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5:44 AM
"written in rust"
even main() is wrapped in unsafe
I swear, at this point I'm going to write pure assembly in fn main() and call it a rust project
5:55 AM
calm down and slowly close your IDE ^^
6:40 AM
No but seriously
what is the point
nothing was effectively done, the code was just translated pretty much token by token and wrapped in unsafe so pointers could remain
7:13 AM
"I've been told to port to rust because it's a mission critical code and we want a safe language for that"
@DenysSéguret yes
it's about the unsafe project ?
7:40 AM
I'm not sure everybody has the same vision of what an expert is. A company contacts me for a job. I look at the description. "Display expert level knowledge of core Go or Rust". I know I'm not an expert in core rust. But I know there aren't many experts in core rust and that they probably don't need one... Wonder if I should try to clarify that if I make an application...
Go or Rust
like C or Javascript
go and rust doesn't have mush in commun
they have a lot in common IMO
@DenysSéguret it's the usual recruiter/HR spin
they want experts for their expert company
and then you start working for them and you realize the codebase you inherited is basically duct-taped together and written by somebody who wrote it as their first ever project in that language
I have 35 years of experience and never ever tried to or was asked to take over the code of somebody's else. I hope this won't change...
I've literally only ever had that
the worst I've had to take over was a lua codebase
actual fucking horror show
7:45 AM
@DenysSéguret I just rewrite all anyway xd
they tried to multithread lua
I'll let you think of all the possible horrors, then I'll hit you with the ultimate, worst bug I've ever fixed in any piece of software
Whoever built it did not know the difference between a process and a thread. So, they used a thread library that exposed a method spawn() to, you know, spawn a thread
they thought it was a process.
so they did the "security" measure of closing file descriptors like so: for i = 3...65535 do fs.close(i) end
Gets worse, since this was happening in another thread it caused a ton of issues
syscalls on file descriptors are blocking for a reason
if you close a fd that is stdin of another process while the other process is using it, you zombify that process
A friend but a bad dev, just try to open all port to see what port is in use and what port is not in a python script
I've done that
Also, holy shit, docker on windows is horrendously unstable
compose a simple 5-container setup, works half the time
failure is at the network level
7:53 AM
Are there public facts about that ? I try to explain to my colleages that I want more docker but that, at the same time, I don't even want to try using it to deploy with docker at companies which only accept windows
Yeah, the docker issue tracker is riddled with windows-specific issues
docker for windows runs inside a VM
with all the problems this brings
Half my customers think the normal way to admin servers and deploy in production is to just connect with the windows remote desktop
I mean, you won't be using docker on windows to deploy anything
on a production setup you'll run k8s/nomad/whatever to deploy
however, if you want to test a full setup locally, docker (and docker-compose) is extremely valuable
...except when it falls over miserably like it just did for me, and decided to allocate IPs to containers in the range
@SébastienRenauld what did you expect ? docker exist because linux is amazing, docker is just using linux feature...
Oh, I know
docker didn't invent anything, just the plumbing
everything it does is cgroups and lxc, effectively
7:58 AM
@DenysSéguret "only accept windows"... only accept linux ?
No: I have no problem with companies which only accept linux. They don't exist in my field. When a company accepts linux, everything is easy for us regarding deployment and supervision. Problems are with companies which only accept windows.
I mean, you're not going to go far if they only take windows, even for servers
you can run k8s on windows but that's going to run in a linux VM
so you're going to run into compliance issues there
well, in the steel making industry, most IT managers still think linux is a nerdy toy
@DenysSéguret Yes me too I only have a problem with people who use windows for something else than... gaming :p
Excuse me
league of legends plays perfectly fine on linux
only game you'll ever need
8:03 AM
@DenysSéguret haha, so stupid
The OS-on-a-laptop environment is so bleak atm though
And a serious database has to be Oracle, not your amateur toys like postgresql
on one end you have macOS, which pedantically implements UNIX argument sets for every common command
haha database will and will always be ugly
on the other you have linux, which is a fucking minefield depending on hardware
and then there's windows
@DenysSéguret tbh be glad you're on that end of the spectrum. I've had to deal with mongoDB twice this year because "it scales better"
there is virtually zero proof that mongoDB scales better, but there's a ton of proof on it losing data if configured improperly
8:05 AM
@SébastienRenauld oh, I see those IT managers too (not at my customers). They're easier to deal with for now. At least we can have some technical discussion
Linux desktop is bad. It seems to have been frozen in time 5 or 6 years ago. But I see some windows computers from time to time (my wife's one, for example) and it's incredible how windows just went worse
I mean, so did macOS
I got bitten the other year by their case-sensitive-but-not-really filesystem
never again
@DenysSéguret I think windows has become very stable but they keep their annoying 1000 services that nobody want
like "windows defender"
almost unpposible to remove
same with skype
and many useless and cpu consuming thing
tbh that's becoming a trend
I caught steam idling the other day
as in, it wasn't doing anything, but...
(disk I/O BTW)
8:30 AM
steam doing IO is not surprising
It was not downloading, updating, or doing anything
it was literally opening the same 4MB file over and over, reading it, closing it, then reopening it
well, steam just got a big update and stream has a history of being poorly dev
1 hour later…
9:34 AM
posted on November 12, 2019 by marisa

