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> convert to a primitive u16 involves converting the two elements to Strings first
> two u8 primitives into a u16 primitive
I've never quite understood the desire to say something is a primitive
What value does that bring?
Ugh these strings are causing actual mental pain; I had to say something about it
And bitwise manipulation with multiplication and addition? What a world.
not very clear
"Free code review on your original post" haha
@Shepmaster well, I don't know for Rust but C shifting is not truely bitwise operator...
a lot of people missleading other people with that
and we have to explain every time why shifting on signed are UB ;)
in C for exemple left shifting is define by a multiplication... (*2)
@Stargateur and yet OP doesn't select an answer of their own or actually say why.
@Shepmaster Your right, that post does answer my question, however it does not do so in an obvious way. It's title is not indicative of the problem I was referring to, nor is the example code or explanation. This post has a better description of the actual problem. There should be a better way of solving this besides just marking this as a duplicate and down voting me. ( not to say that you were the one to down vote me. ) — Procyclinsur 1 min ago
he repost it
@Stargateur do you mean shifting a signed number or shifting by a signed number?
@Shepmaster that work for both
@Stargateur pretty sure both are defined behavior in Rust
I don't know for Rust I'm currently searching
<< Left Shift std::ops::Shl
>> Right Shift* std::ops::Shr
* Arithmetic right shift on signed integer types, logical right shift on unsigned integer types.
but as you can see
they are obviously not bitwise operation ;)
but it's not UB as in C
I'm missing some nuance. What makes something bit wise?
for exemple, -60 >> 1, will produce -30, because the signed bit is not shifted
so this can't be a bitwise operator
Q: What are bitwise shift (bit-shift) operators and how do they work?

John RudyI've been attempting to learn C in my spare time, and other languages (C#, Java, etc.) have the same concept (and often the same operators) ... What I'm wondering is, at a core level, what does bit-shifting (<<, >>, >>>) do, what problems can it help solve, and what gotchas lurk around the bend...

