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OP questioning dupe
Q: Converting Unix timestamp to readable time string in Rust?

McGradyHow can I convert the Unix timestamp 1524820690 to a readable date time string? Just like this in Python: In [1]: from datetime import datetime In [2]: print( ...: datetime.fromtimestamp(1284101485).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ...: ) 2010-09-10 14:51:25

Y'all chime in on it if you'd like
or lemme know what ya think here if ya want
I'm reading
100% duplicate
@Stargateur You didn't have to comment, but thank you for that
I just say what I think
1 hour later…
A: How to vote to close questions and be welcoming at the same time?

feeling unwelcome This question is a request for good practices for commenting and question-closing to implement Jay Hanlon's mission to be more welcoming. TL;DR the internet is unwelcoming by definition you cannot control the internalization of peoples thoughts and feelings about something that empirical...

look the user name ;)
2 hours later…
@Stargateur "feeling unwelcome" ^_^
1 hour later…
Is it appropriate to declare a pointer variable new_array, and then use generate_array to generate a new array of size n, and then make new_array point to the address of first element of generate_array? That is what my generate_array does. — Mulliganaceous 1 min ago
I'm block here the only answer I could say is "learn to code in C", so time to just ignore it
2 hours later…
I should stop to talk about C shit question on the wonderful rust chat ;)
I'd say you should stop posting that bullshit malloc-cast link in the comments :) Boy, that'd drive me crazy... That thing should have been closed as primarily opinion based, but now there is some confused mix of "this is the right thing", "this is an helpful answer" and "i needed a lame excuse to type less" votes.
@Stefan "That thing should have been closed as primarily opinion based" clearly and clearly not ;) there is a lot of fact that prove that malloc must not be cast, and the only fact to cast it is to be compatible to C++ but this argument is wrong if you code in C.
I clearly disagree, and consider myself expert enough to be allowed to have an opinion on the subject. We could discuss the technical aspects, but that is probably OT in here.
my point is that the semantics of those votes are completely unclear, yet you're using it to push your opinion on other people
and to clarify further, I'm not mentioning this just to make you look bad :) I think it is relevant to the meta discussion that's going on in here the last couple of days.
Well, I think that an expert who claim malloc should be cast is not a c expert
And if you think is offense to tell "you should not cast your malloc call look this answer", this is ridiculous.
And I think all those 1800+ people are idiots, and shouldn't be allowed to use C in the first place...
Not a helpful statement, of course.
feel free to downvote the answer if you like but I'm pretty surprise you state that malloc should be cast
I already did vote ofc :) I'm not afraid loosing some points :)
point are here to spend them
well, i think all 4 points of the top answer are useless
"unnecessary": that's not a reason not to use it, just a reason you might not have to
"clutter": well, use a better language that doesn't need it. if you can't read casts, you shouldn't be using C; and the (cast) malloc() pattern is not that hard to read.
For me it's only the don't repeat yourself
"repeating": well, sure: if we can avoid repeating, that is ok. ok, so maybe this one isn't that useless
"hiding the error": well, if you have to care about undeclared functions you have other problems. C11 seems to agree with that :)
one thing that the answer don't mention is that int *a = (double *)malloc(blabla) is completely UB ;)
the argument for using cast is: you want to be explicit about the types of your statements
oh well, strictly speaking a lot of the posix API is completely UB. struct sock_addr and friends...
@Stefan you are this is why you write the type of your variable, int *a = malloc is explicit I want a int *
yes. in the initializer i'm fine with dropping the case. but in an assignment i think it is very important
wikipedia even has the argument, they just put it on the wrong side
they think it is bad you'd have to touch all your malloc lines just because you changed the type
idiots -.-
so, in assignments i clearly want the cast. using it in initialization too is just to be consistent - think about how often you might change between those too without adjusting the cast.
@Stefan I hate assignment ;) I avoid this as mush as I can. And I think a good program don't need to assign a malloc result
nested structs? foo* f = malloc(sizeof(foo)); foo.bar = malloc(sizeof(bar));
Or even nested optional data; you'd initialize to NULL, and might later want to assign it
with local vars: sure, we all like rusts default of const vars, but not everything is that nice, and certainly not in C.
(just to be clear: my heavy C coding days are over, and back in the day I probably didn't cast either. But now, looking from the nice safe language rust is, it does influence my opinion on how I would use other languages a lot)
well, sorry but rule number one of a good C program is to not malloc more than necessary, your nested struct is not clear, but If I was force to do two malloc like this I will do like that
struct foo *f = malloc(sizeof *f);
// check f
*f = (struct foo){ .bar = malloc(sizeof *f->bar) };
for me it's the more "initialization" way, of a dynamic allocate struct in C
but as I say this kind of struct with an other struct to alloc should not exist
@Stefan Yes, that why I like rust, but C is not safe XD
For me, it's ocaml who teach me plenty of good practice and I hate ocaml ;)
That is some crazy syntax :) (and I'm pretty sure C++ won't compile it, which is a problem in certain environments). Anf if you have an optional field you can't set it later that way. If it would be tied that hard into initialization you are correct that it probably shouldn't exist - it probably should be inlined instead.
This is call modern C, we in C comu got very tired about how C++ influe badly on C
C is not C++ is not C
@Stefan It's fine that the syntax only works in C, one shouldn't be using malloc in C++ anyway.
(the syntax is perfectly valid in C++ BTW)
@Stargateur Really? Is that standard or just a compiler extension?