Today we released Rustlings 2.0. There's some interesting things in this release: Exercises are now indexed by name, not by file name, rustlings watch will now require the user to delete a comment called // I AM NOT DONE to proceed, There is a new way to interact with hints, and Rustlings now self-checks for the existence of rustc before running.

posted on November 12, 2019 by Clément Renault

Today, I am about to guide you in the depths of crates.io and how I made an alternative search bar using our instant search engine: MeiliDB.

posted on November 13, 2019 by Erin Power

Hello everyone, the governance working group has been working a few efforts, but we haven't made as much progress as we would have liked over the past few months, so we are going to try out a new process and meeting agenda aimed at trying to get more work done in the time we know we have.

posted on November 13, 2019 by Geobert Quach

Another year already and I’m still knocking myself out using Rust. It is also the year where I can use Rust in a professional environment with people interested in the technology. Let’s review my last year post and try to come up with what I think Rust should focused on for the next year.

posted on November 13, 2019 by Willi Kappler

Rust could make the lives of (data-) scientists a lot easier, but as with most new programming languages it's a chicken and egg problem: When the applications and libraries are missing people will not use it and when there are no people with domain knowledge there won't be any applications / libraries. We do have some good projects like ndarray, RustSim, uom, etc. but we definitely need more (s

posted on November 13, 2019 by rust-analyzer

Last month, rust-analyzer gained an exciting new feature: find usages. It was implemented by @viorina in #1892.

posted on November 13, 2019 by Sebastian Dröge

When talking to various people at conferences in the last year or at conferences, a recurring topic was that they believed that the GTK Rust bindings are not ready for use yet. I don’t know where that perception comes from but if it was true, there wouldn’t have been applications like Fractal, Podcasts or Shortwave using GTK from Rust, or I wouldn’t be able to do a workshop about desktop appli

posted on November 13, 2019 by Hatem ben tayeb

We can make a lot of things with Rust like web apps, system drivers and much more but there is one problem, which is the time that Rust takes to make a binary by downloading dependencies and compile them. We need to make a pipeline using the Gitlab CI/CD and Docker to make the deployment faster.

posted on November 13, 2019 by Nick Cameron

We need to work on error handling.

posted on November 14, 2019 by Remco (Wodann)

In my Rust 2020 blog I tried to shy away from specific feature requests, instead zooming out to look at the Rust ecosystem as a whole. As a community, we've achieved great things but we should take care not to crumble under the weight of a scaling language and ecosystem. We all need to come together to ensure that Rust can sustainably scale - be it in large organisations, communities, or codeba

posted on November 14, 2019 by Luca Palmieri

It has been a couple of days since the curtains closed on RustFest - given that I am roaming around the region, I might as well leverage my time on Catalan trains to collect my thoughts on the whole event in a digestible format.

posted on November 14, 2019 by boats

One of the big sources of difficulty on the async ecosystem is spawning tasks. Because there is no API in std for spawning tasks, library authors who want their library to spawn tasks have to depend on one of the multiple executors in the ecosystem to spawn a task, coupling the library to that executor in undesirable ways. Ideally, many of these library authors would not need to spawn tasks at

posted on November 14, 2019 by Pietro Albini

The Rust Infrastructure team is happy to announce that we’re starting an evaluation of GitHub Actions as a replacement for Azure Pipelines as the CI provider of the rust-lang/rust repository.

posted on November 14, 2019 by Sam Sieber

I’ve used Rust a couple times at work for small tools, and written a couple of experiments in Rust. So before saying what I want out of Rust, I’d just like to say thanks to the wonderful community. I liked the Rust 2019 progress, and I can put most of my wants for 2020 under two main labels: Embrace and Extend.

posted on November 14, 2019 by Michael-F-Bryan

If you’ve ever done much embedded programming in Rust, you’ve most probably run across the arrayvec crate before. It’s awesome. The main purpose of the crate is to provide the ArrayVec type, which is essentially like Vec from the standard library, but backed by an array instead of some memory on the heap. One of the problems I ran into while writing the Motion Planning chapter of my Adventures

posted on November 15, 2019 by Lin Clark

Today we announce the formation of the Bytecode Alliance, a new industry partnership coming together to forge WebAssembly’s outside-the-browser future by collaborating on implementing standards and proposing new ones. Our founding members are Mozilla, Fastly, Intel, and Red Hat, and we’re looking forward to welcoming many more.

posted on November 15, 2019 by Mahmut Bulut

Bastion is a highly-available, fault-tolerant runtime system with dynamic dispatch oriented lightweight process model.

