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9:42 AM
@rickhg12hs Hmm, I don't think that the compiler always embeds those in the binary. For what it's worth, those details can be explicitly included by the program via env!, as Cargo provides them. doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/environment-variables.html
You could also try your luck at objdumping the symbols of an executable, but you are bound to find a lot of symbols.
Whoah, this is some next-level "shoot yourself in the foot" warning.
(it's flagged, not warranted)
2 hours later…
11:23 AM
@E_net4iscleaningup Apparently, people do miss foot-guns. Me not being a masochist I can't really imagine how this must feels like, but as far as I can tell it's a rather vital urge. I honestly don't know how long it will take for engineers to get rid of all the horrific practices taught and enforced by previous tools but my gut feeling says it won't be a short time. One could only hope at this point ;)
@PeterVaro I think there always be two sides
the people who don't care and the people who care
fighting until the end of time
That sounds pretty much how human beings behave. We are our own biggest enemies. Yet we call our species intelligent..
imagine how boring it would be without us to fight us
I could get used to that sort of boring, actually
11:39 AM
Yes, I'm all in for putting footguns away. But there are better ways to convey that.
With the use of more guns presumably :upside_down_smile:
Hmm, I just found out that closed "using Rust with Go and GC" was discussed at Meta.
Bah, it was another pointless drama post anyway.
We weren't even involved in the closure.
11:56 AM
imagine, meta fail, now the OP gonna do a TwitLonger, I'm afraid !
the question is too funny thanks you
2 hours later…
2:03 PM
With Game Off 2020 starting, it's time to think about the s t a c k .
I wonder if Bevy's web support is stable enough to do stuff.
Nope, it's not.
2:31 PM
@E_net4iscleaningup why not?
oh, web support
Ah, I still need to give it another look. I'll check out the repo to see what has changed. I wanted to implement the (dual) Kawase blur [1] some time ago as part of user interface in Bevy — perhaps someone knows of even better alternative blurring algorithms?

1. https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/videos/improving-real-time-gpu-based-image-blur-algorithms-kawase-blur-and-moving-box-averages.html
Really looking forward to see what WebGPU will mean for the web to be honest. Apple and others seem incredibly optimistic about supposed performance improvements.
2:57 PM
@DenysSéguret slumming it up today?
@Shepmaster I'm not sure of what you mean here with "slumming". I was just randomly passing by on this channel
I mean that you are hanging out in Discord
The infinite integer question is clearly a XY and OP will die trying to use it with an Integer trait...
> is 0 considered infinite too ?
3:14 PM
now I wonder if I should be hanging out on discord so I don't miss the action
too random in my opinion
I forgot my password anyway
"The infinite integer" that sound like a good name
@Stargateur infiniteger
In-vinagre integer?
3:28 PM
I'm lost here
I spend most of the time on discord... closing questions as duplicates
You have an interesting superpower. Can you close mandates as duplicates ?
I can make people close their eyes but it takes few seconds
That's easy, we all know how to be boring to non techie people
@DenysSéguret This hurts
4:21 PM
stackoverflow.com/q/64635249/155423 — Needs details or clarity
4:47 PM
@E_net4iscleaningup OK, thanks for the info!
5:24 PM
mod preview;
mod preview_state;
mod zero_len_file_view;

