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@E_net4 thoughts on dupe? stackoverflow.com/q/28587698/155423
@Shepmaster Hmm, I figured there would be relevant questions already. The question also touches struct fields and references over references though...
Feel free to do what feels best. I'll check the outcome tomorrow.
@E_net4 Honestly, the question is well written enough that I'm fine with it standing as-is
6 hours later…
@LukasKalbertodt Almost edited at the same time ;)
@Tim Yeah, I saw your proposed edit, sorry °_°
But that question really did need editing...
@Tim If you're trying to answer, I was able to shrink the code to this. I think it still has the same error.
But maybe I'll also answer it myself
No problem :)
1 hour later…
@Stargateur Wow, this (jakegoulding.com/rust-ffi-omnibus/basics) was an amazing resource! — Greg 47 mins ago
@Shepmaster you are an amazing ressource ;)
> Setup the human panic hook that will make all panics as beautiful as your shitty code.
@LukasKalbertodt thanks for providing the MCVE. Hopefully I got everything right, lifetimes are so tricky ;)
@Tim Nice start, but I don't think it's the whole story :/ It doesn't explain why the other examples work.
Maybe I'll try writing an answer again in a few minutes... although I should do other stuff :<
What I'm especially puzzled about is that it works when you replace Weak with Option. The two other choice OP mentioned (Rc<Refcell<_>> and RefCell<_>) have the obvious difference that on creation you need to provide a concrete lifetime already. But None doesn't have this difference. Still: the outcome is different from Weak ... crazy
@LukasKalbertodt I'm surprise too ;), I never use Rc myself so I'm probably missing something but I think it's because Weak implement drop
2 hours later…
@Boiethios oh no, you took my challenge away :D
@kazemakase Huh?
can i link comments in chat?
@kazemakase right-click on the timestamp
@kazemakase The link is in the time, like "1 min ago"
thanks, @both :)
Note that you do not need to allocate a String, you can compare the iterators: .filter(|x| x.chars().eq(x.chars().rev())). — Boiethios 3 mins ago
@piercebot Nice, Project Euler is also how I started rust. May I challenge you to come up with a palindrome check that does not require allocation (collect creates a new String on the heap)? :) — kazemakase 3 mins ago
@kazemakase Ah, sorry :p
@kazemakase In my opinion, no collect at all should be done in the whole problem
@Boiethios i totally agree.
2 hours later…
@Boiethios @kazemakase stackoverflow.com/a/24542608/155423
There's another answer I can't find easily at the moment
A: How do I compare a vector against a reversed version of itself?

blussSince you only need to look at the front half and back half, you can use the DoubleEndedIterator trait (methods .next() and .next_back()) to look at pairs of front and back elements this way: /// Determine if an iterable equals itself reversed fn is_palindrome<I>(iterable: I) -> bool where I...