1 hour later…
10:58 AM
@Feeds where are these coming from and do they cluster like this in the original feed?
Cause I'll be honest, the occasional wall of blog posts is beginning to annoy me
ask to room owner
@Stargateur they'll show up soon enough
there are not that many options there.. this is just how badly the SO chat RSS feed aggregation is implemented
11:24 AM
Scraped every day I guess
doesn't seem to happen more than once a day
11:42 AM
Unless I am mistaken, less than that. Or possibly it is the Read Rust feed itself that only gets updated every couple days, and the bot just follows
1 hour later…
1:07 PM
Do we even need the "Read Rust" feed in here? I always ignore those messages tbh...
It's true we're made aware of the interesting posts in many other better ways
Personally I don't really care. They're a very minor nuisance that we can easily ignore
Peter Varo has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Problem solved ;)
1:32 PM
Thanks ^_^
1:43 PM
Thanks :-)
1:56 PM
I don't understand this "cannot borrow query as mutable more than once at a time" problem...
Why would there be an error in two successive mutations ?
strange lifetime rule between args & query ?
&'a mut self where Self is Query<'a>
2:14 PM
ok, so a bug in the lib
The downvote on the question is a little harsh in my opinion
@DenysSéguret harsh enough to updoot?
IMO yes. He's a new confused user... I like to be welcoming ^^
and he's a French king. I must bow.
Do you agree the tag makes no sense here ? Almost all questions are relative to errors detected during compilation in Rust
The syntax highlighting fails for the first snippet in the answer: stackoverflow.com/a/58878748/2408867
The first comment is not in this "grey" color
@LukasKalbertodt old bug
welcome to lifetimes
Q: Rust syntax - lifetime highlighting

DjzinIt shows up in any snippet with explicit lifetimes - it formats lifetimes as though they were string literals fn lifetimes<'a, 'b: 'a>(x: &'b &'a str) -> &'a str { *x } Google prettify seems to work here, so I am not sure what's going on: https://rawgit.com/google/code-prettify/master/tes...

Ah ok, haven't seen it before. But yeah, Rust has some strange grammar rules :P
2:27 PM
@LukasKalbertodt surprisingly, that one wasn't so bad when I wrote my parser
I mean, I guess Rust has still a fairly easy-to-parse grammar compared to C++ or so...
But I once encountered a bug in pygments for floating point literals/range. Something like 0..3 was parsed as '0.' (float literal), '.' and '3'
2:39 PM
Anyone want to take a crack at translating this Futures 0.1 combinator into cleaner async/await syntax?
    .or_else(|_| download_from_server(1))
    .or_else(|_| download_from_server(2))
I was surprised by the fact that I can't just sprinkle in await in a bunch of places
but it makes sense on reflection
@Stargateur i know you don't wanna, but might as well answer stackoverflow.com/questions/58872329/…
3:18 PM
I'd suggest moving your custom test runner answer and closing as dupe
@Shepmaster Nice find!
So ok, moving answers. How does this work? Or do you mean simply copy&paste and delete the old one?
@LukasKalbertodt copy-pasta
@Shepmaster Ah ok!
I don't think you can move them the way a mod could
copypasta and delete the old one is probably appropriate
or even better, copypasta and mark the old one as a dupe
I have to adjust the answer a bit anyway, so yeah copy-pasta it is
3:25 PM
And if you are concerned about rep loss from the deletion, lemme know and I can give you a bounty and or updoots
Are we going full SO and caring about rep now? ;-)
(I advocate for the deletion, as otherwise you aren't actually preventing the duplication of information)
Unrelated, to shift the laptop to linux or not to shift the laptop to linux...
If the answer had been accepted, then you can't delete anymore. Sometimes I flag my own answer for a mod to delete in that case. shrug
If you explain the case they'll get to it and usually grant it
3:27 PM
Ok, moved and dupe closed
@Shepmaster Ha, no :D but thanks for the offer. But these 10 reps I can really survive without :D
@SébastienRenauld dual boot ? That's what I always do.
@DenysSéguret I'm considering just going full on linux tbh
whenever I need windows I have my desktop
@LukasKalbertodt well, you got a bunch of those 10 votes and baby you got a stew going
and I have a mac mini for frontend CI/CD purposes
where's the new answer? I'll updoot
@LukasKalbertodt e.g.
A: How can I avoid running some tests in parallel?

Lukas KalbertodtYou can always provide your own test harness. You can do that by adding a [[test]] entry to Cargo.toml: [[test]] name = "my_test" # If your test file is not `tests/my_test.rs`, add this key: #path = "path/to/my_test.rs" harness = false In that case, cargo test will compile my_test.rs as a nor...