pub use {
This bothers me. I feel like I should have a less verbose and dryer way to write this.
And the fact I can "factorize" use but not mod doesn't make it look better.
5:36 PM
damm I hate question that end with RFTM
I'm the one who complains about crate with not enough documentation and this make me feel bad when I ask for documentation but people don't read it
@DenysSéguret that not very much important
but I think you can do pub use in the mod
and do pub mod
@Stargateur I don't understand this sentence
(or it's not the same and you need the complete path when using)
forget it
In other news, I use bacon all the time. It's obviously production ready
@DenysSéguret Perhaps TRWTF is having to list the mods explicitly in the parent module rather than just look for the presence of ---__init__.py---mod.rs. ;-)
5:53 PM
Perhaps. not sure about this one. Maybe an explicit but more concise syntax would be possible, for example something like mod *;
True, then that'd be more opt-in.
6:12 PM
@sachinverma Hello!
I'm thinking to start with rust
but im skeptical. I wasted a lot of time with scala. and companies here hire mostly on node and .net
Well, there's a certain amount of personal coding investment many programmers do that isn't directly related to the industry today, but will be in future.
i mean the language is really cool. but getting job is also something we need to do right
I think good companies respect people who know Rust well, even if it's not what the team actually uses for day-to-day work.
6:15 PM
@sachinverma I don't know what you mean by "wasted time" necessarily, but if you're looking for a hireable skill, Rust isn't necessarily it. It depends on what area you're trying to get a job in (geographically and technologically)
oh i wasn't that much word focussed here..
Not to get religious or anything, but I think people who love Rust care more about code correctness than people who love, say, PHP.
i mean i invested a lot of time
I've spent this whole year learning and coding Rust in my personal projects, but my day job isn't Rust-based.
yeah i've looked through rust syntax.. it seems cool.. also seems go has stolen its usp's
6:18 PM
@DenysSéguret Sometimes I have similar thoughts but I love the Rust's module system so much that I tend to forgive the slight clunkiness of the syntax. As Stargateur said, if there would be a use mod m::o;, that would certainly solve this issue, but at the same time it would introduce other headaches, such as ambiguity in the syntax: you could do separate mod and use or combine them -- which one to prefer? IMO having one way of doing things (even if those are less beautiful) is better
@sachinverma Some companies don't necessarily care what languages you already know as long as you show a willingness to learn. Especially if you're applying for entry level positions where the hires are not really expected to be experts in anything yet.
@sachinverma Rust's charm isn't the syntax, it's the trait system, the memory safety model, the coherence model, etc. It makes you think about programming in a whole new (at least, new for most mainstream programmers) way.
Plus, no other language has the Serde library.
Some might see that you have studied a variety of languages and take it as a positive that you've gone beyond the pale in search of experience
yeah i'm a college passout and facing the same. issue. they are willing to give me entry positions only.
And then, some might see Rust and Scala and think "yeah that's great but we're really looking for someone who can write Java" and not give a second look.
6:23 PM
its dissappointing to see scala trend declining
shouldn't more languages adapt rust mem management model.
6:36 PM
@trentcl Those are not the places a good engineer wants to work for, IMHO.
@sachinverma I don't know what features you consider part of Rust's memory management model, but most mature languages probably do not benefit that much from adding new features.
@ChrisJester-Young No disagreement here. But they certainly exist, and one may well encounter more than one of them while job hunting.
@trentcl I'd say things like Rust's definition of soundness (and what's undefined behaviour), and the many-read-one-write enforcement in safe Rust code.
@trentcl I've encountered many such companies. Those companies don't get a second look from me, but I guess a new graduate does not have the same latitude.
If it can make you feel better, I just hired a young programmer for a permanent position, mostly to write java now, but I had the absolute requirement that he should know Rust well enough. Some companies do care.
@ChrisJester-Young Those are definitely great things about Rust, but most existing languages address the problems they solve in different ways. Grafting references and a borrow checker onto Python would not be to Python's advantage.
(Python does really need enums though :-P)
@DenysSéguret Oh yes, it shows you know a certain way of thinking. My day job is in Ruby, but I would look highly upon anyone who knows Rust well. (Whether such a person wants to work for a Ruby house, is another story, of course.)
@trentcl You can probably make a sealed-types metaclass for Python. :-P
@trentcl But yes, most mainstream languages today solve this using a managed execution model, with garbage collection, etc. Rust tries to solve this without requiring managed execution, and that is very commendable.
6:57 PM
On that topic, the orange site's list of open jobs is very interesting this month for non crypto rust coders
@DenysSéguret But but but Rust crypto is what I'm all about! 😝 (Seriously, though, it's awesome that Rust is getting more traction in the job market.)
2 hours later…
8:54 PM
Is there a variant of BufReader (or another solution) letting you read lines into &str or strings but not crashing when the stream has no EOF or newlines ?
@DenysSéguret How do you know when to stop reading?
upper limit in bytes or chars
@DenysSéguret ah, yeah, that's a problem
The biggest problem is there's no streaming UTF-8 decoder in std, so you can only stringify entire buffers
There might be a crate for that.
finding the last char boundary before the \n or buffer end is what makes the whole painful to code
I'll probably build something using this: stackoverflow.com/a/35328573/263525
9:11 PM
@trentcl I half-beg-to-differ
@Shepmaster oh, right, there is one, but not public, right?
or something like that
@trentcl I'm thinking mostly of something like stackoverflow.com/a/41455277/155423
But by no means is it a drop-in thing
I used it for a bit of playing around recently — gist.github.com/shepmaster/…
Which I now realize I never even pushed anywhere.
basically it's a streaming UTF-8 buffer ;-)
For my use case, I'll just find the last char boundary before either end of buffer or newline, then try a to_utf8 conversion on that. If it's not utf8 then it's not meant to be displayed in my case
assert... todo :)
Thank you. Going to sleep.
@Shepmaster It feels like there should be a way to write something like that on top of BufRead without requiring an extra buffer (i.e., leaving the unconsumed bytes in place)
But I don't think you actually can because of BufRead's finicky interface.
9:26 PM
@trentcl Oh, maybe. In my case, I wanted to use const generics so that everything could be on the stack
(also to play with const generics)
Note that I took Read, not BufRead
so there's no extra buffer
Yeah, makes sense
(Hmm, actually, maybe you could do it with BufRead, since you only need the first byte to know the length of the sequence... /ponder)
I think the biggest problem with a streaming UTF-8 thing, right now, is...
2 hours later…
11:13 PM
@trentcl In case anyone else is curious, I have spent way too much time on this, and have realized that it only works if you're OK with occasionally kind-of losing non-UTF8 bytes.

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