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04:00 - 18:0019:00 - 20:00

Why is the following the expected behaviour of str::split?
let v: Vec<&str> = "".split('X').collect();
assert_eq!(v, [""]);
I would surely expect to have an empty vector
I've spent a lot of time upgrading the doc of Termimad. I really like the doc system, it really well thought.
@DenysSéguret termimad?
@PeterVaro an unimportant crate that I made for my own needs. It gets more stars on github than expected, so I figured I should document it
For when you are mad at your terminal
@Shepmaster LOL :)
@DenysSéguret don't be silly, there's no such thing as an "unimportant" side project
anyway, looks interesting
@DenysSéguret I wonder if there's an easy way to run a spell / grammar checker against the prose. I see some things right at the beginning
PR welcome ^^
@PeterVaro The use cases are quite limited though
Yeah, I figured that'd be a response
but yes I should be less lazy on the spell checking / grammar side
@DenysSéguret Which is why I wonder if there's some tool
Cause it's not worth checking the contents of code blocks
Most of the problem isn't the tool but that I don't master the language
I eagerly wait for when the universal language comes to be Italian... I'll feel more at ease
Not sure I'll see that, though
@DenysSéguret Over @E_net4isoutofcommentflags's dead Esperanto body.
Esperanto is dead. Even Italian is more probable as a lingua franca
(I learnt both but I remember only Italian)
Looking at SO jobs. This kind of things in the "Benefits" hurts when you're French
"10 days of paid leave"
It's per month, right ?
@DenysSéguret +100
wow, that sounds like slavery, really
Next you are gonna say you don't have to pay outrageously for healthcare
@E_net4isoutofcommentflags you sound just like when my 2 yo son managed to grab my keyword
(that was my son, obviously)
04:00 - 18:0019:00 - 20:00

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