(never mind it's an extension in C++)
Ah. So it is an extension. :-)
from c99, In C is not an extension ofc
it's pretty old enough for me
I will add this in my list of why C++ is not C
Not sure what the current state is, but MS didn't treat C as a real language for a long time afaik; so you basically had to compile your (existing, 3rd party) C code as C++. So to keep all users happy one wouldn't use too fancy syntax. If you didn't care about legacy users you could just use a better language :)
sorry I don't code for microsoft
and this is not a good argument
MSVC is know as "no a c compiler"
And yes I'm not coding for legacy user
I let them die
then just use rust instead :)
That why my OS is arch linux ;)
@Stefan rust is... complicated for me
I'm very simple I like when code do what I say if C doesn't exist I think I will code in assembly ;)
I still have huge problem with syntax in rust
Note that microsoft are doing great change and MSVC is better every years
well, clang being available on windows (i.e. integrated in vs) now puts some pressure on them :D
My previous example with compound literal compile on "Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.23506 for x64"
VLA still not but whatever they are heresy to C ;)
2 hours later…
@MatthieuM. what is over 9000 ?
exactly 9,000
quick, somebody ask why they can't store a reference to a struct inside the struct
the last one is close
I noticed than some tags have an icon in it (for example ). How to edit the tag to do this? For example, we could put the Rust logo in the Rust tag
I got a backtrace with helpful symbols like core::ptr::drop_in_place::hdbb41d323447bd7d. Any idea how to get the type back from that name?
@Boiethios I don't like this feature this make the UI charged
@Boiethios: It's a sponsored tag; which means a sponsor pays for the logo to be part of the tag ;)
Ahhhhh, that sux ;)
So mozilla doesn't pay stackoverflow XD
@NickLarsen: "Help them first, extract the most value out of it that we can and then decide how to present it to the outside world." If you want to change the very goals of the site, that's fine. But if Stack Overflow is to become a public help desk rather than a site to create artifacts that help people other than the person asking, then Stack Exchange as a company needs to explicitly declare that this is changing, so that those of us who are under the delusion that we're still about the latter can leave. — Nicol Bolas 16 hours ago
I was wondering is anybody have a dump of SO database ? ;)
@MatthieuM. Let's ask to Mozilla to pay
@Boiethios: I think it's been discussed and refused already. Opinions may have changed, but the consensus was that money was tight and better employed at other things.
@Stargateur this was an excellent comment of yours!
There are too many ways to approach this problem. The answers would just turn into a straw-poll for which one people liked. The best thing is to do some research on the topic yourself, find two or three, analyze them, determine if they work for you or not, and try them out. Come to us when you have a specific question about something you have attempted to do. — Stargateur 6 hours ago
Do other people see an avatar for this person? stackoverflow.com/users/7024293/matthew-stevenson
@Shepmaster nope, blank
@ljedrz ok, not just broken browser then
now I'm get my final équipement of prefabricated nice comment, I'm gonna flood the database ;)
@VinceEmigh Why don't you write a full answer? — Boiethios 9 mins ago
@Boiethios you gotta know that people can't find duplicates ;-)
@Shepmaster I did suppose that there were a duplicate, but I did not found it
People does not understand they can do whatever they want to a owner variable, including moving it as mutable.
@Boiethios site:stackoverflow.com rust immutable for loop
I could bet my life there was a duplicate but didn't have time to search ;)
I use Firefox's ability to have shortcut search engines. So I type r immutable for loop in the address bar
@Shepmaster I looked for a more general question/answer like: "why can I transform an immutable variable to a mutable one"
@Shepmaster I use Vivaldi, and there is this feature: nice idea, I'll add this shortcut.
@trentcl I bet they really do what to just compare V-tables
@Shepmaster I guess
The only "reliable" way I can think of is to transmute to raw::TraitObject
@trentcl i think it is possible to create types which have reliably identical layout (using#[repr()]), and transforming between those should be safe. So you could end up with two references of different type to the same memory location.
@Stefan oh it's easily possible to do that in safe code with ZSTs
But the opposite, having two references of the same type but different locations, I don't think there's a non-transmute way to tell that they have the same vtable pointer.
ah, the raw pointer comparision should include the vtable comparison.
@Stefan But i think they want just the vtable, not the data
and I agree, I think the right way of doing that is to use raw::TraitObject
quite likely
I think you can get away with a private trait extension
@Stefan Is the crux there using TypeId to compare?
It's too bad that the OP has stated that they want to compare based on a specific method
It's very likely an XY problem
Rust has two bottoms as well, but they're a tad different. A normal bottom is encoded with the Option type [...] another bottom is the Result
I don't claim to know types, but that doesn't sound right
I'd ask the poster themselves, but they've proven to not be a fan of mine so I try to ignore them
Like two buns of a hamburger! (not)
"How to write a bound for a reference to an associated type on the associated type itself?" what ????
@Stargateur suggestions on improving that title are welcome
Original was "How to write this bound for a generic parameter as an associated type?"
and I hate "this" in titles
like, I don't wanna open the Q to know if it's relevant to me
I clearly don't understand a bit ;)
so gl to improve that
what is a bound ?
I love rustbyexample... when it was alive
it's just a bad redirect or whatever
ah thx
@Stargateur but TL;DR - its the traits that restrict the generic
oh bound are call like that...
that a lot more clear
"How to write a bound for a reference to an associated type on the trait itself?" make a lot more sense to me ;)
Q: Mutable reference lifetime vs immutable reference lifetime