The second answer is a better algorithm
@Shepmaster looks like virtually everyone is doing Project Euler in Rust :)
The double-ended solution is neat
Is this `fn is_palindrome<I>(iterable: I) -> bool
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: PartialEq,
I::IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator,` use static or dynamic dispatch ?
all static
I wonder why Chars has an eq method but does not implement PartialEq
It's Iterator::eq
and it's when the Item has PartialEq
and a char implements PartialEq
Everyone expect == to work
oh, so you'd want "a".chars() == "b".chars() to compile?
I think the argument there is to just leave off the chars() ;-)
@Boiethios An Iterator can't implement PartialEq because you need a &mut reference to iterate over it and PartialEq takes a & reference
Why not? Semantically, that's not stupid
Also @trentcl's point is pretty good
@trentcl You've got a point
But == could map to PartialEq::eq or Iterator::eq, isn't it?
if this is static why can't I do println!("{:?} et {:?}", front, back); ?
<I as std::iter::IntoIterator>::Item` doesn't implement `std::fmt::Debug
But I add I: std::fmt::Debug,
trait and module are not very clear to me ^^'
@Boiethios That's a possibility, but then there might be a struct that implements both Iterator and PartialEq and you'd have to disambiguate. I imagine PartialEq would take precedence
@Boiethios And people would probably be unhappy about an operator with two trait meanings
@Stargateur I: std::fmt::Debug means that the argument passed in can be printed
I::Item: std::fmt::Debug, I find the fix ;)
@Stargateur Well done :p
@Boiethios It occurs to me that Chars itself could definitely implement PartialEq, but you still couldn't compare it against any Iterator<Item=char>.
In particular, it doesn't help the palindrome problem :P
But it would make "a".chars() == "b".chars() work
@trentcl Super useful :p
@trentcl :s
@trentcl by cloning itself and delegating to Iterator::eq?
@Shepmaster That's an idea
is possible to implement this iter.next and iter.next_back as an iterator ? like iterator.iter_double() that will act as zip ?
@Stargateur i dont follow
I think I found something, but I would like implement the paladrome algo with a iterator instead of using while, something like zip.
@Stargateur I guess you can, why not?
Well, I try ;)
it's not so easy ^^
@Stargateur are you trying to be efficient (only N/2 comparisons) or just want an iterator solution
It's hard to describe
I don't really want do the paladrome algo
but just create an iterator that loop for you on next and next_back
and use it to do paladrome algo
instead of use while loop
i'm trying in code that will be more clear after I show you something close to what I want
the problem of std lib is that you can't learn anything from source
it like any function just call an intern other function
@Stargateur The few times I had to read the source, it was understandable
I like when error say trait blabla, but I'm curently just try to define a struct ^^'
Oh wait
oh, you'd like to make an iterator that returns the front, then the back, then the front, ... ?
the front and the back at each iteration
pub struct DoubleEndedZipIter<T> {
    iter: DoubleEndedIterator<Item=T>,

impl<A, T> std::iter::FromIterator<A> for DoubleEndedZipIter<T> {
    fn from_iter<T>(iter: A) -> Self
    T: IntoIterator<Item = DoubleEndedZipIter<T>>, {
        DoubleEndedZipIter { iter: iter }
@Shepmaster He wants to zip the 2
currently I have this
@Stargateur and I assume you don't want us to just write it out for you, correct?
It's more fun to do the learning
Actually I starting to think about ask "how to implement fromiterator" on SO as I can't find any question about it
@Shepmaster Well, it's very hard so I could want to use my joker if I didn't finish in two hours XD
i dont think you want fromiterator
thats what collect uses
well, I was think, fromiterator to produce an iterator XD
I didn't find a better idea
as intoiterator must start from a struct
but I don't think it make sense to implement intoIterator for an iterator
I found this exercice quite hard
maybe just From?
id start with just a new method tho
even with new, I always get std::iter::Iterator<Item=T> + 'static does not have a constant size known at compile-time
I think is where my level in rust stop ^^'
@Stargateur Have you looked at the source for std::iter::Rev?
that would be a place to start
this is where I don't like rust, why so complicated.
Many of the Iterator functions work like this, returning a struct that wraps it with custom behavior.
@trentcl Let say I have that, now what do I do ?
struct DoubleEndedZipIter<T> {
    iter: T,

impl<I> Iterator for DoubleEndedZipIter<I>
    I: DoubleEndedIterator,
    type Item = (<I as Iterator>::Item, <I as Iterator>::Item);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let (Some(front), Some(back)) = (self.iter.next(), self.iter.next_back()) {
            Some((front, back))
        } else {
rev is code in pub trait Iterator, I don't think I can add function in it
@Stargateur that looks reasonable
No, but you could write an iterator extension trait that adds a `double_ended_zip(self)` function to `Iterator`...
/me wonders whether there's a nice simple example of an extension trait somewhere in the standard library
Q: How can I add new methods to Iterator?