@Stargateur this feels like terminology pedantics, which I'm normally in favor of. However, I'm not seeing the benefit in this case.
well, not for left shifting but as I say for right shifting on signed number are generally a source of bug because people don't expect that it will not shift bit but in Rust do the arithmetic operation.
And I already see people ask why it's "bug" in few years ;)
Is addition a bitwise operator? What about rotate?
and that why people don't call them bitwise operator but generally "divise that by 2 ** n" or "multiply that by 2 ** n"
I mean at some level, everything is bitwise, just with complicated semantics.
yeah but we are using language that hide theses things for us
For exemple, a recent article describe C as a no low level language queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=3212479
And I have the saving grace that I left shifted which is bitwise ;)
I don't fully agree but some point are valid
That only a semantic question I don't know if there is a right answer, but It would be interesting to know what think core team of rust language. But the doc show me a important clue
"& Bitwise AND Logical AND std::ops::BitAnd"
"<< Left Shift std::ops::Shl"
no bitwise keyword
and by the way the doc forget to say that left shift are arithmetic for signed number too
println!("{:?}", -60 << 1); => -120
so they operator are bitwise for unsigned and are not bitwise for signed (with a negative value) ;)
This is quite confusing play.rust-lang.org/…
I wonder if this is not a bug haha
oh never mind
I forget that -1 is full of 1
3 hours later…
@Stargateur I'm also confused by your claim that -60 >> 1 == -30 isn't a shift operation, because even the x86 instruction for that is named SAR - shift arithmetic right. Do you have any source for your interpretation that a (right) bit shift operation cannot respect the sign bit?
3 hours later…
@Stefan I don't fully understand
SAR like you said don't contain bit keyword
if SAR was a fully bitwise
why should it consider that bit sign is special ?
@Stargateur godbolt.org
oh, sorry
wrong link
So what ? I don't read assembly you know ^^'
SAR is special - it is the sign-extended version of SHL
>> with u32 uses SHL but >> with i32 uses SAR
well, you can call it special me I call that a no bit wise operator ;)
hmm.. what is a bit wise operator then?
well for me a bitwise operator should not care of the sign, just care of the bit
(but I didn't say that SAR is not very usefull)
I found this is a very interesting question
in that case i'm not sure if your definition of bitwise agrees with the common definition :)
why common definition should be the right ?
I give the logical argument
hehe.. that's starting to get philosophical... can a definition be "right"?
you just say "this is a bitwise operator because someone tell me"
"When performed on a signed type, the result is technically undefined and compiler dependant,[5] however most compilers will perform an arithmetic shift, causing the blank to be filled with the sign bit of the left operand."
no, i say it's a bitwise operator because semantically it works on the bits of the input
well, operator can be bitwise, logical, arithmetic, << and >> is logical on unsigned, << and >> is arithmetic on signed
for me people wrongly assume that shift are bitwise operator
nevermind << is not arithmetic on signed
Different question: how come the Shr trait, which is used to overload the >> operator is implemented for primitives using the >> operator? (source)
probably internal stuff
something that produce LLVM code
feels like cheating :)
well, at some point you must produce the assembly code...
@kazemakase See here (search for the paragraph starting with "Clearly something is fishy here.")
@kazemakase Maybe you could also ask this on SO :P might get nice points
"The compiler broke your code every two weeks. Of course, you wouldn’t know that because the compiler would usually crash before it could tell you that your code was broken!"
"So now we’re stuck with it.", rust 2.0 ? ;)
@LukasKalbertodt Thanks for the link.
Asking a marginally useful question to which I more or less know the answer, just to get some points...
heck, I might just do it; if I find a way to phrase it usefully, that is.
We should have a canonical question about #![feature(nll)]
2 hours later…
What did I just miss.
@E_net4 Me panicking to get an answer to a goldmine of points ;-)
@Shepmaster Aw, that list of examples solved with NLLs doesn't include my question. :P
@E_net4 i skimmed through ones with good titles and upboats and with the text "non-lexical lifetimes"
gimme a linky
@E_net4 oh that weird one
@Shepmaster And about this: something being a primitive is much more important in some other programming languages (e.g. Java), so I'm not at all surprised in its usage here.
But now that I think of it, I am giving "primitive value" a different meaning in my dicom-rs project.
Checking the DICOM standard...
@Stargateur Meh, more than a decade late TBH. :P
it's never too late
"these operating systems are both obviously wrong, but sometimes wrongness is allowed to prevail and persist." (linux and macos)
because you know windows is right ;)
everybody know that
Actually, that article is heavily opinionated: calling the use of two characters each new line the correct choice is overly pedantic and deliberately ignoring the unnecessary overhead.
you don't say :p
In fact, if we are to admit that LF means "move the cursor down", then Notepad doesn't even do that.
Aaaand that's me being slowpoke on your sarcasm.
2 hours later…
I think it would be worth emphasizing that, perhaps counter-intuitively, Non-Lexical Lifetimes are not about the Lifetime of variables, but about the Lifetime of Borrows. Or, otherwise said, Non-Lexical Lifetimes is about decorrelating the lifetimes of variables from that of borrows... unless I am wrong? (but I don't think that NLL changes when a destructor is executed) — Matthieu M. 2 hours ago
