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Q: C# WebApi sending a request from Global.asax resulting in a 404

RSHI have a situation where I'm attempting to keep my web api application alive by sending a request to an MVC controller in the Api. I am getting the url in the Application_BeginRequest method in the Global.asax, then basically disassembling the URL and constructing it to hit a known controller met...

Are you aware of the Auto-Start feature? Seems like you might be trying to emulate it?
Not sure about what you're seeing, but I've had issues like this due to the hosts file or DNS not being configured properly on the deployment webserver. I always write a secret and protected developers-only page where I can put tools to help debug in production. One of the things that is useful to put there is a form where you can put in any url, have the server request it, and echo out the results.
The issue is that I am loading quite a bit of data into server-side cache, 20 minutes after the last request the application sleeps (in iis) so the next request hits the method that loads the cache all over again resulting in a long wait time for that unlucky user.
So I found somebody who was experiencing the same problem and this was the method he suggested.
UPDATE: I found that if I remove the exact code I'm using to make the request and put it in a console application it works fine. In addition this works fine when I run the application in Visual Studio, but it doesn't when I deploy it to the QA server.
Yeah, Auto-Start is a relatively new feature and I believe it would address your use case. Another possibility would be to use self-host rather than IIS (which can just run as a console app and be always on). Keepalive requests are simply not how IIS was designed to work. Your latest comment makes me think its almost certainly either a hosts file or DNS issue and has nothing to do with IIS, c#, or web api.
Unfortunately we are not running IIS 7.5...and I dont have access to the QA or Production Servers.
Thanks for taking this to chat RSH but like I said, I don't think I can help you any further. If the QA server won't hit itself then its likely a DNS issue
which has nothing to do with your app
You mention the hosts file, is there a way to modify my host file ta make this work? or am I better off making a console app and using windows scheduler to kick it off every 10 minutes?
ok thank you for your insight
the hosts file would be on the server, if you can log into it you can see how its configured
it has nothing to do with programming, more system administration of the server
any idea what I might be looking for?
not really, but what you can try is RDP to the server and see if you can ping your site
if you cannot, then a system administrator who understands your network should be able to take it from there
you need to verify whether its possible to hit your site from the QA server at all
does that make sense?
we are trying it now
no its saying it can find the site
if it can't find the site then this is a sysadmin issue
okay I will email them... THANKS!
no problem

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