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1:40 PM
look at bigshot @LukasKalbertodt asking questions
1:56 PM
@Shepmaster Sorry :D but I noticed that today while showering, so I just had to ask...
4 hours later…
6:06 PM
@набиячлэвэли Meanwhile on the Internet...
2 hours later…
8:16 PM
@E_net4 What are you on about, this is top-notch quality content
8:42 PM
@набиячлэвэли Certainly not of higher quality than this. youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg
9:10 PM
@E_net4 That's one spicy shitpost
Fine, I'll refrain from posting such content here in the future.
@E_net4 Refrain not
Why would one stop posting things spicy?
@набиячлэвэли Refrain yes, or this might indeed become the infamous Lounge<Rust>.
It will become not the Lounge
@набиячлэвэли Will too.
9:13 PM
For Lounge is something much greater than just a room
It's a mindset
'Tis a way of viewing the world 'round us
AAAaAA that's some fucking mannerisms m8
Help I've been speaking medieval for the past half-week
Mind you, there are much greater things to be worried about.
For instance, why is there no find() in Vec? Why must I fetch an iterator out of it first?
@Dsafds Gracious, passing fine bullshit thou'st given
@E_net4 Because genericity
And also why repeat the whole Iterator iface in any container
especially inconsistently partially
that's some TheDailyWTF type shit
Okay, I found out why this happens, and it is because of this RFC: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/0769-sound-generic-drop.md

The reason why it didn't work was because the inner reference had one of the same length, it had to strictly outlive it though as the Guard is Drop.
9:32 PM
@набиячлэвэли Wait wat?
1 hour later…
10:40 PM
Ok, this is about to sound dumb. I can't elegantly and efficiently obtain a &str from an Option<String> with "" for None.
Typecheck: is.gd/DHegzB
Was surprised just as_ref() didn't typecheck
@E_net4 What did you try before?
@набиячлэвэли Well, something quite similar. But without that .map(|s|&s[..]), it would have never worked.
There's also as_str(), which for some reason I overlooked. :s
I'm guessing the impl is &self[..]
In other news, imag just updated :v
11:49 PM
OB alert! OB alert!

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