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@trentcl I say vote to close as duplicate
@Shepmaster eh, I thought it was a bit of a long shot
kind of hinges on what "reference to a sub-structure whose lifetime can be shorter" means
i.e. shorter than what?
shorter than the struct's own lifetime -> yes, it's a dupe
shorter than the lifetime you originally put in it -> well, there's an interesting answer to be written about how lifetime parameters are filled in at compile time by looking at all the uses
(that answer too probably already exists)
anyway that was my thinking and why I didn't just VTC
@trentcl magicked by NLL play.rust-lang.org/…
@Shepmaster huh. I would've bet money that wouldn't work
Guess I should try to improve my understanding of feature(nll)
@trentcl I'm right there with you
I think this means that one of the ways that I describe lifetimes is now just a first approximation
cause I would have said the same as you: " lifetime parameters are filled in at compile time by looking at all the uses"
but now I think that "the type" of the variable can now change (with respect to lifetimes)
I'm going to have to take a stab at understanding this in the morning
@Shepmaster you're right, it does look that way
In play.rust-lang.org/… it will only complain when you uncomment the last println!
> This is only because foo is never used once it would be invalid (after string goes out of scope), not because you set the value to None. Trying to print out the value after the innermost scope would still result in an error.
I like that you also chose "goodbye"
I wonder why I never upvoted that answer before
I assumed that you had, seeing as how we both had 2 updoots
assumed we crossed and OP updooted
There must have been a free agent
I'm going to VTC the new question now, because I think your edited answer to the dupe target addresses the new state of affairs
tbh, I had a half written draft of an answer just in case but it turned out to be wrong
the magic of NLL strikes again
> and I do this in a loop where performance is important
he loop wont work though
I think for the same cause as stackoverflow.com/questions/50519147/…
this is a tomorrow-problem for me
Good night!
2 hours later…
Q: Rust. Location in the stack or in the heap?

eaniconerI have found an interesting code on Rust to get location of memory for variables. It is in the book Rust Essentials, Ivo Balbaert in chapter 2 about Stack and Heap For instance, we have the following code let a = 32; let mut b = "str"; println!({:p} {:p}, &a, &b); In the book we have output 0...

it's me or the book is completely wrong ?
Or I miss some rules of rust ?
"Member for 7 years, 4 months" => don't know use markdown
3 hours later…
@E_net4 Thanks, I'll have a play with both
@Shep Are you in Europe right now?
I am in Baby Standard Time
And Rust Essentials is making me angry
Who is writing books without knowing things
@E_net4 ^
O. :x
@Shepmaster Speaking of books, it's sad to know that these mistakes slip into print. And that is not the only one.
@E_net4 sure. I'm certain that TRPL has some errors too
but this just feels so fundamental
which makes me worry about the rest of the content
et tu, @PeterHall
@Shepmaster what?
@Shepmaster actually, you can downvote books ;)
I still think the duplicate is better, even if the OP can't read more than one paragraph
@PeterHall stackoverflow.com/a/50602564/155423 — that OP tagged as and , so I removed both and marked it as language agnostic. You may need to qualify "Rust" in your answer.
Well, I did review a Rust book. The initial iteration had a few subtle but still serious mistakes. Some of the minor ones were not even fixed for some reason. :(
@kazemakase how so? amazon reviews or some such?
@shepmaster yes, for instance... I would count that as sort of a downvote
(but maybe you have to buy the book first, which would suck :p)
@Shepmaster: Agreed on the duplicate; I closed the question.
@kazemakase I think Amazon has "I know this person bought it" and other reviews
@MatthieuM. <3
Also, why would you want to add the time of serialization to each row?
is each row going to increment by nanoseconds
@Shepmaster Ha, that's a good point
And pretty much every ORM I ever used needs modified_at to be a proper field
3 hours later…
@Shepmaster the worst timezone
@Shepmaster random french sentence ^^
@Stargateur I assume he meant it to be Latin, not French
At least she wasn't upset or anything. She just decided that she wasn't tired anymore. shrug
as in "Et tu, Brute?"
^ indeed
I am not exactly sure which betrayal you were referring to though...
I have a question about this: stackoverflow.com/questions/50597829/…
i think shep want to said that you answer a duplicate ;)
it's closed as dupe, but the duplicate is broader and so is it's answer
That question, and that explanation ;-)
My answer is substantially different than the dupe's answer, but mine is not applicable to the dupe
@PeterHall Why do you say that? Isn't wrap it in another type the same thing that the second half of the answer is doing?
Yours does it "by hand", the linked A does it in the process of calling serialize
It isn't the same. It doesn't "wrap" it in another type, it does a conversion between types
And requires implementing Serialize explicitly
@PeterHall There may be a subtle philosophical point here ("is there really a difference between (A, B, C) and (A, (B, C)) w.r.t. serialization / serde")
but I'm guessing thats not the main point
If I get what you are saying, allow me to restate to check
> The question "how do I add fields while serializing" has a superset of the answers of "how do i change fields while serializing"
Namely, your tuple answer isn't an answer to changing fields
I think I can buy that argument. Shall we ping @MatthieuM. (who did the dupe) to make sure there's nothing we are missing?
@Shepmaster Sure.
actually this is not important a additional answer to the OP is not bad, whatever, the important is to close the question
It doesn't matter tremendously
And actually I'm not convinced it's even a dupe
The other question is asking how to change a value before serializing
The accepted answer just happens to also mention you can use the same method for adding and removing fields
which would then be a valid solution for this OP
@Stargateur only if it actually is a dupe. :-)
not me who choose to close I didn't yet read these questions
@Shepmaster Thanks! It took a while for me to understand how your solution worked however I got it in the end :) — Greg 3 hours ago
but OP state that the duplicate answer him so
@Stargateur My point was that the other answer answers this OP's question. But the other question is not the same.
@PeterHall don't matter duplicate are for answer
as the message say: "This question already has an answer here:"
or as I said:
@TinyGiant actually there is a miss understand, people think that duplicate is for question. This is not true, duplicate is for answer, two questions can be different but have been mark as duplicate, because the answer are the same. — Stargateur yesterday
my perfect english
@Stargateur Do you have another source for that, apart from your own quotes? :)
A: How should duplicate questions be handled?

