing 0 its doing intrinsics::cttz(self) as u32
@9716278 what the problem ?
A: How to take a file of a list of numbers and do simple math with them and print it out in rust?

Jmbstr::parse::<i32> can only parse a single number at a time, so you will need to split the text first and then parse each number one by one. For example if you have one number per line and no extra whitespace, you can use BufRead::lines to process the text line by line: use std::io::BufRead; fn ...

so 3 upvote on something that doesn't compile
2 hours later…
well... hello
I been out and about recently
> We’re lowering the close/reopen vote threshold from 5 to 3 for good
@Shepmaster thanks for keeping old answers up-to-date!
@mcarton no problem ;-)
@mcarton as always, feel free to edit / reword / delete to match your own personal tone.
I like tones.
My tone is greyscale
I didn't read title and I was like:
> I cant figure out how to do this. I've seen code for checking this, but none that takes input from the user.
ok so what the fuck ?
@Stargateur homework, by the look of it
Remember that homework questions aren't off-topic anymore
but lazy questions can still get downvoted
there never have been off-topic if I remember just need to not be do my work plz
the futures help vampire
Woah, Tokio 0.2 was released?
I check out for 2 weeks
That be true. Tokio now uses future 0.3 IIRC
the dependency tree is... shockingly different
> Tokio requires components to be explicitly enabled using feature flags. As a shorthand, the full feature enables all components.
did them use async or it's still a experimental crate ?
oh it seem to be the case tokio.rs/blog/2019-11-tokio-0-2
Without looking, I bet that the usage of async inside the crate are still minimal, but it should be compatible if you use it with async
well what there do inside is not important for use it :p
Somewhat, except they had to use std::future::Future inside to be able to use async outside ;-)
> While Tokio 0.1 probably should have been a 1.0, Tokio 0.2 will be a true 0.2 release. There will breaking change releases every 2 ~ 3 months until 1.0. These changes will be much smaller than going from 0.1 -> 0.2. It is expected that the 1.0 release will look a lot like 0.2.
you don't say
I literraly check the doc of tokio yesterday it was still for tokio 0.1 or I miss read
today it's 0.2
never mind overview is still 0.1
so that why there is a [0.1] tag in front... ^^
> Tokio 1.0 in Q3 2020 with LTS support

The Tokio 1.0 release will be no later than Q3 2020. It will also come with “long-term support” guarantees:

A minimum of 5 years of maintenance.
A minimum of 3 years before a hypothetical 2.0 release.
Bold claims
Who's behind this guarantee ?
If there's a guarantee, it means there's a liable entity
@Shepmaster Bold
@DenysSéguret mozilla ?
@DenysSéguret I think you are over-prescribing the word "guarantee"
@Stargateur I'd imagine them working on LTS support for Rust itself before Tokio.
I don't think it's being used as quite a legal term
And if there was a corporate entity, I'd expect it to be Bouyant
@FrenchBoiethios I sure hope that ain't the price to pay for simplicity, because I'm not buyin' it regardless.
I don' find Go "ugly", apart the interface{} thing
@FrenchBoiethios If we would judge languages by the code of an average SO question, every language would be ugly ;-)
It's quite clean IMO.
@E_net4issad A language with real simplicity is Python. Go isn't.
Go is very very simple
It doesn't have the expressivity power of python
@FrenchBoiethios ^ The creators of Go claim that simplicity is one of the driving points of its design.
python is elegant but it's not really simple
@LukasKalbertodt The OP says that var seen = map[string]struct{}{} is idiomatic. If that's true, I keep my word.
@DenysSéguret I suppose that's a matter of definition
@Stargateur 🤮
@FrenchBoiethios Didn't want to defend go. I'm absolutely not a fan either.
Go is too simple. They didn't want to introduce generics or error handling shortcuts because they wanted it simple enough.
@FrenchBoiethios Python may enable developers to create simple and intuitive APIs. But that requires power to handle all the dynamism and other quirks.
idiomatic go is to write in C#
@FrenchBoiethios I bet that one-space indents aren't usual.
Oh, right. Go uses actual tabs
	var seen = map[string]struct{}{}

