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A windows user has `cargo install` fail but the compilation is OK when the target is manually provided: https://github.com/Canop/broot/issues/71
Any idea ?
6 messages deleted
thanks @JonClements
You should make me an owner so that I can remove the spam
@JonClements hey matey
haven't seen you in a while, how things are?
@PeterVaro shhhhh! He was never here...
@PeterHall I know, he's mainly a Python a guy, we used to be ROs of the Python room for years together -- but I haven't been in that room for quite some time now
anyway, I was just happy to see him popping in even if for mod purposes only
5 hours later…
I got the power!
Huh, I'm jealous, now
You really can't do much.
We don't get much spam
I think that's the first in many months
I think the main thing is being able to pin comments instead of just starring them (e.g. the Miaou room comment)
I'm an owner in the JS room. Moving spam and off topic messages to the trash is quite convenient
2 french people and not three
I feel discriminated against
where's the nearest meta
@DenysSéguret sure, if you have them. Do you recall having any of that, other than the most recent one?
(thought about just kicking for the lulz)
Hahahaha, that would've been much funnier
I'd have come back - coming from the Discord world that kind of stuff happens day in, day out
Congrats on the italics everyone
@Shepmaster No, I don't remember other spam or excessive off-topic discussions here, except some of my messages, maybe
There's, like, maybe a spam message a month
today's event filled up the quota for the next quarter
@SomeGuy Oh, is that what that means?
This room is much quieter and saner than the JS one
I mean
goes with the language, yeah?
Goes with popularity, I suppose
@Feeds Yeay, now we can make a coup d'état and transform this room into a French-speaking one
@Shepmaster also doesn't help that JS has a much lower barrier to entry
@SébastienRenauld What do you mean?
@SébastienRenauld look at the few last questions... what about the barrier now ?
side note, I could use some proofreading at some point. I'm considering relaunching my own website and decided to start it up with a tentative primer on FFI based on the questions I typically end up answering
@FrenchBoiethios if nothing else, you can start writing JS by right-clicking in a browser and opening the console ;-)
@FrenchBoiethios almost anybody has a browser and doing anything in pure JS is quick and dirty
granted, once you try to set up a project you end up in npm hell
but the initial "Hey look I can do things" is still much less rough than rust
while you might start writing rust in your browser by going to the playground...
(do you know that, shep ?)
Is that advertised properly on the main page of the rust site?
If not, it really should be
@SébastienRenauld That's right, but I'm learning JS right now, and that's a much more difficult language than Rust...
Wouldn't say difficult; JS is full of gotchas
The this keyword behavior drives me crazy
and that is one of them
what should be more advertised is that your first rust questions should not be about your own linked list implementation
the fact that anonymous functions don't have or capture this and the fact that you can one-off rebind this is two things that trip people over
@FrenchBoiethios In JS ? I really do like the this
@DenysSéguret True. That's the one thing Rust isn't suitable to
@DenysSéguret this one?
and still it's the first thing people try to do
@DenysSéguret the pages on implementing linked lists should also be more prominent somewhere, or concise
@SébastienRenauld And type coercion being unexpected all over the place
@DenysSéguret That's not that I don't like it, I don't understand it
Think back to the history of JS
@SomeGuy I've been tricked by this one as well
JS itself, the first version, was literally born to wow people at a demo
@SomeGuy I'm coming from PHP so I'm literally immune to type coercion WTFs
@FrenchBoiethios I'd argue that it's more suitable, just that people expect safe linked lists to be easy
@SébastienRenauld Hahaha, you have my sympathies
@Shepmaster People think just throwing pointers to next is safe, tbh
(It really isn't)
JS was my first language, so I just enjoyed the dynamic typing a lot (over learning C, where you couldn't really do much as a beginner except print things to console)
@SébastienRenauld I remember writing linked lists in C... All the segfaults I triggered...
Of course, classic talk
@FrenchBoiethios that's my point - rust prevents you from shooting yourself in the foot that way, but it does so at the cost of not being able to quickly whip up an unsafe linked list
deallocated an element but forgot to change next on the prior element and you don't have a double link? Glhf
@Shepmaster Nicely said
Reminds me; I started writing an answer on the Master/Slave question then got sidetracked by something else
I used to enjoy JS a lot. And I don't know why I grew quite tired of the fact any code you write in JS is initially full of bugs. And, above everything else, I grew tired of the ecosystem and its bunch of overhyped low quality tools and frameworks
The ecosystem is also what gets me, along with having to literally go full tabula rasa on all the tooling you know every 18 months or so
used to webpack? glhf rollup is better and webpack has essentially been abandoned like a date from tinder
Today a JS expert would be somebody who knows the recipes, bugs and workarounds of the recent frameworks and tools.