Wilfred HughesI want to define a .unique() method on iterators that enables me to iterate without duplicates. use std::collections::HashSet; struct UniqueState<'a> { seen: HashSet<String>, underlying: &'a mut Iterator<Item=String> } trait Unique { fn unique(&mut self) -> UniqueState; } impl Uni...

@Shepmaster nice
i should update it a bit tho
use ext and "extension trait"
struct DoubleEndedZipIter<T> {
    iter: T,

impl<I> Iterator for DoubleEndedZipIter<I>
    I: DoubleEndedIterator,
    type Item = (<I as Iterator>::Item, <I as Iterator>::Item);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let (Some(front), Some(back)) = (self.iter.next(), self.iter.next_back()) {
            Some((front, back))
        } else {

impl<I> DoubleEndedZip for I where I: Iterator {}

trait DoubleEndedZip: Iterator {
that was a nightmare ;)
as always thx to you
> that was a nightmare thx to you
I sometime have very bad idea XD
test test_palindrome ... bench: 7,219,731 ns/iter (+/- 114,398)
test test_palindrome2 ... bench: 6,858,959 ns/iter (+/- 54,673)
my version is a little bit faster
@Stargateur compared to which one?
A: How do I compare a vector against a reversed version of itself?

blussSince you only need to look at the front half and back half, you can use the DoubleEndedIterator trait (methods .next() and .next_back()) to look at pairs of front and back elements this way: /// Determine if an iterable equals itself reversed fn is_palindrome<I>(iterable: I) -> bool where I...

@Stargateur That's pretty surprising as they should be the same
optimizers are weird
well, in the benchmark the code was always skiped for my version, I have use blackbox to avoid the problem so I think the code is more optimized with my version, and maybe a better brench prediction
specifically, is drop(Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, len)); kosher?
@trentcl if ptr and len are valid, then in general yeah
the drop is unneeded
the ptr must come from a vec
the vec must be compressed so that size = capacity
@Shepmaster that's the bit I was wondering about
shrink_to_fit says capacity can still be >length after calling it
looks copied from there ;-)
I tried to change the docs on shrink_to_fit once
@Shepmaster yeah you right
to more strongly state that it will always equal
but it's what everyone does
I imagine there could be... interesting allocators where that isn't the case
but I also imagine that such an allocator wouldn't be confused by being handed the wrong capacity for deallocation
(as long as shrink_to_fit was actually called beforehand)
@Shep to'ally a dupe, bro
Want me to cast the first vote?
@E_net4 Yes please
Those votes put your names on the close banner, and make me less exposed ;-)
Glad I could help then.
@E_net4 All about CYA
@Shepmaster Wat
@E_net4 CYA == "Cover Your Ass"
more people on the close votes, the less it looks like I'm an entitled ass who closes things for fun
@Shepmaster Gotcha.
Unrelated subject: which verb form do y'all often use when documenting functions and methods? I usually just go for the infinitive form (without "to") but I've seen std using the present form.
@E_net4 I also prefer bare infinitives
@E_net4 can you give some examples? I speak English but don't always know which fancy words mean what
@Shepmaster I usually do this: "Use the index factory..."
But then, we also have this: "Constructs ..."
Gotcha. It seems like the two are talking about different objects
The stdlib is talking about the function
yours seems to be talking to the user
In a way, yes.
I believe the Rust API guidelines don't have a specific stance on this.
@E_net4 lol
Like I said...
@mcarton I'm not usually the fastest gun in the west. But when I am, I still stick to my standards. ^_^ Better grab my cowboy hat. — E_net4 23 hours ago
2 hours later…
Q: Thread Name Reuse?

LoganI have a program that launches some consumer threads that will each be reading from a channel. Each one of these is named it's own unique name. There are 7 of these, nothing fancy, they' hard coded in as human readable string names. Then I use Rayon to parallelize mapping over some file paths (i...

I don't like this question
It's obviously just rayon who create all thread in one of his thread but
Whitout mcve it's hard to verify "and presumably some rayon threads."

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