	for _, str := range strings {
		if _, ok := seen[str]; ok {
			// do something
		} else {
			seen[str] = struct{}{}
@Shepmaster I think you miss the point of the last question ^^
@Stargateur I think the OP has not asked a good question: "Why does cycle() on into_iter() lead to an infinite loop?"
What could be added is that you don't usually deal with the empty tuple like you deal with struct{} in Go. Because Rust lets you cleanly hide this
I've answered the question that they directly asked.
Also, pedantry: "Empty type" would be the right name for a unit type or a zero type?
"Empty type" reads like the latter to me. :[
@Shepmaster I disagree with you on this one, title is not all, context in the question is also important I think something like "Why does cycle() on into_iter() lead to an infinite loop even with a stop condition" could be a better tittle
@Stargateur Perhaps! You got them editing powers yeah?
I sux in english so I try to avoid this kind of edit ^^
That's fine too. You could suggest it to the OP in a comment
I think the only way to do what OP want would be to impl this directly on slice
This 210k user can't phrase a question in a title, and that makes me sad. It also makes me sad that they would rather fight about it instead of improving the site.
I've answered the question that people coming to this Q from Google will be asking.
@Shepmaster :p
you are right
I can feel the heat.
deleted just as I was editing the title
look like you angry him ^^
@E_net4issad did you mean via the Heat Detector?
@E_net4issad and what are you sad about?
@Stargateur did you do day 7 of AoC?
@Shepmaster yep ^^ I get the same problem
fn amplifier_loop(instructions: &[i32], inputs: &[i32]) -> Result<i32, Box<dyn Error>> {
    let mut vms: Vec<_> = inputs
        .map(|i| {
            let mut inputs = VecDeque::new();
            VM {
                mem: instructions.to_vec(),
                p: 0,

    let mut index = (0..vms.len()).cycle();

    successors(Some(Ok(0)), |a| {
        let vm = &mut vms[index.next().unwrap()];
OK, this is becoming ridiculous. Can someone tell the OP to stop deleting and undeleting the question? :/
I wanted to loop forever on my vms
@Stargateur I really thought about using futures for this day ;-)
@Stargateur How do you tell the difference between "no more input yet" and "no more input ever"?
@Shepmaster what ?
@Stargateur edited :-)
you mean the input the VM receive ?
everytime the VM have an output opcode she stop and return the value
so I feed this value into the input of the next VM
@Stargateur oh... and you store the program counter and can then run it again
probably easier than my solution
@Shepmaster yep it's already stored because day 7 already introduce the pointer intruction
I didn't really like these day I don't like this vm
so I do the "fast & working" way
well, what I mean is that my public interface is
pub fn execute(program: &mut Program, input: impl IntoIterator<Item = Byte>) -> Result<Output> {
I don't have a Computer type, for example
Wasn't the deleted question a good use case for a streaming iterator API?
@E_net4issad yes, it was in my search tabs
when it got deleted
thanks for reminding me
Well, it's back now.
@E_net4issad hmm, i'm not finding the streaming iterator Q I really want
Whelp. I'm heading home now, I can have a look when I get back.
@E_net4issad nums.iter_mut() -> &mut nums :-p
And break 'outer; always pains me inside
@Stargateur that doesn't work, correct?
@Shepmaster nope and I doesn't know why
oh not bad solution @E_net4issad
@Stargateur cause the compiler is'nt going to let you lie to it.
You are effectively trying to create a streaming iterator
> unsafe
@Shepmaster cheating is disgusting ^^
guess I finally understand why we need gat
@Stargateur your very own GAT awakening
@Stargateur oh, i forgot to say, but I started each amplifier in a separate thread and used channels for the input / output. Maybe overkill!
@Shepmaster "maybe"
Gief GATs
@Shepmaster Ah, nope. Just generalized heat.
@Shepmaster Sad about the state of SE.
@E_net4issad for our answers:
@E_net4issad which specific things this month?
@Shepmaster Multiple active Meta users receiving suspensions on a whim. Likely for voicing their thoughts too hard.
@E_net4issad it may not make sense given the circumstances, but is there a meta post about this?
...It's complicated. Most of them have been deleted. I'll see what I can find.
No need to spend much effort on it
Even a quick list of the suspended folks so I can get a rough idea
Robert Harvey is the most recognized name for me
without context hard to judge but giving the behavior of SO recently I can't help to find this abusing
^ In Robert's case, it was for proposing an... alternative CoC.
@E_net4issad so much teasing
A: Why was Robert Harvey suspended?