@MatthieuM. ^ got a second to hash out what changes should be made?
matthieu should do an answer too !
@Stargateur that would take away from my potential points, so obviously it's a poor idea
remember when you past 100k ?
that wasn't too long ago :p
@Shepmaster: First: am I correct in assuming that the Lifetimes of variables is indeed not changed (ie, that destructors are only executed at the end of the scope?).
@MatthieuM. Yes, it is also my understanding that destructor timing did not change
(I'm being subtle here, some things are dropped immediately instead of end-of-scope)
@Shepmaster I'd expect stack reuse for variables with no destructor or destructors without observable effects, but it should not affects the semantics.
stack reuse is a different kettle of fish, I don't know if it ever does that, TBH
If that's the case, I think I would start the answer by first highlighting what exactly is the lifetime we are talking about here. Lifetime is most often connected to the lifetime of variables, so having it representing the lifetime of borrows is quite surprising and may be partly responsible for the confusion around the feature.
I meant more like let _ = String::new() — that is dropped immediately
as opposed to let _foo = String::new()
@MatthieuM. I don't know that there's much confusion around the issue
@MatthieuM. would it be your opinion that the feature "non-lexical lifetimes" is misnamed?
@Shepmaster Yes, I would very much have favored NLB: Non-Lexical Borrows. Which I find more precise and less ambiguous.
When I first learned about NLL, I thought that the whole point was executing destructors before end-of-scope :/
@MatthieuM. I'm checking with some compiler folk to see how they feel
At a pedantic level, the lifetime of the variable holding the borrow is shorter ;-)
If the destructor of the variable runs at the end of the lexical scope, how is its lifetime shorter?
I mean with let a = String::new(); let b = &a; junk(); the lifetime of b is shorter
So, in this case, conceptually (since it's a primitive) the destructor of b is run before junk()?
I believe that to be accurate, although I'd say "destructor" with scare quotes
and I dunno if it's because it's a primitive or because it doesn't implement Drop or because it's a reference, or what
I think your overall point is correct though — NLL doesn't meaningfully change lifetimes of "interesting" things.
@MatthieuM. edited
Question: can 10k users see deleted questions?
On the privileges list it says "view deleted posts" - does this mean a 10k user would see deleted questions in a tag list?
Or are they only viewable via their links?
@ljedrz yes
@ljedrz maybe
@ljedrz see them, but only if you already know the link, yeah
Not in question lists
You can see all your own deleted stuff with deleted:yes search
Turns out I have 90 deleted posts
> deleted by Community♦ Jul 4 '15 at 6:43 (RemoveAbandonedQuestions)
1 hour later…
Let's make a pledge, room: let's never become like the JavaScript room.
/me goes to check the javascript room
They've got room rules
Oh. Those rules are a little obnoxious
let's make a deal, don't code in javascript
@Stargateur meh, JS (or a compile-to-JS language) is just fine. I like my fancy webpages
well, I don't see why not compile in WASM now
but yeah I liked a lot typescript
with a little keyword TYPE
TIL: GCC has a -frandom-seed. Nice.
@Stargateur I think WASM is still a bit far from having wonderful DOM access
And then JS will be like C is for Rust now
There's so much existing code
Yes, legacy tech is painful
The JavaScript development environment is not legacy, mind you.
It is still unreasonable to stop using JavaScript just because we now have WASM.
So far, I've only seen this argument being throw by JS haters, and never backed by constructive reasoning.
Now, if WASM allows Rust to be used in place of TypeScript? I'd be super interested
but, taking the Playground as an example, I don't know how I'd use it
Like, I want to use all sorts of existing code
I wonder if racer can be compiled to WASM.
Auto-completion in the browser.
I meant more like, existing JS code
e.g. how could I write the typescript files in the playground as rust
would I want to?
Exactly, that ought to be your first question.
Right now, WASM is mostly used to take advantage of something that we could hardly obtain in JS or another to-JS compiled language.
So, one would have to pinpoint something. I suggested racer, so the playground could have even moar auto-complete.
And maybe things like React / Ace / Code highlighting would use Rust / WASM to implement themselves
to Go Fast
@Shepmaster Go fast, but no Go. ;)
@E_net4 do not collect $200
Ok, so, latest question is another "function returns T but body returns a specific type".
Any good dupe targets?
@E_net4 there's nuance of some kind here
cause they say they can't use box
My go-to for that error is this tho
Q: "Expected type parameter" error in the constructor of a generic struct

Xavier ShayI am trying to store piston textures in a struct. struct TextureFactory<R> where R: gfx::Resources { block_textures: Vec<Rc<Texture<R>>>, } impl<R> TextureFactory<R> where R: gfx::Resources { fn new(window: PistonWindow) -> Self { let texture = Rc::new(gfx_texture::Texture::fro...

@E_net4 for example - play.rust-lang.org/…
wait Box<Fn()> doesn't implement Fn()?
that seems like it should be possible
@trentcl right?
> seeing a PR to add these impls and we can go from there.
seems straight forward
always sketchy
Implementing Fn() requires implementing FnMut()... which requires implementing FnOnce()
(and FnOnce can't be implemented for boxed trait objects for reasons)
although... surely you could implement FnMut() and FnOnce() for Box<Fn()>, without needing to implement anything for Box<FnOnce()> which seems to be the sticking point there.

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