3:32 PM
@Shepmaster As some Germans say "Kleinvieh macht auch Mist". German is a strange...
@SébastienRenauld Oh gosh, I will be rich
@LukasKalbertodt lol, I think Google got one word wrong: "Small cattle are also crap"
I'm guessing it's supposed to be "Small cattle also crap"
@Shepmaster Indeed, your translation is correct :P
I wonder which language doesn't have a version of every little helps
Wow, Deepl is good
That's gotta be human-helped though, right?
3:35 PM
Most likely
just learned from associations, maybe
probably trained on common sayings
I need to get my ass back to speaking german
10 years of it at school and I lost all of it by not speaking it for 7 years
same. I tried to translate this one without help and failed
but at this point it's that or polish
@Shepmaster Mh well, the product comes from linguee which for a long time used machine learning to find online texts in multiple language and analyze them. I am not sure, but I think they don't really add translations manually?
I was only impressed because I assumed it was purely derived algorithmically
3:39 PM
Trying to find the polish equivalent of every little helps
they have such weird idioms
@SébastienRenauld What is your native language if I may ask? Your profile says you live in Poland, right?
I'm a complicated patchwork of european nationalities
Both of my parents are french but neither is "really" french - my mother's side of the family moved to France from Poland during the second polish diaspora, my father's side is from that part of France/Germany that keeps getting taken over every 40 or so years
I myself only lived in France for a year, and that's when I was 24, so it hardly counts
I spent most of my life in the UK and Belgium
> that part of France/Germany that keeps getting taken over every 40 or so years
You know it's been like 80 years since last time ?
Yeah, you just wait for them to try to become independent
Are you talking about Lothringen/Lorraine?
3:43 PM
Well, Alsace/Lorraine and the Vosges
my grandmother currently lives in Remiremont
And now it gets even more complicated since my girlfriend is Spanish, but she spent most of her life in the Netherlands, and now we both live in Gdansk
Well, France and Germany are best buddies now <3 ^_^
@SébastienRenauld Oh wow :D Your live is really very European
Imagine how pissed off I am at Brexit
especially since my sister lives in London and is in a very precarious situation due to the whole ordeal
Anyway, if anyone wanna try chatting in German, just ping me. Just for the protocol.
@SébastienRenauld At this point, who isn't?
Probably will at some point, although it'll probably take time for it to come back. It's like that time I stopped speaking french for so long I lost it - took 3 days to come back
and re: Brexit, a ton of people are actually very happy about it. I know a lot of people from more rural parts of the UK, people who have never left the UK except to go and do silly stuff like party in Ibiza and chill in Malaga, that kind of stuff. They are actually happy Brexit is happening, or were until I explained to them how much they'd lose
it's amazing how much propaganda there is around Brexit in the UK, how much selective misinformation there is being thrown around
You wouldn't convince them with economic reasons. For them it's mostly about pride. Most people can't accept they were wrong so easily anyway.
3:49 PM
@SébastienRenauld clearly it's all the people who were against Brexit that made Brexit actually bad, out of spite (/s)
inb4 "American"
@Shepmaster some people do believe that :-(
@DenysSéguret I typically try to show them that their culture is actually a whole mix of things and that they're massively better off for it; the biggest argument is typically the populist "foreigners taking our jobs", which is the hardest thing to dispel
@SébastienRenauld I meant it as: "even the people who want a Brexit are pissed because it takes forever already". That the ones who don't want brexit are pissed, that's given.
it's actually really hard to try to explain that it is a positive thing for foreign workers to come in, because it really takes a massive step back and conscious analysis to see this
French people will probably have it easier on this, we've been a nation of inclusion and (up until recently) tolerance, and it really shows in the culture
It might be hard for French people too
Oh, it is, particularly for people in rural areas
3:53 PM
@E_net4istired Oi! Your Rust2020 blog post hasn't been posted to Reddit, right? Are you still planning on doing that?
I've had to explain this to my grandmother, amongst others, and this is with her 3 sons having moved to completely remote parts of the world (one of my uncles is in Thailand, the other moved back to France but spent most of his life in Africa)
4:16 PM
@LukasKalbertodt Hmm, that's probably why it hasn't caught much attention yet. Thank you for the reminder. :)
@E_net4saysReinstate Lemme know when you posted it. I wanna updoot
@E_net4istired Also... arewegatsyet.rs is still available... mhhh
@LukasKalbertodt is this good?
@E_net4saysReinstate Thanks :)
@LukasKalbertodt I would rather be more interested in dicom.rs when the project gets bigger.
5 hours later…
9:37 PM
Oo, another pull request, the joy!
2 hours later…
11:57 PM
Has anyone here tried implementing dtolnay's autoref specialization trick for three traits?
I'm currently going crazy trying to make that work...

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