GlorfindelFor the sake of transparency, here are some facts which are easily discovered if you have 10k reputation on this site: Robert posted a question proposing an alternative Code of Conduct today (2019-12-06), which was deleted 12 minutes after posting, at 16:44 UTC. His current suspension (which is a...

nice censure page return 404
guess it's time to fork SO xd
the account is only suspended on meta
like "shut up but keep working for free thx"
@Marco13 There has since been a question that asked if it's allowed to post an alternative CoC. The question had a clearly positive vote count, as did multiple answers. Just like Harvey's question, that question has now disappeared. I think it's possible to infer an answer from that. — Peter - Unban Robert Harvey yesterday
@Peter-UnbanRobertHarvey I know that Q/A. I commented in that Q/A. I saved a local copy of that Q/A. And I considered asking a question "Is it against the rules to ask whether something is against the rules?". Maybe I'll do that, just to see how far the downward spiral of idiocy goes. — Marco13 yesterday
Good faith is dead.
Any link to a out of SO discussion on Robert Harvey's case ? twitter maybe ?
I think I know what happen :p
> but there are several Moderators to provide those checks-and-balances without broadcasting someone's misdealings to the world.
he mean the two mod that left ?
BTW if you're interested I saw that SO is hiring and that the job is "high-paying"
They might find it a little harder to find enthusiastic devs from what was previously called "the community".
they want to include everyone, they will end by excluding everyone
Q: Are there any clones/alternatives for running a Stack Exchange style Q&A site?

AndrijaSince the source code for this site isn't available for purchase or external use, I'm looking for software that can run a Q&A environment similar to Stack Exchange. Are there any such pieces of software available?

@MarkAmery: It's a bit long, but it was essentially a suggestion to adopt nocodeofconduct.com, with the language edited a bit to be more friendly and more applicable to SE. Here is a partial picture: i.stack.imgur.com/tbhN2.pngRobert Harvey Dec 6 at 19:38
damm I'm good
Use downvote if you are over 50 years old. Upvote if you are under 50. — SacWebDeveloper Dec 5 at 0:06
People are funny
that stupid
there is pro and con to all database type
and people should stop to use NoSQL word
I code in NoGo
As an old ass I personally find this ageism offensive
how can someone be serious saying
> The main advantage of NoSQL is horizontal scalability and distributed storage.
Best to just VTC the question and leave it alone.
@DenysSéguret you are old get over it :p
@Stargateur getting over being old is being dead
@DenysSéguret stay old so
damm this NoCoC is exactly what I think...
well as I said, I follow my code of conduct :p
Is gud CoC.
O look, another one.
The Respected Senior, Tell something with down vote, otherwise how can I learn from you? — Md. Asaduzzaman Dec 4 at 19:23
Good news is that that other answer was mod-nuked.
xml + android so java
hahahahaha never ever gonna read this
There's a director for New Community Development for the Stack Exchange Network : meta.stackexchange.com/users/98786/robert-cartaino
1 hour later…
@trentcl <3
It's "I can' do Zola/Tera" time. :[
context: tryin' to fix this PR
1 hour later…
@E_net4issad I just don't like Zola. I tried...
@Shepmaster What's your poison? ;)

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