user1413793I have the following code: struct Bar<T> { k: [T; 10], } impl<T> Bar<T> { fn thing(&self, i: usize) -> &T { &self.k[i] } fn thing_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut T { &mut self.k[i] } } struct Foo<'a, T: 'a> { bar: &'a Bar<T>, count: usize, } impl<...

I believe we got a duplicate for this no ?
fixed with fn get(&'a mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T>
just add the lifetime
The question is not "how to fix that"
"Is there some lifetime annotation I am missing in the FooMut case?"
actually maybe the OP want to know
@Stargateur Sure, but the first question is why the annotation is necessary for the mutable example and not the immutable one.
actually it's not necessary compile fine without any lifetime on the function ;)
it's gonna hard to explain that to the OP...
I think it's a dupe -
Q: Why does linking lifetimes matter only with mutable references?

Jonas TepeA few days ago, there was a question here on SO where someone had a problem with linked lifetimes of a mutable reference to a type which contained borrowed data itself. The problem basically was supplying a reference to the type with a borrow of the same lifetime as the borrowed data inside the t...

the only thing I don't understand is why the non mut version compile
let me read the question and answer if I understand it a dup ;)
The answer that goes on forever, lol
A: Why does linking lifetimes matter only with mutable references?

Veedrac Warning: I'm speaking from a level of expertise that I don't really have. Given the length of this post, I'm probably wrong a large number of times. TL;DR: Lifetimes of top-level values are contravariant. Lifetimes of referenced values are invariant. Introducing the problem You can s...

i'm reading I'm reading
Well, I understand at half answer
it's a very good answer
could be more clear but it's very interesting
I confirm the dup
I dream that one day, we could do a correct syntax coloration for rust on SO
@Stargateur haha, the lifetimes are tricky
3 hours later…
I was like, Oh i forget this question about shell, france spotted... and you already write the comment I was writing xd
@Stargateur French people, am I right? ;-)
@corvus_192 The compiler is not very good at proving universal propositions. A signature like fn test<I: Bar>(t: I::T) -> String implies that you could pick any I that implements Bar, and the compiler has to prove that there is a DeserializeOwned impl for every I where <I as Bar>::T is whatever the type of t actually is. I'm doing a poor job of explaining. Point is, it's logically sound, but the compiler can't prove that there isn't some I for which &<I as Bar>::T doesn't implement DeserializeOwned. — trentcl 16 mins ago
@trentcl but shouldn't the bound on the trait imply that?
@Shepmaster Yeah, but (my theory is, without being able to reproduce the problem) rustc isn't smart enough to figure it out.
if you want a repro
you know is struggle me when Proper noun (yes I copy past ;)) are not the same between language that share the same alphabet. It's like this film about DUNKERQUE write in english Dunkirk for obscure reason, it's like If I will do a film about New Orleans and call it nouvelle orléan. This make life complicated, Imagine me who have big Dyslexia problem, I literally confuse everything ! And they don't respect proper noum...
The only universal statements that rustc can prove, I think, are universal over lifetimes and not over types.
Unfortunately I feel stupid every time I read Niko's blog and so I am not smart enough to really get it
@trentcl i know that feel
@trentcl any particular post relevant here?
@trentcl I often feel stupid when I read rust question and don't know at all how answer it, so I go in C and have the same boring question about pointer, and so I cry in silent...
@Stargateur stuck in the middle, eh?
a little ;)
it doesn't specifically call out what the existing solver can't do, though.
@trentcl ah, Chalk. The next big magic change to Rust internals
@Shepmaster It is a serious piece of magic. Or will be, some day...

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