Sam HaslerIn a nutshell: If a question is a duplicate of another question, flag or vote to close. Note: There are slightly different guidelines for closing as duplicate on meta sites. See the last question for more info. When are two questions considered duplicates? According to Spolsky we should only c...

actually this is open to interpretation
but I believe that it's mine who is correct ;)
"Questions may be duplicates if they have the same (potential) answers."
My answer to this question is NOT a potential answer to the other.
yes but it's the other way
is the other answer a potential answer to the duplicate ?
It's both ways
and @PeterHall's tuple answer isn't an answer to "how do I change fields while serializing"
So the answers of one q aren't a subset of the other. They are very related though.
I think I've probably over-invested my time in this discussion :)
If / when we reopen, I'd hope we edit a link into the newer one's answers pointing at the existing one
@PeterHall well the rules for duplicate are very opinion oriented so it's ok for me to discute about it
> This compiles and works, however, as soon as I make the core and bar fields mutable, it falls apart
Doesn't show what they mean by making the fields mutable, doesn't include an error message.
For me, if a question A is answered in the answers of a question B, then it makes sense to close A as duplicate of B. The questions are never exactly duplicates, but if they are strongly related, then it makes sense to consolidate the related answers in a single place.
(And yes, this means duplicate is a poor name...)
@Shepmaster only microsoft is allow to typedef with such name
@MatthieuM. The nuance here is that @PeterHall's answer does answer the OPs question, but it would not answer the linked Q. Likewise, the first half of the linked answer would not answer the new Q.
Maybe when Rust gets #![feature(specialization)] we can have it on too :P
@Shepmaster: Yes, that's frequent. Which is why it's better to close toward a more generic question... or create a more generic question if multiple strongly related questions could all be addressed once and for all. Here, I would not mind having a single question explaining how to transform a struct before serializing/deserializing (adding fields, transforming fields, removing fields, ...).
2 hours later…
Can someone answer a question about HRTBs....
Why can't it be resolved like this:
Or rather, what is the difference?
Q: How does for<> syntax differ from a regular lifetime bound?

thirtythreefortyConsider the following code: trait Trait<T> {} fn foo<'a>(_b: Box<Trait<&'a usize>>) {} fn bar(_b: Box<for<'a> Trait<&'a usize>>) {} Both functions foo and bar seem to accept a Box<Trait<&'a usize>>, although foo does it more concisely than bar. What is the difference between them? Addition...

Does that help?
I also read things like this answer from @Shepmaster stackoverflow.com/a/47997981/493729, where he says for<'a> T:... means "For any lifetime 'a, T satisfies the AddAssign<&'a T> trait"
@PeterHall That's not an answer by me tho ;-) Just got my beautiful face on it
But to me, <'a, T: AddAssign<&'a T>> already means "for all lifetimes 'a and types T, such that T: AddAssign<&'a T>"
@Shepmaster Oh!
I have other answers that talk about HRTB, natch.
Anyway, what I'm saying is that introducing type variables at all implies "for all possible choices of"
Anywho, fn call<'a>(&'a self) means that the reference to self and the reference to the closure have to have a unified lifetime
@Shepmaster Yes, and that feels right...
@PeterHall now, I can't say why we needed the for <'a> syntax, and why fn foo<'a>(&self) where F: Fn(&'a u8) couldn't have sufficed
I don't like the terminology that is used in a lot of places. It sounds like it is saying something important, but just saying "for any lifetime 'a" isn't any different to what a normal named lifetime is already
@PeterHall You added "such that". That makes a big difference.
Here come the type theorists.
/me hides
@Shepmaster Don't hide!
<'a, T: Trait<'a>> means "for all 'a and T such that T implements Trait<'a>"
That was actually illuminating
<T: for<'a> Trait<'a> means "for all T such that T implements Trait<'a> for all 'a"
Ok, so I was reading it as a constraint, and it actually is an assertion
it's the second "for all" that is lacking a "such that"
@trentcl Yes, your first comment was enough to see my folly
I could try to write it out with upside down As and backwards epsilons but let's not
My code is saying: the condition implies the definition. The for syntax reverses that arrow.
Is there a difference between:

where T: for<'a> AddAssign<&'a T>


where for<'a> T: AddAssign<&'a T>

Both seem to work
And the former can be used without a where clause
@PeterHall not in a where clause (as far as I can tell), but only the first syntax will work in trait objects or with impl Trait
those are the same
@Shepmaster And presumably they are different if that lifetime appears multiple times?
I asked eddyb about it at one point, and now I forget why they both exist
you'll need the second one for stuff like for<'a> &'a T: AddAssign<&'a T>
nah, I think the compiler literally rewrites them to be the same
The first one breaks if 'a is mentioned twice
because for introduces the variable only for the next item.
maybe there's some "scoping" rules, but no functionality
Yes, I think that's exactly the point
In Haskell, the position of a forall. means something
e.g. forall a. (a -> b) is different than (forall a. a) -> b
that would correspond to something like for<'a> fn(T<'a>) -> B vs fn(for<'a> T<'a>) -> B in Rust though
which is different from :42741976
@PeterHall Do I read the . as a constraint or an assertion?
It's not a constraint
It's "for all possible choices"
And it's implicit any time you use a type variable. It's only needed to be written explicitly in combination with certain language extensions
So forall a. (a -> b) is something like struct B<A>(A) ?
"for every type A there is a corresponding B"
Yes, exactly
I'm a little rusty though. I am trying to remember how the second one is different :)
ah. no
I dabbled in Haskell once but that was years ago
(forall a. a) -> b is what you said
for every a there is a b
forall a. (a -> b) is: for every a there is a function from a to b
I think the only time I used it was for heterogenous collections with existential types
or maybe once or twice for higher rank types, so that monomorphisation is postponed slightly
I may have said something incorrect. It's more than 3 years since I did any serious haskell
ok, I think I can explain it more clearly (and accurately)
Lets say you have a function like map:

map :: (a -> b) -> [a]
implicitly the type is:

map :: forall a. (a -> b) -> [a]
Which means that this is defined for all possible choices of a
But if you wrote:

map :: (forall a. a -> b) -> [a]
That would mean that any function you pass as the argument must be polymorphic in a
@PeterHall I think I'm missing something here. Should it be (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] ?
since map takes a function and a list and gives a list
ok then I'm tracking
I can't edit now
yes, so one is saying "map is polymorphic in a". The other is saying the function passed to map must be polymorphic in a.
In the former, monomorphization happens in the arguments of map. In the other, the function's type will be left generic and only monomorphised on application
I see.
e.g. you could have:

printStuff :: (a -> String) -> b -> c -> String
printStuff f x y = f x ++ f y
Which wouldn't compile
But you could write:

printStuff :: (forall a. a -> String) -> b -> c -> String
so f must be polymorphic so it can be applied to all choices of b and c too
without the forall, it would constrain b and c to being equal
In the working version, with the explicit forall, f would be monomorphized twice, once at each call site
fn print_stuff<F, B, C>(f: F, x: B, y: C) where for<A> F: Fn(A) -> String {
    f(x) + f(y)
Something like that. You'd probably need a constraint there in practice, since not all types can be converted to a string.
@trentcl One day :)
yeah, I also swapped the where clause and the return type and String + String won't compile either
But "something like that" is what I was going for. :)
Hm I should write some Haskell
It's been a while. There is probably a ton of new weird language extensions to play with
So, coming back to the HRTB for in Rust... Can the Haskell concept be used to get a better intuition for the Rust?
*stares at it*
I've heard it said that Haskell has one base "kind" -- type -- while Rust has two: type, and lifetime
@trentcl Yes
Ok, so it's not so opaque... It's the same really. It means deferring the lifetime check until it's called. As an analogy to deferring monomorphisation until the call site
I just don't have an intuition for what "all possible lifetimes" means
@PeterHall My mental model says it's still just deferring monomorphization until the call site; the fact that items in Rust aren't really monomorphized over lifetimes is an implementation detail
They are reconciled rather
so the body of the function (here: doc.rust-lang.org/beta/nomicon/hrtb.html) must be reconcilable for any possible lifetime. Like any other function really
But the reconcilation is deferred until the 'a in call<'a> is known
It's actually simple
@PeterHall its just a monoid in the category of endofunctors
@Shepmaster Which actually makes a lot of sense when you know what all those words mean!
1 hour later…
@PeterHall I decorated that expression, but one day I'll understand it completely. x)
It seems you folks were having fun here.

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