Yeah, I got sick of the ecosystem. The community just exploded to the point where no sane person would want to keep up, IMO
used to babel6? well, babel7 is out and they weren't kidding when they upped the major version by 1
@DenysSéguret the latest version of the framework
because, remember, there's breaking changes literally everywhere even with things you'd expect to be stable
my favourite on this is react
I haven't used angular recently but it was also a huge clownfiesta on 1.x
and then there's vueJS, that tries to be both but tries to be neither and hits every cobblestone along the way 3 times
The only JS framework I've liked recently is Svelte: svelte.dev
I've been meaning to give that a shot; it's on my to-do and I might get to it soon
heard very sane things about it
it has the same problem I've had beef with VueJS before, though - I absolutely hate when a file contains both the JS, the partial DOM and the CSS all in one
textbook way to get people to write a one-component webapp is to do it that way
@SomeGuy I like it as well. No virtual DOM is a nice catchy sentence
@Feeds @Shepmaster is this how this goes?
@PeterVaro you're not even French speaking, you can't be an owner
I like Elm also, but you cannot write a website frontend with it, only webapps
I'm still a bit sad scalajs died, tbh
Well you can, but that's not a good thing IMHO
back when it started it showed potential
@DenysSéguret Oui
@Shepmaster :O
@DenysSéguret next you'll say there's some disagreement between the British and the French
You know
We missed a french person
Oh, we don't get involved those days. British people found the way to have disagreement on their own, they don't need us any more
Wait, what. ROs are equal in privilege... does this mean...
@DenysSéguret oh you..
@FrenchBoiethios I'll put it back if it works, I'm curious
@SébastienRenauld yes.
@Feeds why?
things got out of hands I believe
I'm very surprised about this one
I expected it to be a strict lesser, not an inclusive one
i.e. ROs can modify anything below but not other ROs
Every so often I clean out people who haven't shown up in a while, but otherwise have trust
TBH there's more security than risk in having more room owners as long as they're not crazy
@DenysSéguret well, I am sort of crazy, and I am indeed proud of it ;)
anyway, interestingly "back in the days" you really had to own the ROship at least in Python room
@PeterVaro You can be the wild card of the group
I bet you use unsafe even when you don't have to
as in, you had to be very helpful with others and generally contributing to the room (and the Python SO community in general)
@SomeGuy I only use unsafe and sometimes I opt in for the safe mode!
Haha, so you write all your code in C with some Rust FFI?
Excuse me
We shall not perpetuate the unsafe memes
I saw you, error page.
@PeterHall (or other gold-badger, if you see) — chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/47592737#47592737
it's already at 4, no need for a hammer
@DenysSéguret well, it’s at 4 various close reasons, but it’s unlikely to be marked a duplicate.
I VTC as no mcve, but that’s not tru anymore.
About stackoverflow.com/questions/58416511/…, it C it's illegal to cast a function pointer to void*, anyone knows what the status of this is for Rust?
@mcarton you have any links on it being illegal in C? I’d like to learn more.
@mcarton Anyway, &foo as *const _ returns 1
foo is already the function pointer. &foo is a double reference. I don’t see how this could have been right to start with.
@FrenchBoiethios The cast is legal in Rust, but what is it supposed to do? Is 1 a semantically OK value, if not useful, or is that a bug?
@Shepmaster That's the answer
@mcarton posix make it legal but not C17
Are you writing it down?
@Shepmaster Good catch
@mcarton ah, thank you. So a C function pointer can be like Rust's fat pointers. There's no standards-specified size for it.
Well, that does not explain why the address of the pointer has become 1
There was a related question about "is there a generic pointer in Rust"
which is hard to search for
@FrenchBoiethios that 1 is a special thing, which usually means "address of a zero-sized type"
@Shepmaster Which seems right given that every function in rust has its own type
let ptr = foo as unsafe fn() as *const c_void; gives the same result with stable and beta
My wild guess is that something changed with const eval stuff
Why is a function pointer a zero sized type, tho?
13 mins ago, by mcarton
@Shepmaster Which seems right given that every function in rust has its own type
just like let bar = || {}; bar is a ZST
foo is a value where the type is foo ;-)
@Shepmaster Didn't know
and foo can be cast to fn () or whatever
The answer is complete with all those elements
fn foo() {}
fn bar(_: foo) {}
I'm both happy and sad that doesn't work ^
@FrenchBoiethios well, still no idea why the change
My worry is that this is a stable-to-beta regression
thankfully it's a while before the next release
Alright, about time to head out for Rust Belt Rust!
Y'all keep things under control here <3
The last question is interesting. @Shepmaster, do you think that Chalk would allow to write something like the OP tries to?
there’s a SO question that shows how to use the feature.
If I’m understanding correctly on my three second readthrough
2 hours later…
@Shepmaster Have fun in Dayton!
2 hours later…
Oh man, the code generated from an openAPI file is both amazing and atrocious

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